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Item Gestão democrática e gerencialismo a percepção dos diretores das escolas estaduais da coordenação regional de Goiânia estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Alves, Elisane Silva; Moraes , Karine Nunes de;; Moraes, Karine Nunes de; Silva, Luís Gustavo Alexandre da; Marques, Luciana RosaThe research entitled - Democratic Management and Managerialism the perception of directors of state schools of the Regional Coordination of Goiânia case study, aims to understand how management in schools starts to be conceived, from 2011, with the incorporation of the new managerialism present in the guidelines of Pact for Education in Goiás directing educational reform in the state network. The research analyzes how the principles of NGP, inserted in the state education network of Goiás, guided the management of schools with administrative and ideological values of private management based on performance, meritocracy and accountability, implying the work of the director and giving new meaning the mechanisms for implementing democratic management. It is important to understand how the principals, operational subjects of the school organization, perceived the set of changes underway and what the main effects are on management practice and the work collective. To this end, this research aims to: i) identify how the principles of NPM relate to education and school management; ii) examine how democratic management is conceived in schools; iii) analyze how the Goiana Education Pact restructured management in schools; and, iv) understand how the directors of state schools in the Regional Coordination of Goiânia perceived the insertion of managerialism in school management and its relationship with democratic management. This research has theoretical support from Andrade (2019); Andrade, Côrtes and Almeida (2021); Newman and Clarke (2012); Verger and Normand (2015); Oliveira (2015); Dasso Júnior (2014); Libâneo (2001; 2011; 2018); Paro (1987; 2010; 2012); Cury (2002; 2007); Ferreira (2004); Sanders (2009); Silva (2014); Silva (2005); Marques (2020); Silva and Teixeira (2019; 2022); Afonso (2013); Barroso (2005; 1998; 1998; 2011); Souza (2003; 2009); Lima (2014; 2018; 2019). To achieve the established objectives, the qualitative approach was used as a methodology from the perspective of Minayo (2001; 2012), Godoy (1995) and Duarte (2002), constructed by bibliographical research, referenced in Sousa, Oliveira and Alves (2021); documentary analysis Duarte (2002), content analysis described in Bardin (1977); Moraes (1999); and, a multiple case study in Ventura (2007); Pereira; Costa (2008) through semi-structured interviews, Frazer; Gondim (2004) with a purposive or intentional sample that is guided by pre-defined criteria when choosing the participant's profile. For this, the specificities between them were considered, in this case, directors of five schools in the state education network of Goiás with a focus on the Regional Coordination of Goiânia. The selection criteria for research subjects are: a) time and experience in school management; b) geographic location of the school; c) school standard; d) teaching modality. To analyze the interviews, a content analysis was developed with the intention of understanding how the incorporation of managerialism and the consequences of the actions of the Pact for Education since 2011 have interfered in the management of schools and the implementation of democratic management. The research indicated the alignment of educational policies implemented in the state education network of Goiás following the Guidelines of the Pact for Education with the principles of NGP and the deepening of the logic of management focused on results with external evaluations and the submission of the director/ to meritocratic, evaluative and accountability policies. The discourse on the principals' conception of management pointed to the perspective of democratic management, approaching the idea of participation and collective construction of actions at school. However, we note that conservative practices still persist, still centered on the figure of the director and democratic management of results.Item A implantação dos projetos integradores no Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates - estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-21) Ananias, Elivania Cristina de Assis; Moraes, Karine Nunes de;; Moraes, Karine Nunes de; Santos, Catarina de Almeida; Valdez, DianeThis research is linked to the State, Policies and History of Education research line of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás (PPGE/FE/UFG). This study is entitled The Implementation of Integrative Projects at Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates and aims to analyze the main implications of the adoption of integrative projects in secondary education in the state network in Goiânia. The integrative projects, inserted in the context of the reform of the New Secondary Education, address Transverse Contemporary Themes (TCTs) that affect society in a transversal and integrated way. This has as its theoretical reference Oliveira (2017), Veiga (1998, 2003), Pinto e Melo (2021), Libâneo (2004; 2013, 2016), Filipe (2021), Silva (1999), Costa (2020), which, based on a qualitative approach, employs a detailed case study to investigate the topic. To develop the case study, we chose the Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates, in Goiânia, Goiás. A comparative analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project at Colégio Goiany Prates was carried out, before and after the implementation of the integrative projects, and a semi-structured interview was carried out using the content analysis method. The results indicate that the implementation of integrative projects may be facing challenges: inadequate guidance appears to be a critical issue, leading to an implementation that is both haphazard and disconnected from existing disciplines. This suggests that teachers may be struggling to effectively integrate these projects into their teaching practices. The implications of these findings are significant, as we realize that the lack of adequate guidance not only affects the implementation of integrative projects, but can also compromise their effectiveness as interdisciplinary pedagogical tools. This raises important questions about the need for adequate professional training and institutional support to ensure that these projects are implemented effectively. Therefore, the implementation of integrative projects at Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates faces challenges due to the lack of adequate guidance, resulting in a random and disconnected adoption of subjects. This highlights the urgent need for continuing professional training and institutional support. It is suggested that future studies explore specific teacher training strategies for Integrating Projects and analyze effective institutional support models, in addition to investigating the impact of these projects on student learning in the long term.Item Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE) na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Aparecida de Goiânia-GO: uma política de financiamento suplementar no período de 2006-2022(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-29) Bernini, Luciane de Souza Miranda; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso;; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Moraes, Karine Nunes de; Mesquita, Maria Cristina das Graças DutraEsta disertación forma parte de la Línea de investigación Estado, Políticas e Historia de la Educación, del Programa de Postgrado de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Federal de Goiás. Presenta un análisis del movimiento del programa de Dinero Directo En la Escuela (PDDE), originado del fondo Nacional de desarrolho de la Educación(FNDE),em los años 2006 a 2022. Para ello, describíbimos el programa y lo analisamos en nível federal y como se configura en el contexto educativo de esta Rede Educativa. Nuestro problema surge de las preguntas: ¿Que hay detrás del PDDE? ¿Quién lo financia este programa h ¿Cumplido su propósito ¿Como se materializan estos processos em el cotidiano de las instituiciones educativas y del ao Departamento Municipal de educación de Aparecida de Goiânia. Consideramos ,como aporte metodológico, el análises documental y lá investigação bibliográfica .Encuanto al Marco teórico apesar del Neoliberalismo y sus consecuências para la Educación em Brasil,nos basamos em: Lava (2004) Freitas (2018), Morais(2018), Bresser Pereira(1998) y Miranda (2022); comprender Los fundamentos y princípios del PDDE: Adriaõ,( 2020), Peroni( 2020) y zaniratto Junior(2016);sobre temas relacionados com el financiamento de la Educación brasileña: Farenzena(2010), Oliveira (2023), Massafioli (2017) y Amaral( 2013). Lá investigación mostro que el salário de Educacion es la segunda mayor fuente de recursos destinados a la Educación básica pública brasileña y es el que financia el PDDE. Encuanto a los recursos, em el âmbito general de las transferências de la unión y La recepción por las instituciones Escolares lá cantidad más significativa de recursos enviados se produjo entre Los años 2011 al 2014, especialmente el año 2013, debido a la corrcción de los valores fijos y la factor de correccion destinado a aumentar el número de Estudiantes del un año para otro según lo publicado mediante educación básica -CD-FNDE número 10 de 18 de abril de 2013. En relación con la red de municipal de educación el PDDE es considerado un programa de descentralización por ser el único recurso uso con el que cuentan las las escuelas suyas y que llega directamente de Korma para subvencionar necesidades específicas en lo que respecta al mantenimiento de la educación en cuanto a la autonomía ,si reletiviza considerando que son las resoluciones las que determinan y regulan de manera jerárquica, los valores a poner a disposición se vinculan a la disposición presupuestaría de los involucrados los relacionados con las acciones de mantenimiento, los objetivos estabelecidos, no por parte de la Secretaría municipal, cuando limita el porcentaje de recursos destinados al mantenimiento: linfa infraestructura visión pedagógica así como determinar la forma en que los equipos escolares deben realizar sus cuentas II los elementos vinculados al financiamiento del mantenimiento y desarrollo de la educación en( MDE) han demostrado ser cada vez más desafiantes.Item Qualidade da educação no periódico Cadernos de Pesquisa (2018-2022)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-14) Castro, Ana Luisa Rocha; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de;; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Mundim, Maria Augusta Peixoto; Miranda, Marilia Gouvea deThis work is part of the research line “Fundamentals of Educational Processes”, of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação at the Faculty of Education of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). It adopts the guidelines of bibliographical research (Gil, 2002; Lima, Mioto, 2007; Severino, 2016) to understand how the theme of quality of education is conceived in articles published in the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa between the years 2018 to 2022. Part- from the study of Marx's work (2017) on work as a founding category of human sociability, (Gentili, 1995; Enguita, 1995; Freitas, 2018; Dourado, Oliveira, 2011) on the quality of education. In the first section, there is a resumption of what neoliberalism is and how it entered school education through the replacement, in discourses about education, of the defense of quality based on the democratization of access to public schools to the quality of education in increasingly more focused on market interests, towards understanding business logic and its consequences in discourses on the quality of education. The second section presents a brief reflection on how the idea of quality in education was developed in Brazil, followed by a discussion on the concept of quality from a business perspective. The third section presents the analysis of articles selected in the Cadernos de Pesquisa magazine that directly or indirectly mentioned the discussion on the quality of education in the period between 2018 and 2022. As a result, the quality of education appeared linked to themes related to educational inequality, performance and school, ethnic-racial issues, among others. Concern about evaluating the quality of early childhood education has shown to have intensified in recent publications, something that could already be observed in a milder way in previous years. Student assessment, very present in other stages of education, can now be seen as a concern in early childhood education as well. It is necessary that the concept of quality of education is not restricted only to results in tests and large-scale assessments that blame students, teachers and schools for their results without delving into the socio-historical and cultural conditions that permeate everyday school life.Item Desigualdades educacionais, fracasso escolar e questão racial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-19) Freitas, Gabriel Rocha; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de;; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Bittar, MonaThis research, of a bibliographic and documentary nature, aims to comprehend the school failure in its relationship with the racial issue in articles published in the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa, in the period between 2018 and 2022 and in the analysis of the document Trajetórias do Sucesso Escolar published by Unicef based on data from the Brazilian School Census. It adopts dialectical-historical materialism as a theoretical reference, highlighting the contributions of Florestan Fernandes and Octavio Ianni to the discussion about racial issue in Brazil and the studies of Maria Helena Souza Patto to investigate the school failure instance. The selected material was examined using an analysis and documentation spreadsheet based on the guidelines for reading and analyzing academic texts (Gil, 2002; Lima and Mioto, 2007; Severino, 2016). The analysis of the selected studies of the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa indicates the emphasis on anti-racist education as the main action to confront racism in school, articulated with two main points: the concern with the implementation of educational policies centered on critical racial approach curricula and the defense of educational practices with such approach, particularly in relation to teaching performance. Within the context of this documental analysis, it was possible to identify an emphasis on school success supposedly justified by the improvement of statistical indices related to grade retention, dropping out, and age-grade distortion. However, it is observed that such displacement obscures historical contradictions intrinsic to racism, which is an essential point to be deepened in further studies. The findings also point out that the Brazilian public school in the scope of Basic Education is more challenging for Black students, especially for male children.Item O ensino domiciliar na produção acadêmica (2013 - 2022)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-30) Gomes, Camila de Souza; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de;; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Carvalho, Diana Carvalho de; Toassa, GiseleThis work, linked to the Research Line Fundamentals of Educational Processes of PPGE/FE/UFG, investigates homeschooling with the objective of understanding how the connection between economic and political processes and the defense of homeschooling is effective in times of advancement of neoliberal and neoconservative propositions in Brazil. To capture the economic and political links in their reciprocal relations with school educational processes, the work is grounded in the studies of Marx (2004; 2010; 2023), Marx and Engels (1998), Hobsbawm (1982), Ianni (1988), Netto and Braz (2012), Saviani (2015), Miranda (2020), Lopes (1981), Ricci (2022), and Cury (2000; 2014; 2017; 2018; 2019). Through theoretical and bibliographic study (Lima; Mioto, 2007), legislation regarding the topic, as well as theses and dissertations deposited in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations from 2013 to 2022 were analyzed. The results indicate, within the scope of Congress, that the defense of homeschooling in the Brazilian legislature is tied to neoliberal and neoconservative agendas, with an attempt to dismantle what is mistakenly considered the State's monopoly on education. As a counterpoint, it proposes the transfer of responsibility and educational decisionmaking from the public to the private sphere. Regarding the analysis of theses and dissertations, the field of Education shows a greater number of research studies on the topic, followed by the field of Law. It was found that there is a higher prevalence of unfavorable works towards homeschooling in research originating from the educational area, emphasizing the social role of public schools; the studies from the field of Law, despite some reservations, are proactive, focusing on the regulation of homeschooling. The material and objective conditions that create tension and criticize the role of public schools indicate that there must be a sustained accurate reflection on the topic. Lastly, the analysis of the works reveals that schools are permeated by political, economic, and ideological issues and are spaces of dispute, demonstrating the need to continually renew the defense of the principles of public, secular, compulsory education committed to critically oriented formation.Item O financiamento do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar - PNAE no período de 2010-2022: o caso da rede municipal de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-01) Gomes, Fernanda Ferreira; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso;; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Mesquita, Maria Cristina das Graças Dutra; Oliveira, João Ferreira deThis is a study on the financing of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in the context of the public school system in the municipality of Goiânia, with a time frame of 2010 to 2022. The research correlates financial data with the number of students served and seeks to highlight the difficulties and challenges faced in implementing the program. A qualitative approach with a case study was used, as this is appropriate for examining the financing of the PNAE in the municipal context of Goiânia. It collected primary data through transparency platforms and formal requests to the municipality analyzed to obtain specific and up-to-date information. It correlates the financial data with the number of students enrolled in order to understand how the resources are being distributed and to analyze whether the amounts are compatible with the needs of the student population. A literature review was also used to understand the theoretical and historical context of the PNAE, as this is fundamental to the analysis and conclusions. Overall, this research addresses an important and complex area of educational policy and public funding, especially considering the dynamics of neoliberal policies. The results show that the PNAE plays a crucial role in promoting educational equity, ensuring that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic situation, have access to quality meals. However, the lack of adequate adjustments can hinder the program's implementation. In addition, the research highlights the lack of strategic planning in the financing of the program and the increasing dependence on states and municipalities to finance the PNAE.Item MAIS DO MESMO! a ressignificação do ensino rural: Projeto Goiás Tec nova modalidade de ensino na educação rural no Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-31) Gomes, Luciana Arminda Alves; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; http ://; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Duarte, Aldimar JacintoThe development of this study comes from the proposal of the research line “Education, Work and Social Movements” linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás, comprising studies on rural education, especially in the state of Goiás, its history and its developments until the implementation of the “GoiásTec – secondary education within reach of all” program, which is a government program, implemented in 2020, in state public schools located in rural areas of Goiás municipalities. Based on preliminary analyzes regarding the characteristics of the program, the guiding problem of this research was raised: How to identify whether there were advances or setbacks between pedagogical ruralism and the GoiásTec proposal, to meet the demands identified by social movements, of the young population served by secondary education in rural areas? With the aim of identifying the similarities between pedagogical ruralism and the GoiásTec proposal, as well as setbacks in relation to rural education, aiming to understand whether the program meets the expectations and demands of the young peasant population. The methodology used was literary and documentary research, with the purpose of obtaining subsidies through written records, so that it is possible to compare the old pedagogical ruralism and the current GoiásTec. For specific analyzes of data related to students served by GoiásTec, a specific school in the municipality of Niquelândia was chosen, as it has particularities that contribute to the research perspective, considering that some of its villages come from quilombos, others of Settlement Projects (PA) originating from MST actions, in addition to places that were populated through the migratory process during the “March to the West” period, without links to specific movements fighting for ownership of land use. Thus, documents from a school unit will be analyzed, together with published articles, books, dissertations and theses, to understand how GoiásTec classes are being applied in the daily life of public education in Goiás, with regard to the education offered in the area rural.Item O novo ensino médio e as especificidades das disciplinas sociologia e filosofia no documento curricular para Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-20) Marinho, Arlean Chaves; Miranda, Marília Gouvea de;; Miranda, Marília Gouvea de; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Araújo Júnior, João Ferreira deThis study is linked to the research line Fundamentals of Educational Processes, of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás, and aims to understand how the disciplines Philosophy and Sociology are being offered in the new High School, especially in the context of the Curriculum Document for Goiás – High School Stage. In this particular case, it was necessary to recover the history of these disciplines in that of Brazilian education, to understand the movements of their inclusion in different moments/contexts. National curriculum documents were consulted, such as Law 13415/2017, the National Common Curricular Base (2017), the National Curricular Guidelines for Secondary Education (2018), the Curricular References for the Preparation of Training Itineraries (2018) and, with in greater depth, the Curricular Document for Goiás – Secondary Education Stage (2021), to seek to answer how these documents guide the teaching of the subjects Philosophy and Sociology in the state of Goiás. The construction of the current Secondary Education curriculum is based on the productive restructuring of accumulation flexible and neoliberalism. This context reflects market demands as priorities in the creation of curricula and affects, among others, theoretically based disciplines such as Philosophy and Sociology. The immediacy of the job market, which requires a flexible workforce, imposes itself on solid training at this level of education. With regard to the Curricular Document for the state of Goiás – Secondary Education Stage, in addition to the subjects Philosophy and Sociology remaining in the first year of secondary education, even with a reduced workload, their contents now appear in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary manner, and are made more flexible in the Training Itineraries and the Area of Applied Human and Social Sciences. Therefore, despite their specificities, the destination of Philosophy and Sociology subjects in the Goiás curriculum is not very different from what was proposed for High School in Brazil.Item Os processos educacionais na comunidade Kalunga de Monte Alegre de Goiás: reconhecimento e valorização da cultura(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-27) Moraes, Sizeny Narciso de; Real, Márcio Penna Corte;; Real, Márcio Penna Corte; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Bastos, Rachel Benta MessiasThe research that served as the basis for this dissertation was carried out in the Kalunga Community in the municipality of Monte Alegre de Goiás. The educational processes developed in the community were observed to verify the possibility of recognition and appreciation of culture. The problem investigated addressed: what are the limits and possibilities for recognizing and valuing the culture in the educational processes developed in the Kalunga Community of Monte Alegre de Goiás? The research was theoretically and methodologically based on Paulo Freire's theory of knowledge, in addition to Roque Laraia's approaches that address topics such as culture, education and the appreciation of knowledge constructed by students. Authors such as Kabengele Munanga, Beatriz Nascimento, Abdias Nascimento, Clóvis Moura, Nilma Lino Gomes and Petronilha Silva deal with the quilombo theme as a continuum, as a process of aggregation, struggle and resistance. To achieve the objectives outlined, a bibliographical research was carried out, aiming at an improved analysis of the theme from the perspective of authors who have been analyzing it: Real, Marinho, Taveira and Baiocchi. For the corpus of analysis, it was based on documents produced by the Municipal Department of Education of Monte Alegre de Goiás, such as the Pedagogical Political Project, the internal regulations and the curriculum of the Sucuri School of Monte Alegre de Goiás, as well as the textbooks adopted by the school. National and state documents dealing with the education of the remaining people were also analyzed. The research results may contribute to the characterization of the educational processes that are developed in the Kalunga community.Item Crianças influencers no TikTok: que protagonismo é esse?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-29) Moreira, Isadora Cristina Aclesion; Chaves, Juliana de Castro;; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Souza, André Barcelos Carlos de; Resende, Anita Cristina AzevedoThe following research is part of the "Fundamentals of Educational Processes" research line of the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás, with funding from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The general aim of this research is to reveal how this protagonism is delineated and the specific aims are to understand the mechanisms of the culture industry, to understand the production logic of the TikTok platform and to understand the rationality of the videos posted by the children in the sense of also relating to semi-formalization. A bibliographical survey was carried out based on Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin and other authors who have dealt with issues relating to the culture industry, childhood and social networks. Following this, two child influencers were selected from the TikTok platform, Lorena Queiroz and Flavinha Louise, so that their posts could be analyzed from February 14, 2023, to March 14, 2023. The choice of child influencers followed criteria related to age, posting frequency and the presence or absence of third parties in their videos. In summary, this dissertation has three chapters divided as follows: the first chapter presents the culture industry and social networks, the second chapter presents the concept of childhood from Benjamin and the relationship between childhood and social networks, the third chapter presents the analysis of the influencers' profiles and the content posted. This work also includes references and an appendix. Through this research it was possible to see that these child influencers are part of the cultural industry, characterizing their social networks as a form of workItem Desafios para a permanência dos jovens do campo no ensino médio integrado do Instituto Federal do Pará/Campus Rural de Marabá(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-09-06) Nascimento Sobrinho, Shauma Tamara do; Pietrafesa, José Paulo;; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; Alves, Amone Inácia; Farias, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Sauer, Sérgio; Duarte, Aldimar JacintoThis thesis inscribed in the line of research Work, Education and Social Movements, of the Graduate Program in Education, Faculty of Education of the University of Goiás, the main objective of this study is to analyze the permanence and success of the students of the Integrated High School Course in Agricultural, at Federal Institute of Pará – Rural Campus of Marabá. Our focus was mainly on students from rural areas of the Southeast of Pará, especially those gave up their training. The time frame comprised the period from 2014 to 2019, the years of entry of the first six regular classes. Bibliographic, documentary and field research were carried out for data collection, through the application of a closed questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with students, teachers and administrative support technicians. The result of the research showed that the great challenges for the permanence of students in school refer to financial difficulties and failures and retentions, due to the excess and pace of the activities required by teachers. It was also found that the actions of students’ assistance have not been sufficient to meet the demands of students in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability, due to the excess of documents required, the amounts made available, the periods of publication of the notices and the amount of financial aid offered.Item “A Coprec me ensinou a viver” dimensões educativas e libertadoras do trabalho de catadores e catadoras de materiais de reciclagens em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-19) Oliveira, Emanuell Lopes Barros; Alves, Amone Inácia;; Alves, Amone Inácia; Machado, Maria Izabel; Almeida, Rosivaldo Pereira deThis academic work is research from the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Education at UFG – PPGE/FE whose Research Line is Work, Education and Social Movements. Restoration work has a socio-environmental function of great relevance for the population of Goiânia, therefore, the city of Goiânia has a significant number of groups of recyclable material collectors who work directly in collection, but still face difficulties in carrying out their tasks. activities. In this sense, the research focused on the Dom Fernando Recycling Cooperative – Cooprec, focusing on the process of training waste pickers involved in collective work, taking into account learning and work as a social function. During the research, in the field of education and work, we relied on Adorno, Castel, Durkheim, Freire, Marx, Schwart, Teixeira, Vatin, from the perspective of cooperativism, collective organizations and social movements, we anchored ourselves on Caldart, Gohn, Kuenzer, Schneider, Singer, Valadares, Warren among others. The investigation was carried out with the aim of understanding how members and cooperative members are trained in their work, from a perspective of work as an educational principle. Furthermore, research has turned its attention to aspects of precarious work and education (formal, informal, non-formal). During the research, two semi-structured interviews were carried out with two cooperative founders of Cooprec, in addition to visits and observations of the collectors in their work environment. Given this, it was possible to identify learning characteristics acquired through carrying out the work itself, through techniques, postures, handling machines and coexistence and collective interaction between collectors, knowledge that is not exactly acquired in formal educational establishments. The research also showed us particularities of Cooprec's collectors, which differs from other collector cooperatives, as it does not have former street or landfill collectors on its staff. With this, it was possible to reflect on the characteristics and profile of the collectors, the complexities of the work, the subjectivities and the way in which activities and learning take place from collective and precarious work.Item A racionalidade das músicas brasileiras mais tocadas em rádios e plataformas digitais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-24) Oliveira, Fabiano Olinto de; Chaves, Juliana de Castro;; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Nogueira, Monique AndriesCurrently, with regard to the production, circulation and consumption of music, there are large corporations that exercise a monopoly in the area, involving the interfaces between radio broadcasting and streaming. Music, like other cultural products, mediates educational processes that constitute tastes, ways of thinking and dealing with the world, supporting processes of human formation and semi-formation. To carry out this work, the theoretical framework comes from Karl Marx, to understand the bases of merchandise and fetish, from Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, as well as other authors who debate the relationship between music, cultural industry and educational processes. This work aims to understand which Brazilian songs are most played on radio and digital platforms, understand the rationality of these songs in relation to the cultural industry and reveal the links with the formation and semi-formation processes. To develop this research, we analyzed the lists of the ten most played songs on radio (fusion and web), identified by the Collection and Distribution Office (Ecad), and on the Spotify digital platform, which is the most listened to in Brazil this year. The reference year was 2021. The songs Batom de Cereja and Facas, from the country music (sertanejo) segment, present a standardization, demonstrated in the repetition of choruses and the overlapping of tones, to cause frisson and a similar rhythm. The songs portray the theme of heartbreak, as well as alcoholic beverages, in their plot, revealing a pauperization of language. The socio-psychological characteristics that instigate the illusory subjectivity of social belonging and the cult of the artists' personality are also present in both songs. These and other characteristics instigate a semi-formation process. The analyzes carried out in this dissertation regarding music as a commodity and the cultural industry, thus made it possible to reflect on the educational processes mediated by music and the socioeconomic aspects of flexible capitalism, which directly impact human formation, determining the way of listening and consume music.Item O potencial formativo da literatura de Paulo Leminski: contradições da racionalidade administrada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-07-31) Pereira, Rejane Alves; Zanolla, Silvia Rosa da Silva;; Zanolla, Silvia Rosa da Silva; Pereira, Márcia Ferreira Torres; Borzuk, Cristiane Souza; Paiva, Wilson Aves deThis research aims to analyze how aspects of Paulo Leminski's literature reveal themselves as a formative potential against the administered rationality that transforms, everything and everyone, into merchandise. The research intends to present the contradictions of an education founded on administered rationality, however, when mediated by literature (art and culture), they have the potential to open gaps and point paths for the promotion of a critical (dialectical) attitude, with a view to the adherence of a contextualized resistance movement as in Ensaios e anseios crípticos (2012), Toda Poesia (2012), and A hora da lâmina: últimos textos ninja de Paulo Leminski (2017). Leminski's work allows us to glimpse a discussion about the non-distinction between science, art, and culture as the foundation for the formation of new subjectivities, understood as free and committed to the arduous and infinite task of promoting unique experiences. Thus, knowing that education is hard work that requires courage, we intend to overcome new challenges every day, challenges that strengthen us and enable the defense of culture, of rational and truly human education, based on science and on critical consciousness, that indicate possible paths for a permanent fight against barbarism and in defense of the fundamental rights of humanity.Item Educação de jovens e adultos: uma análise do projeto alfabetização e família da secretaria de estado da educação de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-09) Pereira, Valéria Mendonça; Alves, Amone Inácia;; Alves, Amone Inácia; Paranhos, Rones de Deus; Jesus, Janaína Cristina deThe dissertation is linked to the Work, Education and Social Movements Research Line, of the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. The research aims to analyze the proposals of the Literacy and Family Project, created by the Government of Goiás in 2019 and implemented by the Goiás State Department of Education, in 2021 with the completion of the first phase and ended in 2023, with the end of the third phase. To this end, we sought to verify how the project was implemented and made effective, by analyzing the documents and pedagogical practices during the development of the project, as well as how the theme has been presented among Brazilian research. The methodology used was: bibliographical research of authors who relate Education, Work and Social Movements, Education and social development, the right to education, EJA, Literacy of young people and adults, such as: Arroyo (2017), Frigotto (2017), Freire (2007), Teixeira (2009), among others who choose the theme in question and documentary analysis, through the appreciation of logbooks of the classes held, reports of the coordinators and photographs recorded by the literacy teachers. The research revealed the existence of pedagogical difficulties that could be improved, both in the internal logistics of the State Department of Education and in its interface with other important policies such as the training of literacy teachers, the difficulty in accessing program materials, the conservative proposal and conflicts between literacy teachers' documents. Finally, given the fact that the Literacy and Family Project is recent, this research aims to point out a set of considerations, with the aim of contributing to the expansion of studies and providing subsidies for public policies aimed at eradicating illiteracy among young people and adults in Goiás.Item A permanência na educação superior: trajetórias de jovens universitários do curso de Filosofia da UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-26) Rocha, Rubianny Maria Sales; Furtado, Rita Márcia Magalhães;; Furtado, Rita Márcia Magalhães; Alves, Amone Inácia; Schulz, Almiro; Queiroz, Fabrício David deEste trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo algunos jóvenes estudiantes de filosofía de la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG) permanecen en una institución pública de Educación Superior y se apropian de ese campo a través del desarrollo de estrategias, teniendo en cuenta la realidad social del estudiante y las exigencias del curso. La discusión sobre las condiciones de los estudiantes de clases populares cobró mayor relevancia en el contexto global de la pandemia, durante el cual las universidades se vieron obligadas a adoptar la enseñanza remota para mantener sus actividades académicas. En este escenario, las limitaciones de recursos de los jóvenes universitarios en desventaja económica para realizar las tareas que exige la carrera ganaron protagonismo en los medios de comunicación, así como la voluntad de desarrollar acciones para permanecer en la Educación Superior y progresar en el ámbito universitario a través de la formulación de estrategias. Este trabajo tiene tres capítulos. En el primer capítulo se aborda el proceso histórico de desarrollo universitario desde la fundación de las primeras instituciones, destacando las características estructurantes, el contexto y las transformaciones que se han producido en el ámbito universitario a lo largo de los últimos siete siglos. El segundo capítulo se centra en analizar, a la luz de las ideas formuladas por el sociólogo francés Pierre Bourdieu, la estructura del campo universitario organizado a través de una red de relaciones objetivas entre posiciones de poder, prácticas, adquisición de capital y estrategias desarrolladas por los agentes recién llegados. o no, de acuerdo con las normas y leyes propias del campo en la búsqueda de la permanencia en este espacio de disputa. En el tercer capítulo, se destacan los desafíos que enfrentaron los jóvenes estudiantes de la Facultad de Filosofía (FAFIL/UFG) durante su trayectoria universitaria y las estrategias que desarrollaron para enfrentar las adversidades. El estudio demostró que las estrategias desarrolladas por los jóvenes participantes de la investigación buscan llenar un vacío de capital cultural que comienza con la precaria enseñanza de la filosofía en la Educación Básica como medio para permanecer en la universidad. Además, se abordaron las dificultades y desafíos que se enfrentan al ingresar a la universidad, incluida la adaptación a la carga académica y las materias. Además, se discutieron los desafíos y estrategias para conciliar la vida estudiantil con la laboral, así como los motivos para elegir la carrera y la institución, así como las perspectivas de futuro luego de finalizar la carrera. Esta investigación es de carácter cualitativo, bibliográfica y documental, con investigación de campo utilizando un cuestionario virtual y entrevistas semiestructuradas como fuentes de recolección de datos a cuatro jóvenes estudiantes de el Bachiller en Filosofía. Este trabajo forma parte de la línea de investigación Cultura y Procesos Educativos del Programa de Posgrado en Educación (PPGE/FE/UFG) y fue desarrollado durante el período en que la investigadora fue becaria de la FAPEG.Item Formação continuada de professoras da Educação Infantil em Goiás: concepções e perspectivas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-23) Santos , Cristiane Riberio dos; Barbosa , Ivone Garcia;; Barbosa , Ivone Garcia; Suanno , Marilza Vanessa Rosa; Silveria, Telma Aparecida Teles MartinsThis research was developed in the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the Faculty of Education (FE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), in the line of research “Teaching Professional, Training and Educational Practices”, and is one of the actions of the project “Public policies and childhood education in Goiás: history, conceptions, projects and practices”, linked to the Center for Studies and Research on Childhood and its Education in Different Contexts (NEPIEC). The investigation arose from the interest of identifying which are the continuous or non-continuous training processes experienced by Childhood Education teachers at public institutions and understanding, from the perspective of the teachers, whether these courses reach the entirety of the teaching praxis. Since the perspective of teachers from seven municipalities in the State of Goiás, the general objective was to know the continuous education courses offered to Childhood Education teachers, analyzing whether they have been effectively contributing to the constitution of a critical and emancipatory teaching practice. For this, the following specific objectives were listed: to know and analyze the scientific-academic production that deals with the continuous education of Childhood Education teachers; systematically analyze some legal documents about continuous education at national and state levels; to investigate the teachers' conceptions and perspectives on continuous education courses carried out after initial training, and to understand what are the formative processes, continued and experienced by Childhood Education teachers in public institutions. The investigation process was consolidated based on the method of historical-dialectical materialism, on the works of several Marxist authors, allowing a scientific and critical reading of material reality, as well as understanding the multifaceted aspects and links that constitute continuous education. The methodology was anchored on a qualitative perspective, with a theoretical-bibliographic survey step, a documental analysis of laws and guidelines and an empirical stage. In this, there was a participation of 101 teachers from seven municipalities in the State of Goiás. An online questionnaire on a social networking platform was used as a methodological instrument. The research notes showed that public policies for teacher training have advanced in order to regulate continuous training processes as a right linked to teaching. However, the contradictions of the historical context and the privatist character of education in neoliberal times did not allow effective and continued consolidation in training throughout the teaching career. It is understood that it is necessary public policies building for the teachers training, at the national and municipal levels, that meet the training specificities related to the education and care of children in the first stage of Basic Education.Item Educação de Jovens e Adultos no município de Senador Canedo/GO - caminhos trilhados entre 2000 e 2023(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-31) Silva, Jéssica Lorrayne da; Machado, Maria Margarida;; Machado, Maria Margarida; Duarte, Aldimar Jacinto; Paranhos, Rones de DeusThe dissertation integrated into the line of research Work, Education and Social Movements aimed to investigate the trajectory of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in the Municipality of Senador Canedo-GO and the policies that regulate it, to understand whether these policies contributed to the guaranteeing the right to education for working people. To this end, we seek to answer the following questions: do the public educational policies implemented in Senador Canedo contribute to the access and retention of students at EJA? What perspectives are present in the actions related to this modality? Are there contradictions between the proposed policies and the application of these policies about EJA? The analysis carried out indicates that the policies proposed throughout the constitutive process of EJA in the municipality reveal the lack of effectiveness of the actions implemented by the State, the municipality of Senador Canedo and SEMEC/SC. An example of this is the lack of continuity and the absence of public policies that cater to the modality, the lack of continuity and maintenance of School Transport that makes access unfeasible for young and adult students who want to continue their studies but live in places far from the schools that offer the modality. Of the many programs implemented throughout the educational history of EJA in Senador Canedo, three stood out and remained for a longer period, they are: Projeto Família na Escola, created in 2005; Dinner at EJA Project (no specific date) and Poetry Book Project, which had its first edition in 2012. According to the municipality's regulatory documents, Senador Canedo supports his conception of education and EJA in the Freirean perspective of liberating education, which seeks, through the teaching and learning process, to contribute to the autonomy and criticality of subjects. Aware of the contradictions present in the municipality, we noticed that there is a certain difficulty in verifying the official data made available and information provided by SEMEC/SC, especially when comparing them with the statements of the research participants, who worked and work directly with the modality. The time frame of the research considers the years 2000 to 2023. To understand the object, we carried out bibliographical research, documentary research and interviews with subjects related to EJA in the municipality. We sought support from authors who discuss educational public policies and EJA, such as: Costa and Machado (2017); Freire (2014); Mainardes (2006, 2017 and 2018); Souza (2006). Documentary research was carried out using official sources about EJA in Senador Canedo. The semi-structured interviews were aimed at professionals from the Municipal Department of Education and Culture of Senador Canedo (SEMEC-SC), involved with the modality. The choice of the theme “Education of Youth and Adults in the Municipality of Senador Canedo/GO - paths taken between 2000 and 2023”, sought to contribute to the production of scientific knowledge in the academic and social field, based on the analysis of the historical construction and trajectory of EJA in the municipality of Senador Canedo, in the State of Goiás. Given this context, it is possible to consider that the projects implemented in Senador Canedo assume a welfare character, with palliative solutions, temporarily treating the effects of social demands and not their causes. The lack of public State policies that provided continuity of policies and the high number of government projects, which weaken with each new mandate, cannot guarantee the continuity and solidity of these actions. In this sense, the EJA in Senador Canedo is constituted amidst diverse contradictions and conflicts of political interests, highlighting the vulnerability of the programs implemented in the modality.Item Trabalho e identidade docente de professoras aposentadas na educação infantil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-30) Simonini, Patrícia Barros Viana; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia;; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia; Teixeira, Ricardo Antônio Gonçalves; Soares, Marcos AntônioOur research constitutes the project "Public Policies and Early Childhood Education in Goiás: history, conceptions, projects, and practices," linked to the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) of the Faculty of Education (FE) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) in the line of Teacher Training, Professionalization, and Educational Work. We investigate the constitutive elements of the professional identity of retiring teachers through critical reflections, which have requirements and meet the criteria provided for in Constitutional Amendment No. 20 of 12/15/1998, regulating under the pension system; and subsequently, with Constitutional Amendment No. 103 of 2019, regarding the time and age required for retirement. Based on a socio-historical-dialectical perspective, we revisit the historical process of Early Childhood Education in Brazil and Goiás, seeking to understand its historicity and current conditions. In conducting this survey, we comprehend the conceptions, tensions, and public policies that guide the 1988 Federal Constitution to the current documentation governing Early Childhood Education institutions. We aim to recognize the teaching and identity formation of these individuals. As a methodological choice, the research was conducted in articulated stages, including literature review and documentary research based on census data. There have been undeniable advances in legislation for children aged 0 to 6; however, they have been influenced by neoliberalism in laws, official documents, and consequently, in shaping the identity of retired Early Childhood Education teachers.