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Item A expansão das licenciaturas e da Educação Superior em Goiás: privatização, interiorização e estadualização (1997-2006)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-09) ADORNO, Patrícia da Silva Fernandes; LOUREIRO, Walderes Nunes; dissertation takes part of the research line State and Educational Policies and has as aim to understand the expansion of Higher Education, specially of majoring in teaching courses, in Goiás, in the context of Brazilian educational policies after Law 9394, from 1996 (Law of Guidelines and Basis of Brazilian Education). The research begins with the contextualization of political and educational reforms implemented by MEC (Ministry of Education in Brazil) which carried out several changes in the organization, structuring and working of Higher Education institutions and redefined their role in Brazil. The subject matter is approached by means of a documental research, reflections about public policies for Higher Education in Brazil supported by the analysis of theoretical works in the area and documents which allowed establishing a dialogue with the researched facts. The conclusion of this investigation leads to the difference between Goiás and other Brazilian States: the expansion of majoring in teaching for Basic Education courses occurred both by means of a state controlled university movement into inner lands, which brought higher education courses to a lot of cities in the State, and by means of the offer of courses by Goiás State University (Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UEG), a public institution founded in 1999. This University made it possible to establish many Higher Education courses all over the state and is also responsible for the highest number of majoring in teaching courses in GoiásItem Eu também sou gente: Movimento de Adolescentes e Crianças e Educação Popular(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-21) ALBUQUERQUE, Klaus Paz de; CRUZ, José Adelson da; present work was developed according to the line of research Education, Work and Social Movements , of the Post-Graduate Program in Education, of the School of Education, of the Federal University of Goiás, with the objective of analyzing the possibility of realizing popular education with children and adolescents. In a qualitative perspective, the data was collected and analyzed through documental sources. The theoretical reference is based on the concepts of popular education and of child and of adolescent. Popular Education understood as political and class education. (BRANDÃO, 1994, 2006a; JARA, 1994; WANDERLEY, 1994). The terms child and adolescent comprehended according to the vision of Benjamin, i.e., as historical subjects, considering that popular and class education adapted to a population composed of children and youth, most of whom have some connection to social movements, necessarily envisions the child and the adolescent in a manner that diverges from the mainline comprehension of occidental capitalistic society. By presenting the difficulties that MAC faced dealing with the institutions that have been organized hierarchically and adult-centered for thousands of years, such as Church, family and school, this research confirmed that it is possible to realize popular education with children and adolescents.Item História e memória: um estudo sobre a violência na infância com base em relatos de idosos de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-28) ALMEIDA, Gizela Bastos da Mota; BARBOSA, Ivone Garcia; present dissertative paper presents the process and the result of a search named MEMORY AND HISTORY: : a study about violence in the infant based in the elderly report from Goiás. Articule in the search line of Formation and teaching Professionalization, mainly, the Politics Public project and Infant Education in Goiás: history, conceptions, projects amd practice, connecting the Program of Post- Graduation Mastery from the Faculdade de Educação/UFG, this study has as its goal know the repreentations and conceptions from the infant and the education, taken from elderly, citizens from São Luís de Montes Belos GO. Intended to investigate the caracteristcs of the education process of the children in the half first of the last century and the possible relation from violence establish in this process. Based on the social-historical view and dialectic, used the oral report and interview as the way of obtain information and necessary knowledge of the internalization from the object of investigation. The search universy constitute of 23 interviewed, 10 Sirs and 13 madams between 60 and 94 years old, and the collect of the datas happened in the period from 2005 to 2007. Tried, by the ways of the found analyses, understand the dinamic from the relation intrafamiliars, as the era of the education process, as the caracteristcs socialeconomics and politics from Goiás and the living in that historical period. The relation between parents and sons were the object of the investigation, mainly in the case that refers to the authority and the ways how they educated and corrected their sons. The way of the teaching in the State made interesting for the major understanding from the peculiar of the period and the context where the people from the search came from in their infant. In this way, tried to reveal the presence or not from violence in this phase of people life as well as express about the infant and education. The caracteristics of familiar life, of education and of the habit of the period ilustrate the representation of the infant in that period.Item Cidadania das pessoas com deficiência visual no Estado de Goiás ADVEG: trajetória, organização e discurso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-05-13) ALMEIDA, Rejane Cleide Medeiros de; ALMEIDA, Dulce Barros de; study is the result of an investigation carried out in the Master of Education program and it is linked to the research area of Teacher Training at the School of Education of Universidade Federal de Goiás. It focuses on Associação dos Deficientes Visuais do Estado de Goiás (ADVEG) (Association for the Visually Handicapped of Goiás State) in order to analyze the meaning attributed to the concept of citizenship. The study is based on the assumption that actions performed by the visually handicapped contribute to the formation of a political culture that is capable of promoting changes in their lives. This is especially true with regards to the emergence of citizen rights, a new concept of justice, and democratic practices. Theoretical references were extracted from the works of Almeida (1992; 2003), Cruz (2004; 2005), Dagnino (1994; 2002; 2004; 2006), Arendt (1989; 2001; 2007a; 2007b; 2007c; 2007d), and Gohn (1999; 2002; 2003; 2007a; 2007b). By recovering historical aspects of social movements, this research investigated characteristics of the trajectory of organization of visually handicapped people. The aim was to understand the dynamics of this trajectory and, above all, to reveal how this social condition is constructed, as far as the role these people attribute to citizenship is concerned. This study case consists of a qualitative empirical research involving twenty members of ADVEG and it employed semi-structured interviews, observations, and documental analysis in the city of Goiânia. Results indicate that the inclusion of visually handicapped people in the job market remains limited, which reveals a sense of citizenship composed of rights under the perspective of legal achievements previously defined by legislation. This is seldom put into practice, but it is linked to a strategy conveyed by dominant classes and by the State; this strategy aims at a social inclusion policy as a juridical and political condition that is crucial for the implementation of the reigning economic modelItem Concepção de infância e criança em Goiânia sob o olhar da assistência social(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-26) ALMEIDA, Renato Barros de; BARBOSA, Ivone Garcia; work, linked to the Teachers Training and Professionalization Research Line, of the School of Education (Post-Graduation Department), of the Federal University of Goiás, is also integrated into the Research Project "Public Policies and Education of Children in India: History, concepts and practical projects "developed by the Group for Study and Research for Children and their Education in Different Contexts (GEPIED). Our aim, based on an socio-historical dialectics approach, discuss the concepts of Childhood and Child, from the perspective of social assistance from its managing agency in Goiania, the Municipal Foundation for Community Development - FUMDEC from its facility in May, 1974 to 1997, when their actions aimed at children from zero to six years under LDBEN 1996 was transferred to the City Department of Education. We analyzed six programs and their projects in the period of 1987 to 1997. When basing the reflections in the f races of historical and social Brazil and Goiás reality, we got to childhood and child, and their presence in the Brazilian education as resulting of a socio-historical construction. We sought to reveal and analyze their meanings in Western society and yet how it was the formation of different senses of child / s: form helpless under ages and vulnerable to social child exclusion, as an individual bearer of rights. For this interpretation we resorted to policies for early childhood education in Brazil, and their contact with the Social Assistance and Educational School. Finally, we discuss the diversity of a more terminological than conceptual idea, Childhood and Children in Goiania under the assistance view we were able to demonstrate the great difficulty imposed on poor under ages to be, in fact, recognized as citizens children, people of rights and respect. The research also revealed that even with the advent of legal formulations of structural character as the Constitution of 1988, ECA, and LOAS LDBEN, which advocated a new conception of Childhood and Child, programs and projects analyzed incorporate only the formality of these new conceptions maintaining the essential concepts expressed in their justifications, aims and goals, remnants of a paternalistic tradition, which denotes the need for educational training of new habitus able to internalize culturally not only new conceptual classifications, but above all, the unfolding senses they desire.Item NÃO ESTUDOU, FICA NA ROÇA E VAI PRO CABO DA ENXADA : SENTIDOS E SIGNIFICADOS ATRIBUÍDOS À ESCOLA PELOS TRABALHADORES RURAIS EM GOIÁS(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-17) ALMEIDA, Rosivaldo Pereira de; CRUZ, José Adelson da; work "NOT STUDIED, IT IS IN AND GO PRO COUNTRYSIDE HOE HANDLE": SENSES AND MEANINGS ASSIGNED TO SCHOOL FOR WORKERS IN RURAL GOIÁS is a research project carried out of the Coordination Education, Labor and Social Movements of Post-Graduate Education, Federal University of Goias, in order to grasp the meanings assigned to the school by rural workers in Pennsylvania This is a case study from the municipality City of Goiás. José de Souza Martins is the theoretical study of the concept of rural workers and small owner, as well as the expansion of capital in countryside. Pierre Bourdieu contributes to better systematize the meanings and the meanings of school today. The research showed that the design of rural workers in the school's social advancement of their children and they found means to leave the country to city, especially by entering elementary school.Item Conselhos Municipais De Educação Em Goiás: Historicidade, Movimentos E Possibilidades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-24) ALVES, Edson Ferreira; ALVES, Miriam Fábia; A recusa do discurso instrumental e a formação autônoma em Rousseau(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-24) ALVES, Wilton da Conceição; GUIMARÃES., Ged; dissertation the refusal of the instrumental speech autonomous formation in Rousseau is descendant of a research undertaken beside to the Line of Research Educational Culture and Processes, of the Program of After- Graduation in Education of the FE/UFG. The research investigates the foundation of instrumental discourse in society and how this discourse is denied education autonomous Emilio de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The completion of this work has taught us that the denial of instrumental discourse is present in the work of the Genevan philosopher, although the author does not use that term. It is understood that the occurrence of instrumental education is through the shortcut and not a man to himself, capable of coping with various issues such as politics, education, cultural. Man reduced to the condition instrumental does not arise against barbarism, but undergoes and makes terrible atrocities. Hence the importance of an education for autonomyItem A música na formação inicial do pedagogo: embates e contradições em cursos regulares de Pedagogia da região Centro-Oeste(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-09-03) AQUINO, Thais Lobosque; NOGUEIRA, Monique Andries; present work had finally to investigate music in the initial background of pedagogue, under a perspective of analysis directed for the regular courses of Pedagogy in Brazilian s Center-West region. To discuss this phenomenon, revealed necessary to examine the history of the music education in Brazil, the trajectory of the Pedagogy course in this country, the limits and possibilities of pedagogue practice with the musical language, beyond empirically documentary analysis verifying through the presence of music in the curriculum of the 76 institutions that offer the course in regular regimen in Center-West region. Pedagogue is apprehended as professional responsible by the teaching to multidiscipline in the infantile education and initial series of basic education and, for this, charged of music in the respective levels. Thus, it is fundamental to offer him preparation in music already during its process of initial background. To the end, considers a guideline and proposals for quarrel that aims to supply subsidies for researches and projects pledged in creating new tonic about the multifaceted dialogue between pedagogue and music.Item O BARCO DA EDUCAÇÃO : História, Cotidiano e Educação em Santa Rosa do Purus - AC(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-22) ARAÚJO, Adelmar Santos de; PESSOA, Jadir de Morais; dissertation "THE EDUCATION BOAT : History, Life and Education in Santa Rosa do Purus is the result of taken near of Research Education Line, Work and Social Movements of the Graduate Program in Education of the FE / UFG. The relationship between history and everyday life of bordering of Alto Purus, was investigated in the research, from the middle of the twentieth century, trying to understand the tension macro-micro/history and how the school education is expressed in the process, particularly from 1992 , year that was established the municipality of Santa Rosa do Purus-AC. The fieldwork was done between January and October 2008 in Santa Rosa of Purus, with semi-structured interviews, inquiring about the school life of children of old and new residents of the municipal district. The main theoretical referencial is based on daily life studies in Agnes Heller, Henri Lefebvre, Fernand Braudel, Sônia Penin and Jadir Pessoa. With this research it cold be perceived that from the creation of Santa Rosa do Purus, the education school expressed the development of the region, although it has not been the main fact, it helped this population create new prospective to the improvement of living conditions in Alto Purus.Item O Caminho entre o Público e o Privado: Um Estudo de Contextualização da FIMES(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-02) ASSIS, Ita de Fátima Silva; AMARAL, Nelson Cardoso; study, which has as theme The path between the public and the Private: a study of the FIMES context , is settled in the Research area: State and Educational Policies of the Postgraduate Program in Education, Federal University of Goiás. It discusses and investigates the administrative classification and the legal nature of the educational institutions of Higher Education and, especially, the Fundação Integrada Municipal de Ensino Superior - FIMES, in relation to the public and private category. The research has as main objectives to reconstitute the FIMES history and to analyze the public/private relationship which permeates the origin of the Institution. The following research issues are raised: How has the sustainability of FIMES been planned since its origin? The higher education institutions which were created by the municipal public power but are not kept by it, are considered public or private? The theoretical-methodological reference focuses the educational legislation, both Brazilian and from the state of Goiás, as well as authors who have contributed to the debate related to educational policies, mainly those related to the politics which consolidates the public and the private relationship in the higher education. The investigation relies on the qualitative research, with the support of document analysis as well as semi-structured interviews, which were carried out with the subjects, who were involved with the project of the creation of FIMES: its idealization, settlement as an institution and the first years it operated. When bringing the institution history, the dilemma lived by FIMES is presented, since its origin, emphasizing the latest years, from 2006 on, in relation to the public/private category and the ways of financing the institution. A few possibilities are identified and analyzed using the current legislation, so as to solve this legal/institutional deadlock, which, however, depends on the decision of the Municipal Public Power, once the Institution was created by a municipal law, but it is maintained, among other projects, by students tuition.Item O jovem (não) gosta de ler: um estudo sobre a relação entre juventude e leitura(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-10-06) AURORA NETA, Maria; MELO, Orlinda Maria de Fátima Carrijo; research in qualitative perspective aims to investigate the relation of the young high school student with reading, from speech ahead that "the young doesn t like to read." So that, the three themes mentioned in the speech - the young, reading and the reader - are highlighted and put under analyse. According to this, the research inserted into Training and Professional Professor" aims, to analyze the speech considered the non-reading of young students, which is placed on the top of that work through the voices of 20 students from the 3rd grade at high school, students from Colégio Estadual Americo Antunes in São Luís de Montes Belos city, Goiás. The contributions come from theoretical studies of Cultural History with Chartier, Darnton and others, from three concepts: representations, practices and appropriations of reading that remains the history of reading and common readers. Other contributions come from of the Analysis studies of Speech by French Line, especially with Orlandi and with Abramo, Sposito among others, the studies from Teenager Sociology. So, as this research is committed to the education some studies involving this area are here by the authors: Silva, Soares, Freire and others. The discussions are crossed by a historic social and cultural perpective of the man and society which requires the movement of the senses and the process of verbal interaction between social subjects, thus, the contributions from studies on language by Bakhtin become important references. The dialogue with these theoretical contributions and with the voices from 20 students interviewed allowed to say that the young is reader and is, a linked with the reading of multiple texts both in formal spaces and informal too. Fact that point the needing to revisit and remeans the speech of "non-representation of reading" from teenagers, students, especially in school.Item Corpo, mercado e educação na perspectiva da teoria crítica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-26) BANDEIRA, Lílian Brandão; ZANOLLA, Silvia Rosa da Silva; Nas veredas do outro: subjetividade e educação em Emmanuel Lévinas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-24) BARBOSA, Flávio Alves; KORELC, Martina;; COELHO, Ildeu Moreira; recherche se trouve dans l axe de la Culture et Procedés Educationels ayant pour but l étude de la subjectivité et l éducation selon l oeuvre Totalité et l Infinit, d Émmanuel Lévinas. En s approchant de l idée de Lévinas, j interroge sur le sens de la subjetivité et de l éducation dans un monde remplie par la violence, indiférence, par des éxpériences d un videment détruisant des enfants, femmes et hommes, placés dans une situation limite, c est à dire, de défiguration de leur condition humaine. L archéologie des idées fondamentales de l oeuvre citée comme celles de l Ontologie, la Réprésentation, le Même, l Autre, le Visage, la Séparation, la Demeure et l Extériorité a démontré que la raison dans l Occident a soubi un procés d enchantement dans lequel, elle qui avant métait le monde mitique en question est devenue universelle par l auto-suffisance du Je pense en lui trasnformant en vérité en Je peux . Et encore, la raison a tellement insisté pour la liberté qu elle a fini pour construire une subjectivité que n a pas réussi aller au déla de soi même ; elle n a pas prévue dans son essence la responsabilité vis à vis de l autre. Les idées dévélopées par Lévinas, en Totalité et l Infinit rendent possible mettre en question l Éducation que met les idées à la place des personnes, absorbe les interlocuteurs et leur remplace par le thème, en se conformant à une négation de l éxtérieur par le rapport logique de la totalité et la réduction du savoir à un savoir objectif que perd son essence critique et finit par forgé un sujet incommunicable et renvoyé à soi même. Cette recherche, de nature bibliographique, interroge sur l oeuvre Totalité et Infini, en se mettant à l écoute de l auteur et d autres studieux de son oeuvre. Pour comprendre une réalité spécifique dans la perspective phénomènologie de Levinas, il faut renoncer à toute prétention de totalité, parce que l Autre ne se laisse pas prendre par aucun système, au contraire, il nous fait sortir du centre, nous libére et nous rend disponible pour les autres. Je conclue que le sens de la subjecticvité se trouve dans la réponse à être donné à l Autre, réponse non conforme et capable de créer une rupture dans le présent et de résistence à la Totalité. Alors, la subjectivité n est pas dans le retour à l Autre mais dans l accueille de l Autre ; et aussi que l Éducation doit être pensée en termes de l Èducation de l Autre, donnée par l Autre, que surpasse les limites de l être et le rend responsable par la vie dans toutes ces formes. Dans ces termes l Éducation et language et visage et doit tenir compte d une Éducation qui a pour embasement les compétences et les habilités établies par une sociéte sans temps et sans histoire. L Èducation c est l éxtériorité et l incontinue dans le rapport avec l Autre pour affirmer la singularité de l Autre humain et l Éducation en droits humains en tant que fondements de l Éducation.Item A sacralização da arte e do artista: seus mitos e desafios à prática docente em artes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-07-31) BARBOSA, Késia Mendes; NOGUEIRA, Monique Andries; following study, developed in the Teacher s Formation and Professionalization Line of research, analyses the relations among the sacralization of art and of the artist and the possible impediments to the good teaching practice in art. The concept of sacralization, based on Bourdieu s work, is considered as a field strategy and the result of a social-historical process of a net of relations that consecrates and mystifies the work of art and the artist besides causing their subtraction of the totality of life. Brazilian Education, specially in art teaching, equally suffered the curtailment promoted by the sacralization process, which is the impossibility of full esthetic development of the pupil and the teacher. In this context, the teaching function and the processes of professional formation of pedagogues and art licentiates are taken as motivators of the cultural practices, and investigated in a field reasearch of the ethnographic kind with teachers of the public and private system of education in Goiânia. It s possible to see that the conception of art sacralization is present since the story of life to the formation of teachers. The teaching practice is then evaluated once more, questioning the myths and challenges of the sacralization of the art and of the artist prposing, based on Bourdieu, that the fundamental thing in a dissacralization process is to develop the habitus of cultural practice, in which the esthetic experience is a condition and product of a deeper relationship with the world of art and, therefore, should be the primary role of the school.Item A formação docente na Universidade Estadual de Goiás: Unidade Universitária de Iporá(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-13) BARRETO, Maria Olinda; GUIMARÃES, Valter Soares; study, of qualitative perspective, is linked to the line of research Training of Teachers Education, from the Post-Graduate Program, at Faculty of Education from Universidade Federal de Goiás- UFG. Its thematic Teacher Training at the State University of Goias - Unit Iporá University. The aim of this research was to identify the projects and course development, issues related to teacher professionalism and identity, as well as the ramifications of this training on teachers' pedagogical practices and the improvement of education quality. Initially, we contextualize the politics of teacher education, highlighting the historical aspects, reforms the current perspectives. The Unidade Universitária of Iporá, Goiás, offers five undergraduate programs and it is the most responsible for teacher training not only in Iporá but also in other surrounding cities. Considering the great challenges facing the profession and teacher training, this research has been developed taking as a starting point, the study of the influence and the role of the Universidade Estadual de Goiás-UEG, in the teacher education. The analysis of this institution considered some points: first, its creation as a proposed government, secondly, its sprawl and, thirdly, the precariousness of working conditions and their consequences for teacher training. This research was made by the method of dialectical historical materialism. The theoretical basis to understanding the concept of teacher training is based largely on Sacristán, Nóvoa, Guimarães, Pimenta, Libâneo, Brzezinski, Saviani, Toschi and Veiga. The investigation was performed by analysis of the Pedagogic Projects of courses, the study of the National Curriculum Guidelines and other laws on the subject and from the data obtained from interviews with teachers, trainers and a focus group with students from Geography, History, Literature and Mathematic course who are already teachers. The research highlights the fragility of the proposals expressed in the training courses and in educational projects as well as an incipient discussion of the profession and the teaching profession. We emphasize that despite the institutional weaknesses, the testimony of the students point out to significant changes in teaching practice and in the adherence to the profession, after the training courses offered.Item A ênfase na aprendizagem e a educação contemporânea(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-08-31) BASTOS, Rachel Benta Messias; MIRANDA, Marilia Gouvea de; study, tied to line of research of Culture and Educational Processes, aims to discuss the learning and some of its appropriations in contemporary education. Understanding learning as a universal category subject to historical particularities, this literature and exploratory study was proposed to seize ownership of education nowadays, by reference (1) the guidelines that govern macropolitical education and (2) Master's dissertations in education (1990 - 2000). The emphasis on learning has been identified in the documents studied, in particular the reports to Learn to be Aprender a ser (1970) and Education: The Treasure Within Educação: um tesouro a descobrir (1990), which were proposed as a new education, geared towards the action of the individual student and individualization of the educational processes , focusing on the subject, and also in the discourse sought to justify the need for change, referring to new paradigms of learning, learning to learn. Learning was cited as an important category in 71.2% of the dissertations studied. These essays showed that learning is a category that articulates the new directions of education conducted in the light of psychological benchmarks, especially Piaget and Vygotsky. The two sources relate the idea of a learning innovation in educational practice. It was concluded that the emphasis on innovations in educational practices under the guidance of a possible "revival of learning" meets new forms of organization of productive forces and social relations produced in this historical particularity. Teaching and learning are split and included in their externality corroborate functional educational concept on effective society. It reaffirms the assumption of a learning rule on education in contemporary education, which is expressed in the critique of traditional education.Item Formação de professores no projeto LPPE: as concepções reveladas nos discursos dos docentes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-25) BEZERRA, Dagmar Dnalva da Silva; SOUZA, Ruth Catarina Cerqueira Ribeiro de; thesis aims to understand the education views, the formation and the teacher in the LPPE (Portuguese acronym for State Parceled out Full Licenciatura degree) Project as well as in the participants discourses of this formation program. The Project has been developed in Parceled out Licenciatura degree, in a fast way, with the goal of forming a reflexive teacher, having in mind the practice as a generator of reflection. The research, in the Formation and Teacher Professionalization investigation area of study in the School of Education, was made through a bibliographic revision of theorists such as BRZEZINSKI, CONTRERAS, DIAS SOBRINHO, LIBÂNEO, LOUREIRO, PIMENTA and others; documental analyses of the LPPE Project and the national legislation; and, field research and case study through structured interview in the University Campus of the Goiás State University and in a state school, both in Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás. The data from the research were analyzed under the perspective of the dialectic-historical materialism. The comprehended conceptions revealed that the Project was implemented as an answer to the in force legislation without, however, forming the concept of reflexibility in the teacher.Item Profissionalidade docente em projetos de cursos de Pedagogia de Universidades do Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-28) BIANCO, Rita de Cássia R. Del; GUIMARÃES, Valter Soares; bibliographic research, related to the Teaching Formation and Professionalization research line of the Education Graduate Program of Universidade Federal de Goiás, analyzes Pedagogy Course Projects of public and private Universities in the state of Goiás, namely: Universidade Católica de Goiás UCG (private); Universidade Federal de Goiás UFG (public) and Universidade Estadual de Goiás UEG (public). Considering historical, political and social contexts, the caracteristics of each course's projects, of brazilian education from late 70's to the present time, as well as the qualitative aspects of the investigated reality, metodologically, we guide our study through the dialetic method. In this sense, the first chapter talks about concepts and conjectures inherent to the teaching profession, professionality and knowledge. Educational legislation and political view of each institution constitute founding elements for project dimensioning, and also for formation and understanding of historical and material characteristics that permeate the teaching profession. In the second chapter we discuss about Higher Education in Goiás, taking into account the researched institutions. In the third chapter, we elaborate the anaysis of Course Projects aiming to make a connection with theoretical references from the first chapter. Finally, we conclude that teaching professionality presents itself in the historical and temporal contradiction, sometimes as polical or ethical, on other times focused on pragmatism, but always requiring constant confrontation and reviewing while facing the historical devir present in the educational field.Item O sentido da formação do homem autônomo segundo Rousseau(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-23) BORGES, Eliane Garcia; GUIMARÃES., Ged; dissertation is part of the line of research on culture and educational processes and discusses the meaning of the formation of autonomous man according to Rousseau. This paper aims to consider the fundamental concepts of Rousseau's work, and reflect on the human, in order to find meaning in our pedagogical and especially to our existence. We know that the predominant formation of today is preparing for the market, utilitarianism, the immediate. However, work out discussions on training, in response these ideas, which is valuable, virtuous, enriching the human spirit. I question if in a society that predominates the sale of almost everything, it would be possible the formation that clarifies, turn free? It seems that, over time, education in general, has not been concerned with the training, the cultivation of knowledge, questioning is disturbing. Hence the need for meaning and seek to create and cultivate an education that is not mechanistic, based on the repetition of content, the accumulation of information and in the competition, but might be the strength of thought, sensitivity, imagination, friendship, honesty , justice and ethics among men. Based on the issues of the modernity that so bother us, we want to understand the concepts, the core issues of education of Rousseau, bringing some problematizations. It is possible the formation of a free man, that is not subject, or slave of his desires and supposed needs? What are the real needs of a man? What should be the way, and in what sense should guide us to the formation of a man who is not broken, submissive to the market and its laws? Is this possible, if the world is so corrupted? From an essentially bibliographic, theoretical, this paper seeks to understand the concept of human development present in the writings of Rousseau, and have them as a starting point to reflect on the man who is not dependent, nor servile, but made up for freedom, reflection, finally, autonomy