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Item Goiânia uma cidade de migrantes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2002-02-15) Alves, Maria de Lourdes; Miziara, Fausto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3275079358565458; Miziara, Fausto; Duarte, Lyz Elizabeth Amorim M.; Batista, Carlos MarcosThis dissertation analyses the migrations to Goiânia, Objecting your factors, in several historical moments. Firstly, it is necessary to built a theorical model that be able to explain the question of people’s migration in some important moments of the Brazilian history. Secondly, it is necessary to study the occupation s process of Goiás, analysing the several points of expansion of the frontiers in the state: they have in common the fact of them be expansion’s mechanisms of processes situated in dynamic centres of the country. Each on of these processes is particularly analysed, in your specification and adequation to the theorical model proposed. Finally, is mad a quick retrospective about the historical trajectory of Goiânia, and the immigrants arrival, since the Goiânia s building until the 90 s of the 20th century analysing important question like the beginning of the migrations to Goiânia city, and the great growth of the city due to these migrations.Item Escola sem limites: violência, indisciplina e autoridade docente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2003-09-26) SILVA, José Maria e; LIMA, Dalva Maria Borges Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5291000127026087Recognizing that violence and indiscipline in schools involve multiple causes (cultural, socioeconomic and psychosocial), this paper seeks to analyze these phenomena in the face of teaching authority. To accomplish this, individual and open interviews were conducted with public school teachers of the Great Goiania. We tried to include teachers in the beginning of their careers, with intermediate teaching time and about to retire, from different areas of knowledge. This paper discusses theoretically the main concepts of violence, especially the symbolic violence of Michaud, opting for the adoption of a concept that considers especially physical violence. The concept of discipline is discussed from the work of Durkheim, along with the work of Yves de la Taille. Field work suggests that the outbreak of violence in schools, marked by impunity, may be stretching the limits mentioned by De la Taille, preventing the exercise of authority by the teacher with consequent injury to student learning.Item Ciência e tecnologia e as alterações nas formas de sociabilidade: um estudo sobre o software MSN messenger(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-03-11) Peixoto, Adrielle Beze; Rabelo, Francisco Chagas Evangelista; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3994475259808096This research studies the changes in sociability caused by science and technology. In order to reach our goal, we analyzed the software MSN Messenger in regards to its use in the business administration area and by an interpersonal communication group. For these studies we used theories that emphasize the aspects of face/without face interaction, the importance of form for the groups which were analyzed. We tried to map the history of science and technology development in the state of Goiás and the effort of the government to fight the digital exclusion. However, we found members of the society who are highly qualified, therefore making use of the information technologies in their daily life, this enabled us to get to know the inner aspects of each group, as well as their specific characteristics. The application of theories was done through the analysis of interviews and dialogues which furnished us the structure and application of the groups and also the influence of the MSN Messenger over the sociability forms of their members.Item Goiás, patrimônio da humanidade: aproveitamento socialmente compartilhado ou exclusão social?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-04-30) Fraga, Ademar Duarte; Nunes, Jordão Horta; http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4708025H2; Nunes, Jordão Horta Nunes; Rabelo, Francisco Chagas Evangelista; Woortmann, Ellen FensterseiferThis study aims to consider how insertion’s process of the historic site of the City of Goiás in the World Heritage reference framework, by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and, perceived as a symbolic capital of socially shared mode, the historic heritage delimits an area in which its social agents take positions and redefines cultural life and the destiny of this city. The theme’s choice results of our exploratory inquiries about City of Goiás’ daily that indicated the reordering of urban, due this process, updates, in that heritage’s area, the symbolic structures of social and political order dating back to the colonial order. Are unconscious principles, anchored in the old ways of life, which legitimize unequal distribution of social capital inherent in the collective heritage and establish new expressions of power based on traditionalism. The analysis includes the conformation and demarcation of the heritage's area, as well as its relationship with the Ethos of traditionalism and, also, the empirical basis, through interviews and questionnaires applications, such as people's perceptions correlate material and symbolic deprivations with distribution's form of modalities of capital represented by the historic heritage and the very title of World Heritage.Item Políticas sociais em Goiás (1995-2002): os programas cesta básica de alimentos e renda mínima(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-08-23) FARIA, Mary-nise; FERREIRA, Denise Paiva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0144446693015854This study analyzes a governmental social policy, implemented in Goiás from 1995 to 2002. The study focus on two programs: Apoio às Famílias Carentes (1995 to 1998) and Renda Cidadã (1999 to 2002). Through this analysis, the similarities and the differences between the design of the two programs, as well as the possible advances and innovations introduced into the scenario of the governmental social policies in Goiás were established, specially during a moment of decentralization of the social policies in the country. For the purpose of analysis and discussion, a reexamination of the literature was done in order to achieve the various approaches concerning historical conditions and the proper perspectives of the social policies and programs. The case study, as an empiric approach technique for the analysis of the main point of research, allowed the use of the following research techniques: semi-structured interviews, documental research, use of statistical data and observation. The results show an advance both of the mechanisms and the form of implementation of social policies and programs in Goiás. There is no doubt that such programs have the goal of improving the lives of destitute families. However, despite their importance in a context of destitution, there are indications that they were not able to reach the totality of the target public in Goiás destitute families who earn one minimum salary or less. As a consequence, it became difficult to achieve the goals of fighting against the poverty in the State. This persistent scenario of poverty, not only in Goiás, but in the whole country of Brazil, shows that there is a great deal of work left to do in order to minimize the social differences, specially poverty.Item Mulher, poder e política: representação política e lei de cotas nas eleições em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-09-23) Souza, Adjane Rodrigues de; Borges, Pedro Célio Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7554830885023925; Borges, Pedro Célio Alves; Rocha, Maria José Pereira; Amaral, Custódia Selma Sena doThis study approaches the female representation on politic issues in Goiás from 1992 a 2002 under the perspective of women´s participation on the political field since the cotes law was created in 1995. This law had as the main objective to increase iquality between genders and increase female presence in elections. The analisis is supported by the notions of “identity” described by Manuel Castells, and “politic representation” and “male´s domination” by Pierre Bourdieu. In the search for comprension of the relations among women, power and politics and, to show the importance of discussing transformations occurred in female representations in Goiás, we divided this study in three chapters which discuss the structural limits of female representation; the nature of this politic of cotes, and, writh an empiric basis, characterize the changes in the scenery on the reagion´s politics. Finally, this study identifys the roles performed by females in political issues of Goiânia and it shows the strong presence of the first-ladies in females positions.Item A terceirização no trabalho bancário: implicações materiais e simbólicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-11-07) CARVALHO, Josué Pires de; NUNES, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535The study aims to discuss the outsourcing process marked by the call restructuring process that began around the last quarter of the twentieth century. Thus, from the cooling process of accumulation Fordist / Keynesian Concomitant with the development of flexible forms of production sustained in revival of liberalism, we seek to understand the socioeconomic context in which outsourcing takes place, and then investigate their impact on social relations work in order that the use of outsourcing is a strategy flexible organization of production and work. The attention to the fact that in the midst of capitalist restructuring turns out a significant growth services sector (including in relation to the absorption of manpower) over a relative shrinkage in the agricultural and industrial sectors, directs the focus of empirical research for the "production" of services, especially in the subsector banking. Moreover, this approach is due to some lack of studies on the sector services in Brazil, by the sociology and economics work. Part empirical occurred through conducting a case study in a bank official which houses workers on staff and outsource its dependencies. The survey results point to aspects such as: fragmentation union representation, identity conflicts between contractors and banks, upward immobility of outsourcing, wage reductions of direct and indirect workers, contractors who develop end-activities of the acquiring bank, weakening of the employment relationship and so on. Regarding the theoretical foundation, the study is guided by the notions of productive restructuring; "capital symbolic ", elaborated by Bourdieu, of" regulated citizenship "discussed by Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos; "new social question", discussed by Castel; work identities from the perspective of Claude DubarItem Opção mágica: conversão de kardecista à umbanda na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-31) BELMONT, Rafael Neves Flôres; SILVA, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2026902199057983Umbanda is conceived in the connection between popular cults and Spiritism and Candomble, and it is established in the scope of the big towns. For one side, there is a trying of getting white , or civilizing these services putting them together to the kardecist doctrine. For the other side, this doctrine itself has searched in the African sources ritualistic and of possession roots, in a moment of getting black . In this way, making part of these two movements, it appears Umbanda, which nowadays in Brazil can not be seen as homogeneous, but such as a ritualistic and doctrinaire complex that, despite the differences, has kept in itself a ritual and mediúnica line. In other words, the all deformed that we name Umbanda has established as a way of identity a mediunic continuum. In the extremities of this continuum are, by one side, Candomble, on the other side, Spiritism. In this way, talking about the kardecists converting to Umbanda it is to talk about a location changing in the mediunic continuum. To analyze this conversion requests, although, the understanding of how this changing is established in the practice, what doctrinaire and ritualistic elements influence it and how it is deal. So, it was noticed that the ritual is the top of the non-according between the two religions in the present work, Kardecismo and Umbanda. It is in the difference between these rituals, its doctrinaire code, and, mainly in the way of how people participate, that the conversion will settle and solidify.Item As imagens da cultura política brasileira em A carteira de meu tio de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-06-13) CARNEIRO JÚNIOR, Nelson; RIOS, Sebastião Correa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7078983629857043The novel A carteira de meu tio, written by Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, shows the reality of Brazilian political culture during 19th century. The book makes radiography of political customs, using symbols and allegories that re-affirm the image of country with a low consistence in representatives and institutional political space exiguous in function of predominance of privilege of clients. The allegories presented in the book A carteira de meu tio, refers to the constitution of 1824, are the starting point of this research that realizes a social interpretation of a literary work, showing how this one present important representations to analyzes of society. This essay intends to study how cultural aspects from national political culture presents in A carteira de meu tio are appropriated by literary representation and historical and social production. Literature is the support that will allow revealing the images elaborated by the author and through historical part and a social analyzes, we will show what exist besides the present speeches in literary work about the purpose of the research. The representation of the imperial constitution of 1824 in A carteira de meu tio, by Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, symbolizes and presents political practices realized in Second Empire Government and the images of political activity in Brazil The conception of political citizenship and the role taken by political institutions in the country during 1853 to 1865 are evaluated as decisive elements in consolidation of a national political culture.Item O gênero na escola: a educação física em questão.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-21) SANTOS, Jeferson Moreira do; ALMEIDA NETO, Luiz Mello de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1951913717385648Schools are important places for the formation of identities, as students stay there four hours per day, 200 days per year, for many years of their lives, during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. In this environment, physical education is distinguished as the discipline which works systematically with the elements of the corporal culture. During the accomplishment of this dissertation, I perceived that the way by which teachers and students conceive the objectives of the lessons of physical education influences directly in the way gender questions are shown in pedagogical practice. When the conceptions of the classes are merely linked to the aspect of sports teaching, working with emphasis only in physical valences - force and agility -, the participation and the learning of female students and of those students who do not correspond to the standards of hegemonic masculinity is decreased. Therefore, the reorganization of the classes seems important, regarding the diversification of the contents of lessons and the way by which they are taught, in order to promote the learning of all the students, instead of the non-critical reproduction of physical activities that can be carried through in any social space, disarticulated from the values that guide the pedagogical proposal of the school. At last, but not less important, the research demonstrated that female students feel a sort of fear during the classes and that they would prefer that the students were separated by their biological gender in these classes, as a way of guaranteeing their physical integrity. However, this does not mean that this separation is the only way (neither it is the most desirable) to guarantee the participation and the learning of the female students, as these objectives can be reached by a gender equity orientated performance of the professors, including the physical education ones.Item Novos envelhecimentos: um estudo sobre as transformações e rearranjos da modernidade na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-22) Nascimento, Ana Júlia Rodrigues do; Rabêlo, Francisco Chagas Evangelista; http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4788040Z4; Rabêlo, Francisco Chagas Evangelista; Faleiros, Vicente de Paula; Souza, Marta Rovery deThis paper aims to show the new ways to live the ageing population process, offered by various transformations in which the society is going through over the time. We believe that such changes are governed by modernity and globalization, where society sudden has to modify their ways to act, think and live the everyday-life. These changes promote new forms of sociability and conflicts, both among the elderly as in other age groups of the population. This is evident from some factors such as the search for institutions to promote the meeting of the elderly, the creation of the Statute of the Elderly, new types of family, the monoparents ones, the sole traders, the female leadership, the return to the labour market, the permanence in the same, the informal employment among this public, caused by the fact that many of them do not follow the changes that the labour market and its rules require: the preparation school, expertise, training, foreign language. After all, there's no way to compete on an equal equation with people of other age groups, beyond the physical limitations that the aged body has, selecting only a few posts of job for the elderly. We showed with this range of information, that the age’s transformations point the necessity of revision of the priorities on the public agenda and the social politics to be developed and, still, in the academic discussions that allude to this subject for reflection of tremendous amounts of changes. We also showed along this study how sociological production treats the issue of elderly in actuality, making correlations with relevant themes of social sciences, such as issues of gender, family, generational, urban sociology, of modernity, educational and economic discrepancies. Finally, we also showed how we can not make equal such heterogeneous issues, such as population ageing process and all the changes in contemporary society.Item A polícia goiana e o distrito Zero: representações sobre a violência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-26) LOPES, Victor Hugo Gomes; LIMA, Dalva Maria Borges Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5291000127026087Violence and public security are daily approached by mass communication vehicles. Considering violence a symbolic power, the journalists field can either meet or diverge from the public security operators field. The objective of this study is to identify the possible relations between those two fields concerning urban violence. This work also tries to investigate whether the information control about what is violence becomes an object of tension between the fields. In order to verify it, qualitative data were gathered through the analysis of texts from the column Distrito Zero, published on Diário da Manhã newspaper. The mentioned analysis was crossed with semi-structured interviews with civil and military policemen of Goiás, Brazil. This research identified similarities and differences in the way to represent violence and public security, proving that tension between the fields is due to the necessity of control about what should be considered violent.Item A polícia goiana e o distrito zero: representações sobre a violência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-26) Lopes, Victor Hugo Gomes; Souza, Dalva Maria Borges de Lima Dias de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5291000127026087; Souza, Dalva Maria Borges de Lima Dias de; Porto, Maria Stela Grossi; Rabêlo, Francisco Chagas EvangelistaViolence and public security are daily approached by mass communication vehicles. Considering violence a symbolic power, the journalists’ field can either meet or diverge from the public security operators’ field. The objective of this study is to identify the possible relations between those two fields concerning urban violence. This work also tries to investigate whether the information control about what is violence becomes an object of tension between the fields. In order to verify it, qualitative data were gathered through the analysis of texts from the column Distrito Zero, published on Diário da Manhã newspaper. The mentioned analysis was crossed with semi-structured interviews with civil and military policemen of Goiás, Brazil. This research identified similarities and differences in the way to represent violence and public security, proving that tension between the fields is due to the necessity of control about what should be considered violent.Item Jovem e violência: processos de socialziação na sociedade contemporânea(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-09-28) SOUSA, Odileia Carmo de; LIMA, Dalva Maria Borges Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5291000127026087Item Turismo e patrimônio cultural em Pirenópolis: uma análise dos efeitos sobre a vida social(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-09-30) Mendonça, Juliana de Pina; Rabêlo, Francisco Chagas Evangelista; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3994475259808096; Rabêlo, Francisco Chagas Evangelista; Borges, Pedro Célio Alves; Farias, Édson Silva; Nunes, Jordão HortaThe present work intends to contribute sociologically to the study of the tourism and to the analysis of its effects on the social life. The starting point is to analyse the tourism like a cultural phenomenon that takes place in Pirenópolis-Goiás-Brazil and produces changes in his daily life. So, the cultural inheritance and the environment become targets of political speeches what there proposes a tourism based on the sustainability, this concept that it is vague, not neuter and maneuverable. In this sense new agents are shaped and, through his actions, structure new practices and produce the change both in the material aspect and in the symbolic one, or, on the contrary, they reinforce the traditions, since the pirenopolino has a tendency to react with resistance, creativity or hostility. In this way, conflicts have a tendency to appear of the interpersonal relations between the residents, natives and non-natives, and the tourists, once what intentions, interests, behaviours, social practices, ways of life and divergent values coexist in the same environment serving to demarcate relations of proximity and distance between the groups. So, it will be possible to understand so much the meaning of the tourism for the town in his inner world, since the present inquiry looks to give emphasis to the social and cultural dimension of the phenomenon, analysing the social relations between native/non-native and visiting/visited in the same space and context.Item Política e espaço urbano: controvérsias e definições da política urbana em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-08) RODRIGUES, Juliano Martins; BORGES, Pedro Célio Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7554830885023925In this dissertation we themed the urban policy in the country through the changes restored since the 1988 Constitution and the adoption of the Statute of the City in 2001, with main focus on the strengthening of the municipal level. We understand the urban policy as a social construction able to comprehend a set of social, economic, political and cultural dynamics in the city, therefore directly linked of socio-space organization of cities, such as Goiania. The adopted approach was especially based on theoretical and conceptual propositions of Henri Lefebvre, which think the social problems of the city at the center of the determinations of urban policy and the social production of space. For this conception we articulate the understanding derived of Pierre Bourdieu s concepts, who had taken the city as a symbolic sphere of production, which the coexistence of speeches, interests, conflicts and consensuses answer for the elaboration of instruments of planning and urban management. The study focused on empirical analysis, based at the confluence of urban reform with the development of the Managing Plan of Goiania, approved in 2007. Through this appreciation we could understand the logic and the mechanisms to convert the instruments of control of the occupation and use of land in a field of struggle, which the actors shape social interests, strategies and speeches that define them as political agents in the city.Item Ação coletiva e movimento GLBT em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-08) URANY, Alírio Melo; NUNES, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535This paper conducts an investigation of the collective action organized by the LGBT movement in Goiania, seeking to demystify the character of uniqueness attributed to it, giving rise to the development of an interpretive framework capable of perceiving the plurality of actors and logics of action. I use Bourdieu's concept of habitus to view the process of aggregation of individuals, as well as the formation of homosexual identities positioned in a relationship of rulers and ruled in a heteronormative hegemonic social order. But how to systematize the LGBT movement in Goiania seeks to promote the struggle for positive recognition, is to present a breakdown of its social power into internal, semi-external and external. This allows you to view a schematic circuit energies of formation of networks of solidarity, used to maintain the cohesion of the social force within the field of LGBT activism. It is also evident that the agents are not in harmony, since that produce new hierarchies within the field of activism LGBT, but also tend to control the voltages to allow the maintenance and expansion of the field.Item Risco e consumo: a construção da identidade a partir do lixo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-13) CUNHA, Marina Roriz Rizzo Lousa da; BORGES, Pedro Célio Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7554830885023925Item Insegurança: as práticas e discursos do medo na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-18) FRATTARI, Najla Franco; LIMA, Dalva Maria Borges Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5291000127026087In the large cities the violence and fear are increasingly presenting as conditioning factors of space and urban life. In this context, the socio segregation phenomenon appears as striking, producing a number of the social, cultural and space of major proportions. This study problematizes these issues and aims to capture the feeling of insecurity of the residents of the city of Goiânia, as well as practical responses to the uncertainty, expressed in everyday life, in attitudes, ways of living, attitudes and relationships with the public space.Item Um dilema feminino: o câncer de colo do útero(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-17) AMORIM, Linamar Teixeira de; SOUZA, Marta Rovery de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1155042579123151The treatment of uterine cancer, a slow-growing form of the disease, is particularly effective in regard to precursor lesions. In order to understand this illness from the perspective of health sociology, this study focused on women afflicted with uterine cancer. Semi-structured interviews were employed in an attempt to perceive these women s representations. The interviews revealed the coexistence of positive and negative aspects in experiences with cancer and confirmed the stigma borne by both the illness and the treatment. Results showed that public health policies and available health services need to complement individual prevention measures in attributing priority to information about the illness and the treatment, thus covering all dimensions of people s lives. This conclusion highlights the need for a humanized health system that guarantees access to quality health services and exposes the interface between sociology and health, which is essential for the promotion of humanization within the sociocultural context of the health-illness process.