Programa de Pós-graduação em Agronomia
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Item Efeito do manejo do solo com plantas de cobertura, cultivares/híbridos e nitrogênio na cultura do milho(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-02-26) AGUIAR, Renata Alves de; SILVEIRA, Pedro Marques da; corn is the main cereal produced in Brazil and its productivity is very affected by the improper use of nitrogen, which is the nutrient absorbed in larger quantities and therefore responsible for a significant share in production costs. Due to the importance of nitrogen for the corn crop becomes necessary studies to reduce the amount of nitrogen applied to the crop, reducing losses and increasing the efficiency of its use, beside minimize environmental risks. One way have been studied to reduce the amount of nitrogen applied and increase the efficiency of use of inorganic nitrogen, from the fertilizer, it is the combination of plants that cover the ground with nitrogened fertilizer. The study aimed to determine the economic viability and the effect of soil management with the use of soil cover plants, hybrids and nitrogen doses in coverage in the vegetative and reproductive characteristics, related to productivity of corn. The corn, in the experiment, was planted at begning of February in the field trial of Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Red Latosol Distrophic. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replicates the arrangement of plots in sub-sub-divided. The plots were formed by four types of soil management: direct planting of corn on the black mucuna stubble (Mucuna aterrima Merr.); direct planting of corn on the of crotalária juncea stubble (Crotalaria juncea L.); direct planting of corn on vegetation spontaneous (aside) and planting corn in the system of conventional tillage (arado of aiveca). The subplots were formed by five doses of nitrogen in coverage: 0, 45, 90, 180 and 360 kg ha-1 of nitrogen in coverage, and the sub-sub-plots of four hybrids of corn: BRS 3003, AG 1051, Green Corn HT-1, HT-2 Green Corn. The analysis of the benefit / cost was performed on the basis of prices of materials and services raised in April 2007. The benefit / cost in the various systems was held in the Excel spreadsheets, and economically viable a relationship exceeding 1.0. It was concluded that: there is effect of hybrid and soil management on vegetative characteristics such as plant height and the first spik and on productive characteristics as income from pulp and grain and mass in a thousand grains of corn, and there is no interaction between hybrid, soil management and dose of nitrogen in coverage of the productivity of corn. The best soil management as the benefit / cost is the fallow without any addition of nitrogen in coverage, followed by the system of conventional tillage with 45 kg ha-1 and without the addition of nitrogen.Item Distribuição espacial do percevejo-do-colmo (Tibraca limbativentris Stål) em arroz irrigado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-11-09) ALVES, Tavvs Micael; BARRIGOSSI, José Alexandre Freitas; injury imposed by Tibraca limbativentris Stål in plants of rice can negatively affect the production and reduce grain yield. Knowing the spatial arrangement of this species allows fast and accurate sampling and identifies focuses of infestation determining the ideal moment of decision-making for the control. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial and probabilistic distribution of adults and nymphs of T. limbativentris in irrigated rice. Fifteen fields with plants of 50-80 days after emergency were sampled on approximately regular grids in 2008, 2010, and 2011. Poisson and Negative binomial distributions were tested and Pearson chi-squared test was used to determine a probability distribution with the best fit. Polynomial regressions of the number of individuals versus geographical coordinates were used to try detecting trends related with macroscale. Later, semivariograms were used to interpret the spatial dependence and distribution of insects. The semivariance of the samples obtained with nymphs showed patterns grouped in 13% of fields sampled. Similar pattern was also obtained by semivariograms of adults in 26% of fields sampled. However, there were no spatial dependence in the most of the sampled fields with adults (74%) and nymphs (87%). In conclusion, adults and nymphs of T. limbativentris are randomly distributed in irrigated rice fields, though rarely clustered pattern can occur. The probability distribution that best fits the data sampling is the Negative binomial. Adults and nymphs do not inhabit the same local in the rice field. Population levels above the value of economic damage may occur, but individuals are not present in about 2/3 of the units sampled. Polynomial regression models tested are not appropriate to fit the trends related to macro-scale in irrigated rice fields.Item Modelagem matemática da variação espaço-temporal da temperatura média diária e do ciclo do algodoeiro herbáceo no Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-14) ANTONINI, Jorge Cesar dos Anjos; OLIVEIRA, Virlei Alvaro de;; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Fernando Coutinho de;; GRIEBELER, Nori Paulo; regional climatic conditions in the State of Goias Brazil are favorable for herbaceous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium hutch) cultivation. However, for achieving the best productivities, it is important that both the planting date and the fruiting period be matched with the adequate soil-water availability as well as that the period from open bull to harvesting be coincident with the dry period. Thus, the knowledge of cotton cycle as function of planting location is very important for choosing the optimum planting date. In this context, the air temperature is one of the climatic variables that mostly influence the cotton growth. Nevertheless, the low density of meteorological stations with capability for measuring temperature has restricted the modeling studies for estimating cotton cycle. This work was carried out with the objective of developing and validating mathematical models to estimate average daily air temperature and based on the degreesday theory, the cycle of herbaceous cotton in the State of Goias, considering altogether its variations in space and time. Both models were based on a linear combination of elevation, latitude, longitude, and the daily time variation, represented by an incomplete Fourier series. The parameter models were adjusted to the data from 21 meteorological stations available in the State of Goiás and Federal District of Brazil, using multiple linear regressions with observations varying from eight to twenty four years. In the case of modeling degrees-day, the maximum and minimum temperature data were limited between 15°C and 40°C, which were taken as the lower and upper threshold temperatures, respectively. The air-temperature model was validated against the measured data from three meteorological stations from different elevations: high (1100 m), medium (554 m) and low (431 m). The coefficients of determination obtained from fitting the models for both daily air-temperature and daily degrees-day were 0.82 and 0.84, respectively, resulting in a medium performance for both low and high altitudes and very good for intermediate altitudes. The validation of the degrees-day model was conducted by comparing the period duration running from crop emergence to 90% open bulls observed from cotton cultivars, cropped in commercial fields. The results showed an overall performance index of 0.85, which was considered as very good. The models developed in this study adequately estimated the average daily air temperature and the cycle of herbaceous cotton cultivars in the State of GoiasItem Quantificação de machos e fêmeas de Heterodera glycines (Ichinohe, 1952) em cultivares de soja resistentes e suscetíveis(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-11-17) ARAÚJO, Fernando Godinho de; ROCHA, Mara Rúbia da; cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is one of the major phytopathological problems affecting the soybean, in the major producing countries of this legume. Eradication of H. glycines from contaminated areas is practically impossible. Thus, the soybean growers have to adapt control measures in order to maintain low population levels. The main control measures are crop rotation, soil management and use of resistant cultivars. With the purpose to evaluate the development of H. glycines and male/female ratio on soybean resistant and susceptible cultivars two trials were conducted during the years 2007 and 2008. Susceptible cultivars BRS Aracu, BRSGO Jatai, BRSGO Luziania, BRS Favorita RR, BRS Valiosa RR, BRS Silvania RR and resistant cultivars BRSGO Ipameri e BRSGO Chapadoes were evaluated. Soybean seedlings were transplanted to pots containing naturally infested soil with H. glycines, race 14, and, 10 days later, part of the plants remained in the pots to evaluate the females, while the other part was removed for hydroponic growth to evaluate the males. In the trial of 2008 the plants were divided in three lots, with the last one having the roots stained to count the juveniles and to evaluate survival rate. Resistant cultivars always maintained a small number of females and males, except for cultivar BRSGO Ipameri that had high countings of males. Only cultivars BRS Favorita RR and BRS Silvania RR had the expected sex ratio 1:1. All other susceptible cultivars had greater number of males than females, with ratios varying from 5:1 to 11:1. Survival rate was nil for both resistant cultivars, and varied from 6.75% to 35.00% for the susceptible cultivars. Regarding the number of cysts in 100 cc of soil the only cultivar that differed significantly from the others was the BRSGO Jatai on experiment conducted in 2007. The number of eggs per cyst varied, in both experiments, and the resistance did not influence the averages foundItem Eficiência agronômica de um fertilizante fonte de micronutrientes nas culturas da soja e milho(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-03) BARBOSA, Juliano Magalhães; FERNANDES, Eliana Paula;; LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena; present work aimed to value the agronomic efficiency of different doses of a fertilizer fount of micronutrients applied through the soil in soy culture and the residual answer in culture rotation with the corn, by the determination of chemical attributes related with the productivity. The study was performed in field s condition in a Distrofic Red Latosoil in the experimental area of the School of Agronomy and Food Engineering, in Goiânia Goiás. The experiment was performed in the harvests 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 in randomized complete blocks design with five treatments and four repetitions. Fertilizer was used as fountain of micronutrients in the form of powder containing 6,8% of manganese (Mn), 3,9% of zinc (Zn), 2,1% of iron (Fe), 1,2% of copper (Cu) and 1,1% of boron (B), in four doses and as reference the testimony: D 0 0 kg ha-1, D 0,5 33,33 kg ha-1, D 1 66,66 kg ha-1, D 2 133,32 kg ha-1 and D 1C - 66,66 kg ha-1 plus 1,4 t ha-1 of calcium oxide. The fount of micronutrient was applied only in the harvest 2007/2008 associated to the soil preparation, in the harvest of 2008/2009 there was no reapplication and the system of planting was direct, without the soil preparation. The geeting of soil and leaf were carried out in the florescence of the cultures. It can be concluded that the cultures appears to be responsive to the fertilizer by considering the productivity of both the soy and the corn and that the fertilizer doses of 128,63 kg ha-1 and 69,08 kg ha-1 showed to have the best efficiency for the productivity of the soy to the corn, respectively.Item Interação entre herbicidas e cultivares de soja sobre o desenvolvimento populacional de Heterodera glycines em campo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-11-29) BARBOSA, Kássia Aparecida Garcia; ROCHA, Mara Rúbia da; study evaluated the effect of herbicides on the population density of H. glycines in soybean cultivars, (one resistant and three susceptible) in natural infestation conditions. Experiments were done in Campo Alegre de Goiás and Gameleira de Goiás, agricultural year 2006/07, using randomized blocks, with three repetitions. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design 4 x 4 + 1, with four cultivars (BRSGO Ipameri, BRSGO Luziânia, BRSGO Jataí BRS Silvânia RR), four forms of weed control (hand weeding, chlorimuron-ethyl + lactofen, chlorimuron-ethyl and haloxyfop-methyl), and additional treatment represented by the combination of transgenic cultivar BRS Silvânia RR and herbicide glyphosate. In agricultural year 2009/2010, another test was conducted in Gameleira de Goiás, with four repetitions, in a factorial design 2 x 4 + 2, involving two cultivars (BRSGO Chapadões and BRSGO 8360), four forms of weed control (hand weeding, lactofen, chlorimuron-ethyl; haloxifop-r), and two additional treatments represented by the combination of transgenic cultivar BRS Valiosa RR with control manual weed and chemical control via herbicide glyphosate. In the agricultural year 2006/07, in Campo Alegre de Goiás, eighty days after planting, there was less formation of viable cysts in cultivar BRS Silvânia RR associated with the application of clorimuron + lactofen, compared to manual control. In Gameleira de Goias, it was found, forty days after planting, increase in the number of viable cysts using herbicides, compared with manual control, in cultivar susceptible BRSGO Luziânia, BRSGO Ipameri, resistant to H. glycines, the number of viable cysts was lower when applied herbicides clorimuron+lactofen or haloxyfop, compared the application of clorimuron. The herbicides had no effect on the number of females in susceptible and resistant cultivars in the year 2009/10. In cultivar susceptible BRSGO 8360, the herbicide haloxifop led to a smaller number of females, in comparison with clorimuron, 45 days after sowing. The herbicide lactofen, in the cultivar BRSGO Chapadões (resistant) was associated with increase in the number of viable cysts 45 days after sowing. This herbicide affects negatively the biomass of leaves, fresh green beans and dry bean in the cultivars BRSGO Chapadões and BRSGO 8360.Item Caracterização genética de populações naturais de Palicourea coriacea (Cham) K. Schum utilizando marcadores moleculares(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-08-24) BARBOSA, Taryana Coelho Sales; SIBOV, Sérgio Tadeu; Species Palicourea coriacea (Cham) K,Shum is a species little know, it is belonging to the Rubiaceae family, popularly known as douradinha. The popular use medicine in the therapy of kidneys illnesses. The popular name douradinha is associated with the color of the bracts and of the stem and the species occurs in Cerrado s Bioma, however in different environments. Studies about the genetic diversity and its distribution in natural populations of P. coriacea are of extreme importance for the definition of adequate strategies of handling and cultivation, however they do not exist in literature, studies of this nature. This work had as objective to evaluate the genetic structure from nine natural populations of P. coriacea, collected in States of Goiás and Bahia and to evaluate the genetic diversity of these populations through markers RAPD. The P. coriacea species presented one high level of genetic diversity, or heterozygosity waited by Nei (1972) that it varied between 0,259 and 0,338 in the populations, with equal on average value the 0,296. The AMOVA disclosed that 23% of the total variability is meeting each other between populations. Although the estimates of apparent gene flow (Nm) have disclosed values inferior to one, on the other hand, equal the 0,83. The analyses of Bayesian Statistics had disclosed to a value of f (FIS) equal the 0,98 suggesting the possibility of this species has behavior like autogamous species. The analyses of grouping of the populations using Bayesian and AMOVA statistics disclosed that it does not exist a correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance all the nine populations they grouping, eventually, not obeying its geographic origin. Then, the hypothesis previously formulated of that geographically next populations would be genetic next, was discarded for the results gotten for the Mantel test where it got a correlation of 0,155. In addition, this relatively high inter populations differentiation allows to recommend to a strategy ex situ of the genetic variability using the biggest possible number of populations. In what, the conservation says respect in situ must be taken in account characteristic genetic and demographic of this species considering that this fact implies in the possibility of a continuous evolution and in the development of new adaptable strategies. It is necessary to have conscience on the distribution of the genetic diversity of these areas with intention to not only promote polities for preservation of found natural populations in national parks, but yes to private preservation of the legal reserves and properties.Item Efeitos da aplicação de glifosato na química de solos alagados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-09-10) BELTRÃO, Danielle Silva; FERNANDES, Eliana Paula;; CAMPOS, Alfredo Borges de; study aimed to evaluate the effects of the herbicide glyphosate in the chemistry of the flooded soils in two humid tropical areas included in the Brazilian savanna, observing these effects in the solid fraction and the soil solution. We used soil from an area of lowland irrigated rice cultivation and a preserved area of path, constituting, respectively, a disturbed area under agriculture and a preserved area with natural vegetation. The soils were subjected to varying periods of saturation, and applying different doses of glyphosate. The treatments were: a) Dosage: Dose 0, dose 1 (1.6 mg L-1), Dose 2 (16.0 mg L-1), Dose 3 (1600.0 mg L-1) and b) periods of saturation solutions: 1, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days. The soils were previously saturated with solutions of glyphosate prepared with distilled and deionized water, and only distilled and deionized water to dose 0, for 2 hours. After that time the volume was completed with distilled deionized and deoxygenated water. At the end of each period of saturation of soil redox potential was determined in intact experimental units, as well as the pH of the solutions after separation by centrifugation. Proceeded to freezing at - 20 ° C of the soils and soil solutions for chemical analysis and a fraction of the solutions was wrapped and refrigerated at 4 º C for later, perform the analysis of dissolved organic matter. The freezing and cooling were performed to inhibit the biological activity in the degradation of glyphosate and organic matter according to the literature. Before the analysis of the solutions we proceeded to filter membrane syringe filter to 0.45 mm in PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride), 33 mm in diameter. Chemical analysis of soil were taken for determination of pH 0.01 M CaCl2, micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn), P, K, available Ca and Mg, Al, H + Al and organic matter. Chemical analysis of the solutions were limited to the determinations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, K, Ca, Mg and Al and was carried out to determine the E4/E6 ratio for the humification of DOM in UV-Vis spectrometer. The different effects of glyphosate were used as the ground, showing the influence of soil characteristics and attributes in the interaction with the herbicide. The solid fraction in the analysis highlighted the effects of doses 2 and 3 in lowland soil and dose 3 in solo path. Glyphosate conferred resistance to the reduction of metals in soil and floodplain had the highest effect on the availability Eh redox sensitive elements as Fe and Mn. In the path the herbicide soil favored the reduction of metals from soil and has provided these elements. In soil solution, for the more concentrated doses, there was decreased solubilization of Fe and Mn and other elements, and affect differently the organic matter in soils, occurring in the path of higher aliphatic DOM, ie, less degradation of biological effect of dose 3. The two three doses of glyphosate and, occasionally, the first dose, influenced the chemistry of the lowland soil. The dose 3 showed more significant effects on the soil of trail. The effects of doses 1 and 2, corresponding to the doses used in the field, are highlighted as important outcomes of this study.Item Volatilização de amônia e produtividade do feijoeiro irrigado adubado com diferentes fontes de nitrogênio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-12-16) BERNARDES, Tatiely Gomes; SILVEIRA, Pedro Marques da; the bean crop nitrogen (N) is the nutrient required in greatest quantity, being related to increases in common bean yield. As the source of this nutrient urea fertilizer is used more in the world due to its low cost per unit of N, however, its use can result in high losses due to ammonia (NH3) volatilization. This work was developed from three experiments performed in the field, conducted in the winter crop in the years 2009 and 2010, at Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Santo Antonio de Goiás, GO, Brazil. The objective was to evaluate N by NH3volatilization loss, using different sources of nitrogen fertilizer applied to irrigated common beans. The first experiment was a randomized block, with four replications, in a factorial 3 x 4, consisted of three sources of nitrogen fertilizer, urea, urea + NBPT and gradual release N fertilizer, and four rates of N, 0; 50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1, on side-dressing fertilization. In the second experiment, the design was a randomized block, with four replications. The treatments consisted of four different amounts of straw tifton (Cynodon spp. Cv. Tifton 85) on the soil surface, 0; 5; 10 and 20 Mg ha-1, and side-dressing fertilizer nitrogen with two sources, urea and gradual release N fertilizer. The third experiment was in randomized block design, with five repetitions. The treatments consisted of the application of five sources of nitrogen fertilizer, urea, urea + NBPT, urea + polymer, ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate at sowing and in coverage, more control (without N). The N rates had a positive influence on grain yield of common bean. Urea caused higher NH3 volatilization, however, the conditions of the present study these losses were relatively low. Less accumulated volatilization occurred in soil with 20 Mg ha-1 straw tifton soil surface, due to higher soil water storage. The urease activity in soil was not influenced by the sources and rates of N. The common bean grain yield was not influenced by sources of nitrogen fertilizer.Item Uso de reguladores de crescimento e controle biológico de fungos no feijoeiro cultivado em sucessão à dife-rentes culturas de cobertura(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-02-25) BERNARDES, Tatiely Gomes; SILVEIRA, Pedro Marques da; order to increase the productivity of the common bean crop several technologies are offered, but there is lack of studies to verify their efficiency. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of growth regulator and the biological control of fungi of the soil through Trichoderma sp., seeking larger productivity of the commom bean plant irrigated in succession to different cover crops. The experiments were conducted in Fazenda Capivara - Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, in the municipality of Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, in a Dystrophic Red Latosol. The experimental design was a randomized complete block on split-plot, with four replications. The plots of the two experiments consisted of cultures used as soil cover, as the leguminous: pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millisp), Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Campo Grande, and Crotalária spectabilis Roth., and the grasses: millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br.), Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, B. brizantha associated with corn (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). To the 84 days after the cut of the cover crops common bean cultivar BRS Valente was sown under central pivot. Experiment 1: the subplot treatments were: a) control; b) 500 ml of growth regulator (RC - commercial product Stimulate) in 100 kg of seeds; c) 1250 ml of biological fungicide (FB - commercial product Trichodermil) in 100 kg of seeds; and, d) 500 ml of RC plus 1250 ml FB in 100 kg of seeds. They were evaluated severity of root rot, incidence of fusarium wilt, grain yield, mass of 100 grains, number of beans for plant, number of grains for bean and initial and final stand of the commom bean. Experiment 2: the subplots consisted of the following treatments: a) control; b) 500 ml of growth regulator (RC - commercial product Stimulate) in 100 kg of seeds; c) 250 ml of RC for hectare in the V4 development stage, foliar treatment; and, d) 500 ml RC in 100 kg of seeds and 250 ml of RC for hectare via foliar, in the V4 development stage. They were evaluated the grain yield, mass of 100 grains, number of beans for plant, number of grains for bean and initial and final stand of the commom bean. The obtained data of the studied variables were submitted to the variance analyses being applied the F test, and when there were differences among the averages, these were compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. Experiment 1: The treatments with Trichoderma sp. and growth regulators applied via seeds did not showed significant effect in the analyzed variables. The sorghum straw favored the increase of the severity of the root rot and of the fusarium wilt in the common bean crop, causing a lower grain yield. The highest grain yield was obtained in the millet straw. Experiment 2: The treatments with growth regulator applied via seeds and foliar did not significantly influenced the common bean grain yield. The predecessor cover crops influenced the common bean grain yield, and the millet was that provided the largest common bean grain yield.Item Caracterização genética de populações naturais de araticunzeiro (Annona crassiflora Mart.) pela análise de cpDNA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-08-30) BLANCO, Angel José Vieira; COELHO, Alexandre Siqueira Guedes; araticunzeiro (Annona crassiflora Mart.) is a tropical fruit tree species from the Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) with high economic potential. The strong degradation of the Cerrado, allied to the predatory extractivism that threatens the species, points out to the necessity of development of research to support future conservation programs. With the aim to furnish information about the genetic status of this species and to guide future conservation strategies, 82 individuals from 11 natural populations were submitted to genetic analysis. The coalescent based analysis of the polymorphism present in the trn-L cpDNA allowed the detection of high levels of genetic diversity in the species. In spite of the high level of genetic similarity among different populations the results produced suggested that, , there is an incipient, but statistically significant, increasing differentiation process taking place due to current status of geographical isolation and genetic drift. The genetic differentiation coefficient estimated was equal to 7.3%. The spatial genetic divergence analyses suggested that the genetic distances are not associated to geographical distances between populations, evidencing the absence of current gene flow between adjacent populations. The coalescent based approach allowed the identification of different evolutionary scenes to the investigated populations. Among sampled populations cases from well conserved status to dangerous low levels of genetic diversity were detected. Results obtained by the use of coalescent models to infer the divergence time between populations suggested that natural populations of A. crassiflora were, until recently, part of a great regional continuum. These findings suggest that the low levels of genetic diversity among different populations must be due to the small time since isolation.Item Aplicabilidade do sistema de avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras frente à realidade do processo produtivo agropecuário goiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-02-27) BORGES, Lino Carlos; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Fernando Coutinho de; are several works which aim to equate the agricultural production in function of the best use of natural resources as soil and water, in the attempt of obtaining the maximum of effectiveness in the productive system, and upon this context the evaluation of the potential of using the lands has major importance for a correct planning of agricultural activities. The elaboration of maps of agricultural aptitude is of extreme importance for the sustainable use of soil and water, it should be the first and more important instrument of agricultural planning. Because of this, the elaboration of those maps should be accompanied of a discerning methodological process, focused mainly in the socioeconomic aspects aiming to adequate it to the various levels of soil handling present nowadays. This work has as objectives: 1) Research the applicability of the evaluation system of the lands agricultural aptitude regarding the actual conditions of the agricultural productive process for two areas of the State of Goiás, basin of drainage of Córrego das Pedras and of Ribeirão Jurubatuba (nascent of Ribeirão João Leite) and of the immediate surrounding of the National Park of Emas; 2) Look for latent factors responsible for the large variability of the lands aptitude in the studied areas, and detect the similar samples considering this clustering, using for this multivariate techniques of factor analysis of principal components and discriminative. The work considers quantifying and comparing the elements of production among the various classes of agricultural aptitude, establishing qualitative differences among those aptitude classes and the handling levels, comparing the theoretical model proposed in the studies against the several realities of the researched areas. The data related to the soil types, agricultural aptitude and handling levels recommended were gathered from maps elaborated for the two areas being studied. Data regarding productivity, production costs, land value, gross revenue and local adopted technology were obtained from personal visits and direct interviews with a sample of 52 farm properties for the agricultural year of 2006/2007. Based on the information found in the 52 analyzed samples, the use of factor analysis was shown to be promising, for this study area, being an innovative aspect in the interpretation of data related to the agricultural aptitude. Two techniques of statistical multivariate analysis were used: factor analysis aiming to reduce the columns of the original matrix (variables in study) through the identification of latent factors, synthesizing the common information over all variables; and the discriminant analysis with the objective of classifying the observations, with known data. These analyses indicated that productivity and production cost are related and that a possible explanation for it may be due to the levels of handling and technology, as with the gross income it may be explained by other elements as the business opportunity, market value for the products, and not necessarily with the level of technology. It was verified also a need for establishing greater and more meaningful details regarding the handling levels for the cases of pasture and forestry. Because of the peculiarities and diversity of production systems found in the basin of Ribeirão João Leite, the system of agricultural aptitude of the lands proposed by Ramalho Filho & Beek (1995) was considered insufficient, for suggesting only three handling levels, while the dispersion of the data regarding production, productivity, production cost and gross revenue, demonstrates the need of better discrimination or hierarchization of the handling levels. For the area of the immediate surrounding of the National Park of Emas the system of agricultural aptitude was shown to be more appropriate on the handling levels recommended. The system proposed by Ramalho Filho & Beek (1995), in a certain way, plasters or limits the expectations one could have relative to the potential of certain cultures, soils and used labor force, regarding the productivity and profitability of some agricultural and forestry activities. It was verified also that the handling levels are extremely important, and they should be in greater number and more detailed than the existing 3 handling levels (A,B and C) proposed by Ramalho Filho & Beek (1995).Item Caracterização agronômica e molecular da coleção nuclear de arroz da Embrapa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-31) BUENO, Luíce Gomes; OLIVEIRA, Jaison Pereira de;; BRONDANI, Claudio; plant genetic resources stored ex situ are considered as a genetic repository, and are raw material for the development of the world agriculture. In rice, despite its high genetic variability, the lack of information of accessions to compose a databank prevents its use to help the choice of genitors for the breeding programs. The Embrapa Rice Core Collection (ERiCC) was developed from 10,000 accessions from Embrapa GeneBank, and it was set up by 550 accessions, divided in three subsets: 1) 94 lines and cultivars from Brazil (LCB); 2) 148 lines and cultivars from abroad (LCI); and 3) 308 traditional varieties (VT), obtained from germplasm collection expeditions in Brazil. This work aimed: 1) to evaluate the extension of genetic variability of 550 accessions from ERiCC by means of agronomic traits characterization using mixed models and multivariate statistics; 2) to perform a comparative analysis of the genetic divergence considering the agronomical and SSR markers characterizations; and 3) to identify the genotypes with higher genetic diversity and with the best agronomic performances, aiming to promote the most efficient use of such germplasm in breeding programs. The agronomic characterization of 550 accessions was performed in nine field experiments, evaluating 18 phenological-agronomic traits. The data were analyzed using the mixed linear and AMMI models. There was wide variation range of genotypical values for most evaluated traits. In different environments, it was observed VT accessions among the high-yielding materials, demonstrating the potential of this group of germplasm, particularly important due to its high genetic variability, to contribute to the development of cultivars regionally adapted. The AMMI approach allowed a good discrimination of ERiCC rice genotypes in relation to the adaptive performance, identifying the accessions CA880078, CA990001, CA870071 (subset VT), and CNA0009113 (LCI) as having good yield and broad adaptation to distinct environments. The comparative analysis of genetic diversity between agronomic and molecular data was performed using the 242 lines and cultivars accessions from ERiCC, which were characterized by 86 fluorescent SSR markers, and five agronomic traits with genotypic values predicted (values without from the effects of interaction genotypes x environment, from a joint analysis of nine experiments. The genetic divergence among accessions was estimated by the average Euclidian distance for phenotypical data, and by the Rogers modified by Wright (RW) genetic distance. The datasets were jointly analyzed by descriptive and multivariate statistics, using correlation analyses from hierarchical grouping of Ward and UPGMA methods. The phenotypical and molecular data showed a broad distribution of dissimilarity indexes, despite they showed different patterns of variation between them. Low molecular distances were associated to low phenotypical distances, however to high molecular distances, occurred a high broad range of phenotypical variation. The correlation between genetical and phenotypical dissimilarities was significant for both lowland and upland accessions, despite with different values (r=0.156 and r=0.409, respectively). Due to the low relation between phenotypical and molecular data, the analysis of genotypes to be used in breeding programs must include both evaluations to a better accession characterization. Considering the high yielding accessions, the higher molecular distances were identified among the accessions from lowland system of cultivation, among which BR IRGA 413 and CNA0005014, BR IRGA 413 and CNA0005853, and CNA0004552 and CNA0005014. Considering the upland accessions, maximum genetic distances were identified in CNA0000482 and CNA0006422, CNA0001006 and CNA0006422, and CNA0001006 and CNA0003490. The molecular analysis was able to identify accessions with reduced genetic relationship, that if used as genitors, will result in a progeny with a high probability to find new allelic combinations. On the other hand, the phenotypical characterization is important to identify accessions not just genetically divergent, but with superior agronomic trait performances for breeding programs. The results of this work will permit to increase the activities related to the characterization of accessions from rice Genebank, giving support of breeding programs to choose the best accessions to obtain new cultivars, with favorable traits, and broad genetic basis. In addition, a continuous program of phenotypical and molecular characterization of germplasm will be able to identify accessions to increase the genetic variability of ERiCC.Item Correção do solo e sistemas de rotação de culturas sobre a absorção de nutrientes e produção de soja(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-02-25) CAETANO, Jeander Oliveira; CARNEIRO, Marco Aurélio Carbone;; PEREIRA, Hamilton Seron; rotation and the increase in straw on the soil are among the main requirements for the implementation and maintenance of no-tillage in the Cerrado. The use of integrated crop and livestock production, coupled with the introduction of Brachiaria in agricultural areas has helped to maintain this coverage and increased amounts of plant species as alternatives to rotation. Thus, there is a need to evaluate these cover crops and forms of fertility management which are widely used by farmers in Brazil. The aim was to evaluate the effect of two forms of soil correction, four types of soil cover and four levels of KCl on production and nutrient content of aerial part dry biomass of soil cover types, the yield and content soybean leaf nutrient and chemical attributes of an Oxisol. The experimental was arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications, the field was laid out in 2x4x4 and arranged in strip-split plot design. Was evaluated the forms of soil correction initial total and annual installment (main plot), the types of soil cover Brachiaria brizantha, B. ruziziensis, sorghum crop residues and spontaneous vegetation (subplots) and the levels of KCl correspondents to 0 kg ha-1, 20 kg ha-1, 40 kg ha-1 e 60 kg ha-1 of K2O (subsubplots). On the soil, for the depths 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm analyzed the pH CaCl2, organic matter, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Al, H+Al and the contents of available P, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn. In the leaves were determined N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn. Was collected dry biomass of soil cover and estimated soybean yield. The forms of soil correction initial total and annual installment not influence soybean yield. B. brizantha produces highest biomass, which occurs in the highest soybean yield. Potassium is the nutrient of greatest accumulation in leaf of B. brizantha and B. ruziziensis. The increasing levels of KCl do not affect the soybean yield. The soybean yield is more affected by the kind of cover crops than by the form of correction and levels of potassium.Item Uso de nitrogênio no cultivo de arroz irrigado e seus efeitos no solo, na planta e na emissão de óxido nitroso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-02-15) CARVALHO, Glaucilene Duarte; FAGERIA, Nand Kumar;; CAMPOS, Alfredo Borges de; wetland soils are countless electrochemical changes, among the most influenced by anaerobic conditions is nitrogen. The rice crop also determine changes in the process, either by the nutrient uptake or by changes in the rhizosphere. The nitrogen can guarantee high yields of rice, however, due to the inadequate use of nitrogen can have nitrous oxide, which is a greenhouse gas. In this context, the research aimed to determine the effects of nitrogen fertilizer in flooded lowland soils in soil chemistry and soil solution on the plants and the emission of nitrous oxide. The experiment was conducted in pots at Embrapa Rice and Beans. The treatments consisted of two rice genotypes (BRS Tropical and BRA 051130) and three nitrogen (0, 150 and 300 mg N kg-1 soil). The experimental design was randomized blocks with split plots. The flooding of the vessels took place on the fifteenth day after planting. The collection solution was given 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 39, 59, 67, 102 days after flooding. The collection system consisted of a perforated plastic pipe and secured in the vessel walls, being closed at the ends. The solution was suctioned through a syringe and then analyzed on Ca, Mg, K, P, Fe, Mn, NO3 -, NH4 +, pH and Eh (directly to the pots). After the experiment was made at the soil sampling vessel, comprising all the other treatments being performed analysis of Ca, Mg, K, P and soil pH. The yield components studied were: plant height, tiller number, panicle number per plant, panicle length, spikelet sterility, dry weight of 1000 grains, shoot dry weight, root dry mass, grain yield, root length, grain harvest index, the contribution of the shoot dry weight total contribution of root dry weight total. The method of collection of nitrous oxide was a closed chamber in PVC material. Collections were undertaken throughout the rice cycle and N2O concentration was measured by reading in a gas chromatograph. The results were subjected to analysis of variance, treatment means compared by Tukey test. The pH, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and P in soil increased after the implementation of the experiment. The values of Eh in soil solution decreased with time of flooding and consequently the pH increased. The concentration of Ca and Mg in soil solution increased with time of flooding and the K, Mn, NO3 -, NH4 + declined over the period. The rice genotypes showed differences in dry weight of 1000 grains. The dry weight of shoots showed responses to nitrogen fertilization, since the height of the trees showed responses to genotypes and N levels The total emission of N2O showed differences in nitrogen use and for the rice genotypes. We observed that the genotype BRA 051130 showed significantly higher total emission in relation to the treatment without plants.Item Retenção de metais pesados em solos agricultáveis do Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-31) CASTRO, Mara Lucia Lemke de; BORGES, Jácomo Divino; intensification of the use of land for farming has caused great concern, mainly due to the impacts that these activities are causing the environment, particularly with regard to it s contamination by chemicals. The application of chemicals and waste ground and in several, or in plants in order to take agronomically solid waste, improve productivity and increase agricultural production has been growing in the practices of cultivation. The form of improper disposal of waste in the soil, without any control of dose and form of application, and without knowledge of their ability to assimilate the different soil types, possibly predisposing the occurrence of contamination and pollution along the profile these soils and may reach the water table and contaminate groundwater. This work aimed the analysis of the retention of some heavy metals in Ultisol, Oxisol Typic Acrustox, Quartzipsamment and Kandic Oxisol found in savannah soil of the Goiás. Heavy metals in tests were Cadmium (Cd+2), lead (Pb+2), copper (Cu+2), chromium (Cr+3 and Cr+6), nickel (Ni+2) and zinc (Zn+2). The sorption of the heavy metals in soil was evaluated by batch method and described by potential and linear models of the Freundlich isotherm. For the establishment of sorption isotherm were added in 5,0 cm3 of soil and 50,0 cm3 of solution containing the heavy metal being assessed with different concentrations within the limits acceptable soil. The potential and linear sorption isotherm submitted a good adjusted to describe the behavior of adsorption of heavy metals in different classes of soil studied. The detention of heavy metals in descending order was the Ultisol: Cr+3 > Cr+6 > Ni+2 > Zn+2 > Cu+2 > Pb+2 > Cd+2; Oxisol Typic Acrustox: Cr+3 > Cr+6 > Ni+2 > Cu+2 > Cd+2 > Zn+2 > Pb+2; Quartzipsamment: Cr+6 > Cr+3 > Cu+2 > Pb+2 > Ni+2 > Zn+2 > Cd+2; Kandic Oxisol: Cr+3 > Cr+6 > Pb+2 > Cu+2 > Zn+2 > Ni+2 > Cd+2. The Quartzipsamment presented a less retention metal comparison other classes of soil, and therefore more vulnerable to contamination of groundwater.Item Produção de óxido nitroso de solo cultivado com feijoeiro comum irrigado em sistema plantio direto no cerrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-02-24) COSTA, Adriana Rodolfo da; MADARI, Beata Emoke; loss of nitrogen from the soil-plant system has economic and environmental repercussions, especially when nitrous oxide is emitted to the atmosphere. The aim of this study was to evaluate the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) in the production system of irrigated commom beans under no-tillage, with brachiaria grass as cover plant (green manure), as affected by the application of different N sources. The experiment was conducted at Embrapa Rice and Beans, in a clayey Haplic Ferralsol. Six areas planted with common beans in no-till system, with sprinkler irrigation, center pivot, were evaluated in the fall/winter period of 2009. In each area (150 m2) a different source on N (treatments) was applied. The total area of the study was 1000 m2. The treatments were: no N (control), urea, ammonium sulfate (A.S.), urea + urease inhibitor (Ur.+Inhi.), urea combined with charcoal (Ur.+Car.), biological fixation nitrogen (B.F.N.), Cerrado (Cer). One hundred kg of N ha-1 was applied in all areas: 20% at sowing together with the seed at the same depth and 80% as top dressing, 25 days after planting. Periods, whose N2O fluxes were more important, were selected for more detailed study, including soil biological variables. The N2O concentration was determined by gas chromatography. Concurrently, soil moisture, temperature, water filled pore space (WFPS), pH and parameters related to the microbial biomass were also measured. The variables that influence soil N2O fluxes during the growing cycle of the bean are: the levels of nitrate in the soil, pH, moisture and WFPS, indicating conditions that favor the denitrification process. The highest emissions of N2O, occur in the following treatments: urea with urease inhibitor, biological nitrogen fixation and urea associated with charcoal, 70%, 36% and 32% higher then that observed in the control, respectively. The emission factors observed in this study are below the lowest levels suggested by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). After fertilization at sowing, the variables that control the emission of N2O are basal respiration, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), total organic carbon (TOC), soil moisture and WFPS. The charcoal combined with urea provides better conditions for microorganisms, increasing MBC and microbial quocient. After topdressing N2O fluxes are lower than at sowing, possibly due to higher N losses through volatilization or increased demand for N by the plant and consequent higher N uptake by plants. The ammonium sulfate source shows the highest N2O fluxes in this period. The variables that control N2O emission in this period are: MBN, pH, moisture and WFPS. During the senescence of the bean plants urea combined with urease inhibitor and biological fixation nitrogen are the treatments that most emitt N2O. The variables that controll the fluxes are soil temperature and TOC.Item Epidemiologia da ferrugem asiática da soja em ambientes do Estado de Goiás: efeito de fungicida e época de semeadura(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-02-28) CRUVINEL, Adriane Reis; OTTONI, Giselle; the last crops, the soybean rust has been appeared as one of the most important problems in the national agriculture. The direct loses on the production and in the costs with fungicides have been increased the damages on this crop. Aiming to understand better the disease epidemiology, this work searched for answers by epidemic progress in two locations, the time of planting effect, the cycle of planting, the use of fungicide, and by different cultivars. The experiments were assembled in Experimental Stations from Agência Rural in Senador Canedo and in Anápolis. For each place were used three times of planting, six cultivars on the three crop cycles (Monsoy 6101 and BRSNina premature cycle; Emgopa 315 and BRSGO Santa Cruz middle cycle; Emgopa 313 and BRSGO Paraíso late cycle), with and without fungicide action, have been evaluated on the three parts of the plant (lower, middle and upper). Each time, to each one of the places, have been considered as an experiment with spli-split-plot. After the disease symptom observations, the split under chemical control were freaked each 21 days using pyraclostrobin+epoxiconazole on 66,5 g + 25 g a.i. ha-1. The evaluations, after the first symptom observation, have been done weekly up to the complete leaves took away. With the periodic severity data the Area Under Progress Disease Curve (AUPDC) and Relative Area Under Progress Disease Curve (RAUPDC), that is the area divided by the epidemic time duration, were calculated. The parameters were productivity, thousand-grains weight (TGW) and small grains percent (%SG). The delay on the start of the disease on Anápolis, comparing with Senador Canedo, increases the discussion on the results. The previous disease occurrence in Senador Canedo and the high level inoculate presented can be associated to the fact of experimental site in Senador Canedo has soybean cultivate all over the year. The delay on the start of the disease on Anápolis, compared to Senador Canedo has been resulted on productivity increase and fungicide effect decrease. Comparing the time of planting in both planting places, the second one presented the highest level of severity, but the highest level of productivity even. The use of fungicide decrease significantly the AUPDC, increase the productivity, the TGW and decrease the %SG. The premature cycle cultivars presented lowest disease severity. The cultivar Emgopa 315 although be a medium cycle presented results equals premature cycles cultivars. On each site the time of planting were differentiated. On high pressure inoculate condition the difference between evaluated factors was lower. On lower inoculate pressure the evaluated factors expressed better the changes. As conclusion we have: a) how early the disease appears higher is your effect on productivity; b) using premature cultivars the escape effect decrease the disease damages when compared to medium and late cycle; c) the disease decrease the soybean cycle by the defoliation; d) although all the cultivars presented susceptibility to rust, related to lower severity on partial resistance; e) the fungicide utilization pyraclostrobin+epoxiconazole on de 66,5 g + 25 g a.i. ha-1, used on first symptom and in 21 on 21 days decrease the disease progress and the effects on productivity; f) the disease progress decrease by fungicide utilization is better in late planting; g) under the fungicide effect pyraclostrobin+epoxiconazole with 66,5 g + 25 g a.i. ha-1 there s no variation time planting and site; h) under high inoculate pressure the variation between time planting on disease progress and productivity is lower; i) the time of planting must be considered but not lonely, always in association with others factors of fungus action; j) the use of RAUPDC is necessarily when there is variation the time of soybean cycle, affecting the rust epidemic duration; l) the highest disease level occurs on the part of the plant near the soil and the defoliation difficult the disease evaluation on this part of the plant; m) the most effective disease occurs on the highest parts of the plant.Item Manejo da irrigação do feijoeiro cultivado em plantio direto no sistema integração lavoura-pecuária(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-02-26) CUNHA, Paulo César Ribeiro da; NASCIMENTO, Jorge Luiz do; water is becoming a resource more and more scarce, with growing strategic importance in the sections environmental, economical, social and political. The irrigated agriculture is responsible for considerable portion of the agricultural production, however, it is the activity that more it demands water. In the irrigated areas, one of the most important factors is the determination of the water levels for replacement of the losses happened in function of the evapotranspiration, with consequent it gets better of the productive efficiency. Inside of this context he becomes evident the need of administration of the applied water for the irrigation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the acting of three irrigation management methods in beans crop cultivated in direct planting in the system integration farming-cattle; the methods were appraised as for the estimate of the evapotranspiration, levels and irrigation frequency, productivity of grains and their components. It was also evaluated in the periods annual, dry and rainy season, the acting of methods of determination of the coefficient of the class A pan (Kp), and still, the possibility of adoption of a fixed value for such variable. The evaluation was made within the dear evapotranspiração with class A pan using the appraised coefficients and the dear for the standard method Penman-Monteith (FAO 56). The work was driven in the experimental area of Capivara farm, Rice and Beans Research Center in Santo Antônio de Goiás, Goiás State, Brazil. In the evaluation of the irrigation management methods the common bean crop was used (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. BRS Supremo; the appraised methods were tensiometry, class A pan and Penman-Monteith. There were significant differences as for the productivity, number of grains for plant and height of plants in relation to the irrigation management methods, tends the class A pan propitiated the obtaining of larger yield, due to the largest total water, and of the largest irrigation frequencies, the management for tensiometry caused reduction of 40% in the total demand of water of the beans crop, however, with significant reductions in the productivity, tends the class A pan overestimated and of the underestimated tensiometry the total water esteemed by the standard method FAO 56 Penman-Monteith. Independent of Kp, the method of the class A pan overestimated the evapotranspiration obtained with Penman-Monteith. For the climatic conditions in which he took place the work, the best method of determination of Kp, for the estimate of ET0 in the annual period was it of Pereira et al. (1995). For the dry season it was it proposed by Cuenca (1989). In the rainy season all of the methods presented low actings, however, Pereira et al. (1995) method it was shown more efficient. It was observed that the method of the class A pan is not efficient to esteem ET0 in the rainy season. The analyses showed that the adoption of a fixed and constant Kp in 0,70 showed in high acting, mainly in the annual and dry seasons.Item Otimização da detecção de raquitismo da soqueira e escaldadura das folhas em cana-de-açúcar utilizando PCR(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-02) DIAS, Vanessa Duarte; DIANESE, Erico de Campos;; CUNHA, Marcos Gomes da; sugarcane production areas are increasing in Brazil due to increased ethanol consumption by flex fuel cars. The planted area is growing, but productivity has been declining in recent years, and factors such as incidence of diseases in the crop may be contributing to this situation. Among the diseases, bacteria such as scald of the leaves and ratoon stunting disease, are of great importance to the crop because they can reduce productivity by up to 30% and the symptoms are not always displayed in the field, thus requiring advanced techniques to detect such bacterial diseases. Among the most used techniques for diagnosis serological tests are quite common, which has as main advantage the capacity of quantitative detection of the presence of bacteria in the culms. However, this detection is only possible if the bacterial title is relatively high. The PCR technique method is more sensitive for detecting low levels of bacteria in stems, but the DNA extractions should be performed in order to purify the DNA to reduce the presence of inhibitory substances in the extract. Thus in this study five different methods of DNA extraction of Xanthomonas albilineans and Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli were tested and performed in three steps: pure bacteria, bacteria inoculated directly in the extract from five different varieties of sugarcane, and extract from a stem knowingly infected with these bacteria. The results indicate that the amplifications occur more frequently when the products and repeatability of the extractions are diluted by 10-4 in the Leaf Scald. Without this diluition steps, the amplification does not occur, even with the method of DNA extraction considered as a standard. Thus, it is concluded that the detection does not happen if the DNA extraction product is not diluted at least 1000 times, which should prevent the action of inhibitory factors that can hinder the PCR reactions. As for the ratoon stunting disease additional studies are needed to enable its detection by PCR.