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Item Infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A em mulheres transgêneras: prevalência e fatores associados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-07) Almeida, Mayara Maria Souza de; Souza, Márcia Maria de;; Souza, Márcia Maria de; Guimarães, Rafael Alves; Caetano, Karlla Antonieta Amorim; Galvão, Marli Teresinha Gimeniz; Vieira, Maria Aparecida da SilvaHepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is a serious public health problem, and transgender women constitute a group that is still stigmatized and quite vulnerable to communicable infections. This study aimed to investigate the epidemiological profile of hepatitis A virus infection in transgender women in Goiás. Cross-sectional, analytical study, carried out between March 2018 and August 2019, with 440 trans women being recruited, in which the sampling technique was used Respondent Driven Samplin. All women participated in data collection through a structured questionnaire and were tested using serological markers for anti-HAV (IgG-IgM) by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Bivariate and multivariate analyzes were performed using logistic regression in order to identify factors associated with HAV. More than half self-declared transsexual (66.3%), with a positive marker for anti HAV-IgG (75.6%), single (82.7%), aged between 22 and 30 years, self-declared black/ brown (71.6%), educational level between 10 and 12 years of study (61.3%) and monthly income between R$ 1,000.00 and R$ 3,000.00. Women aged between 20 and 30 years were 6.37 times more likely to have had previous contact with the virus. Those who had less than 10 years of formal education were 5.81 times more likely to be positive for anti-HAV IgG compared to other ages. Although there was no statistically significant association for anti-HAV positivity, some risky sexual and non-sexual behaviors deserve attention, such as sex work, oral and oroanal sex, non-use of condoms, considerable number of weekly sexual partners and group sex, in addition to the use of illicit drugs and prior arrest. The results showed that very young people may be more likely to be exposed to the infection and the shorter the time of schooling, the less knowledge and information about protection and prevention measures for HAV. And there is a need for prevention programs for communicable infections in this population, such as guaranteeing and facilitating access to the hepatitis A vaccine and health education actions regarding preventive and behavioral measures.Item O conceito de letramento digital em saúde: revisão de escopo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-03) Batello, Guiomar Virginia Vilela Assunção de Toledo; Moraes, Katarinne Lima;; Brasil, Virginia Visconde;; Brasil, Virginia Visconde; Ferreira, Elaine Barros; Mialhe, Fabio Luiz; Vila, Vanessa da Silva Carvalho; Butrico, Gabriela Ferreira de OliveiraIntroduction: the advancement of information and communication technologies, along with their integration into digital health, highlights digital health literacy (DHL) as a potential tool for empowering users. However, the concept of DHL, as introduced in 2006, does not adequately address the essential skills users need to effectively navigate today’s digital health environments. Examining how this concept has been explored in the literature over time can help map the evidence base, identify knowledge gaps, and support the creation of a focused research agenda. Objective: to map the concept of digital health literacy within the context of digital health. Method: a structured scoping review was conducted following the JBI method. The research question, formulated using the PCC mnemonic framework, was: "What conceptual definitions of digital health literacy have been used in the context of digital health up to the present day?" The review focused on digital health literacy, guided by the eHealth literacy framework introduced by Norman & Skinner in 2006, setting the study period from 2006 to 2023. There were no restrictions on language, and a wide range of sources and materials were included in the analysis. A comprehensive search strategy was implemented on September 22, 2023, targeting PubMed and adapted for various databases, including LILACS, BDENF, and other resources from the Regional Portal of the Virtual Health Library (BVS); SCIELO; SCOPUS; MEDLINE via PubMed/NLM; CINAHL/EBSCO; Cochrane Library/Wiley; PsycINFO/APA; ERIC/U.S. Department of Education; PMC, Embase, and Web of Science Core Collection/Clarivate through CAPES journals. Grey literature sources such as Global ETD Search and Google Scholar were also included, along with the references of selected studies. The selection process followed eligibility criteria, using a double-independent blinded review for both publication selection and data extraction. Disagreements between reviewers were resolved by a third reviewer and through consultation with an online team panel. Results: the searches identified 24,632 publications, of which 171 were selected for full-text review. Ultimately, nine studies were included in the final sample. The inclusion process was detailed using a flow diagram in line with the PRISMA-ScR Checklist. Most studies were conducted in Asia (four studies) and Europe (four studies), with English being the dominant publication language (78%), followed by German (11%) and Korean (11%). The majority of the studies were theoretical. Over time, the concept of digital health literacy (DHL) evolved and adapted to incorporate emerging technologies in digital health. New essential skills were introduced to enable individuals to engage effectively with digital health, such as identifying, defining, and communicating health problems; exchanging, validating, and creating health information; recording, protecting, or sharing personal data; and managing online criticism. Conclusions: the integration of these skills has not been accompanied by significant advancements in the concept of digital health literacy, as only a limited number of studies have empirically evaluated their applicability within the field. Therefore, it is reasonable to question whether all the skills included in DHL definitions are equally relevant to all individuals, regardless of context or location?Item Qualidade da assistência especializada a pessoas com diabetes mellitus e hipertensão arterial segundo o Chronic Care Model(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-27) Borges, Dalma Alves Pereira; Brasil, Virginia Visconde;; Brasil, Virginia Visconde; Vila, Vanessa da Silva Carvalho; Vitorino, Priscila Valverde de Oliveira; Zanini, Claudia Regina de Oliveira; Rezende, Marina Aleixo DinizINTRODUCTION: Support for self-management of chronic conditions and health literacy are essential elements in the development of person-centered services. The use of integrated care models that focus on the person, and not just on the specific disease, represent a viable solution for effective care. The Chronic Care Model is a model that is based on the relationship between motivated and informed users and the proactive and prepared health team. However, there is evidence of gaps in the attention and care that should be provided in the care of chronic conditions, especially in hypertension and diabetes. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the quality of care provided and the health literacy conditions reported by people with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus in a secondary care service. METHODS: Crosssectional study, carried out in an outpatient clinic that is a reference in the care of arterial hypertension, in a large Brazilian center, where diabetes is prevalent morbidity. Eighty-two people with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension were evaluated, with a follow-up of at least five years and ten consultations. Sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained through a nursing consultation. The Patient Assessment of Care for Chronic Conditions - PACIC questionnaire was applied, with 20 questions and five scales. Higher scores (> 3.0) indicate a perception of greater involvement in self-management and support. Three scales from the Brazilian version of the Health Literacy Questionnaire - HLQ-Br were also used. The score of each scale indicates the person's strengths and weaknesses in relation to their health literacy. Internal consistency was evaluated; Mann-Whitney test, Spearman test and significance of 5% were applied. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 68.98±8.79 years, female (82.93%), with a median of 4 years of study (IQR 3 - 8). Most parents (70.73%) did not study. Less than half of the users had controlled values of glycated hemoglobin - HbA1c (34.15%) and blood pressure (36.59%). The Cronbach alpha of PACIC was 0.85 and that of HLQ-Br was 0.75. There was a positive correlation between the time of diagnosis of diabetes and HbA1c. The overall PACIC score was 3.4 (IQR 2.8-3.8) out of a high of 5.0. The highest score was evidenced on the scale of care/decision-making model (4.3) and the lowest on the scale of coordination of care/follow-up (2.8). Support for selfmanagement is assessed by the treatment adherence scores (3.0), problem-solving / follow-up contextualization (3.0), and goal setting (3.8). Those with ≥ 4 years of schooling had higher scores for Attention Coordination / Follow-up (p=0.039). Participants whose parents had some schooling had higher scores for Adherence to treatment (p=0.038), Coordination of care / Follow-up (p=0.042) and general PACIC (p=0.026). Lower scores were identified among participants who did not have HbA1c control, on the Goal Setting scale (p=0.003). Health literacy showed mean scores of 4.07 ± 0.87 on the Ability to interact with the team scale; 3.02±1.31 in Understanding the information and 2.84±1.25 in Finding good information. Male users had higher scores for interacting with professionals, finding information and understanding information (p=0.039, p=0.00 and p=0.003). Those with ≥ to 4 years of schooling had higher scores for Finding and Understanding information (p=0.002 and p< 0.001), as well as those whose parents had some schooling (p=0.036 and p=0.037). Those who were overweight had a higher score for Understanding the information (p= 0.040). There was a positive correlation between the time of diagnosis of diabetes and HbA1c and no correlation was identified between the general value of PACIC and the HLQ-Br scales. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of care was considered high according to the general PACIC, and moderate in terms of the person's participation in decision-making and the contextualization of the treatment plan. Weakness was identified in the dependence on other people to be able to access and understand written information, but the ease of involvement with professionals can favor the use of communication strategies to improve health self-management.Item Pesquisa participante baseada na comunidade: estratégias de formação de redes na proteção ao uso abusivo de drogas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-20) Dias , Paula Cândida da Silva; Munari, Denize Bouttelet;; Munari, Denize Bouttelet; Staciarrini , Jeanne Marie Rodrigues; Souza, Adenicia Custodia Silvia e; Caixeta, Camila Cardoso; Medeiros , MarceloThe abusive use of psychoactive substances is no longer just a public health problem but became a complex issue, which involves the social, economic and political context. For this reason, when thinking about health promotion and prevention of problems related to drug abuse, it is essential to develop actions including the community, the space where people live. Strengthening community resources and expanding public policies and interventions based not only on moral control for drug use can reduce risk. This study aimed to describe the construction of strategies for the formation of protection networks against the abuse of alcohol and other drugs in a community. This is a Community-Based Participant Survey (CBPR), conducted in a neighborhood in the municipality of Aparecida de Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil, and participants were community members interested in discussing the problem of alcohol and other drugs abuse and seeking means to reduce risks to this situation. Community leaders of the neighborhood, workers from various areas and residents who joined a Community Advisory Committee (CBPR) participated. Data were collected between June 2017 and July 2018 and followed the steps provided in the assumptions of CBPR, which establish the conduct of the research in an interactive and cyclical way. Data were recorded, transcribed and discussed along with CAC in terms of content, results and developments that were necessary. In addition, the team of researchers performed descriptive and analytical analysis of the data, and the results were organized around a central theme: Strategies for the formation of networks of protection against drug abuse in the context of CBPR. Four topics were identified: The approach for community partnership training; Formation of the Community Advisory Committee; Identification and prioritization of problems related to protective and risk factors for drug use in the community; and Planning and implementation of actions in the community, results achieved and contributions to sustainability. The results of the actions undertaken in and with the community demonstrate the construction of a network in the community context, which organized strategies to deal with the issue studied in a systemic way, whose sustainability indicators allow to affirm that CBPR is an important strategy of cultural intervention that values people in its territory as an important dimension of psychosocial care. The study presents an example of how to build strategies for the formation network for drug abuse prevention in the community context from the perspective of CBPR, pointing out contributions to the community, science, the training of professionals and researchers. The results of this study broaden our view on the production of health care, with a close relationship between researcher, community and students, and draw attention to the fine line between protecting the other and living collectively.Item Estratégias de avaliação do letramento em saúde na América latina e Caribe: revisão de escopo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-05) Lima, Edmila Lucas de; Brasil, Virginia Visconde;; Brasil, Virginia Visconde; Vila, Vanessa da Silva Carvalho; Paula, Cristiane Cardoso de; Rocha, Priscilla Roberta Silva; Cardozo , Roxana IsabelCultural and linguistic diversity, socioeconomic inequalities, health organization and systems in Latin America and the Caribbean interact and influence people's health literacy. Knowing how the population's health literacy (HL) of this region has been assessed can contribute to adapting the conduct of health professionals. Objective: to map the strategies used to assess health literacy in the Latin American and Caribbean population. Method: this scoping review adopted the methodological assumptions of the JBI and as eligibility criteria the primary studies in full that used strategies to evaluate the population HL of Latin America and the Caribbean, without time limitation and with restriction of the Latin-Roman alphabet. In July 2023 the sources MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, EMBASE, SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, among others from the BVS Portal and gray literature (Google Scholar) were accessed. Results: 228 articles were included, the majority of which (82.4%) came from studies carried out in Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Peru. Observational and methodological studies predominated. The majority was conducted in hospitals and outpatient settings, in adults, adolescents, the elderly and children, especially those with chronic diseases. The temporal distribution was between 2009 and 2023, with an exponential rise from 2019 onwards. Most studies evaluated general HL and among those with specific content, oral/oral HL stood out. 110 LS assessment strategies were identified, and the most used were translated, culturally adapted and/or validated tools (S-TOFHLA; SAHL-S/SAHLPA-18; SAHLSA-50 and the NVS) who evaluated HL functional aspects, were applied in person, without time and application restrictions. Most studies adopted a broad and general concept of LS and Brazil has used five terms to identify HL in the country. Conclusion: HL evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean has been carried out with varied strategies, which differ in the methodological approaches adopted. The evidence presented can collaborate and offer guidance for the development of reliable and effective tools that respond to Latin American and Caribbean population needs. Efforts and investments must be made in the development of national tools, which guarantee adequacy, cultural competence and meet the specificities of the region. Reliable results can produce effective interventions in promoting health and sustainable development.Item Concentração de melatonina no leite humano, qualidade do sono e saúde mental materna: estudo transversal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-05) Oliveira, Flávia Silva e; Guimarães, Janaína Valadares;; Mota, Dalete Delalibera Faria de Correa;; Vieira, Flaviana Vely Mendonça;; Vieira, Flaviana Vely Mendonça; Amaral, Fernanda Gaspar do; Ruiz, Mariana Torreglosa; Gomes, Patrícia Rogrigues Lourenço; Arrais, Alessandra da RochaOliveira FS. Melatonin Concentration in Human Milk, Sleep Quality, and Maternal Mental Health: Cross-Sectional Study [thesis]. Goiânia: Faculdade de Enfermagem/UFG; 2023. p. 196. INTRODUCTION: Melatonin is an endogenous hormone present in human milk and plays a crucial role in regulating the circadian rhythm. Its association with mood disorders and sleep disturbances during the postpartum period is still underexplored. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between melatonin concentration in human milk and the quality of sleep, presence of depressive symptoms, anxiety, and maternal stress in the postpartum period. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 84 women in the postpartum period in the public healthcare system. Data collection took place between June 2021 and December 2022, with participants approached in the postpartum ward of the maternity unit. Human milk samples were collected through manual expression between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. on day 14 postpartum. The samples were stored at -80°C and analyzed using an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sociodemographic, obstetric, and neonatal data were collected, and questionnaires on postpartum depression (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS), anxiety, stress (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale, DASS-21), and sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) were administered. Statistical analysis included measures of central tendency and dispersion, bivariate Poisson regression, and multivariate modeling, with p < 0.05 considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The median melatonin concentration was 4.90 pg/ml (Q1: 2.78; Q3: 13.61). Depressive symptoms were reported by 22.6% of the women, anxiety symptoms by 39.3%, stress symptoms by 38.1%, and sleep disturbances by 63.1%. In the multivariate analysis, associations were found between melatonin concentration ≤ 4.90 pg/ml, planned pregnancy (RP: 1.21; 95% CI: 1.04 - 1.42; p = 0.015), and anxiety symptoms (RP: 1.18; 95% CI: 1.02 - 1.37; p = 0.030). Postpartum depressive symptoms were associated with paid employment (RP: 2.58; 95% CI: 1.20 - 5.52; p = 0.015), stress symptoms (RP: 3.84; 95% CI: 1.04 - 14.21; p = 0.044), and sleep disturbances (RP: 3.07; 95% CI: 1.13 - 8.33; p = 0.027). Significant associations were also observed between stress symptoms and unplanned pregnancy (RP: 3.06; 95% CI: 1.16 - 8.12; p = 0.024), anxiety symptoms (RP: 3.06; 95% CI: 2.06 19 - 7.80; p < 0.001), and postpartum depressive symptoms (RP: 1.93; 95% CI: 1.12 - 3.33; p = 0.017). For anxiety symptoms, an association was found with stress symptoms (RP: 1.19; 95% CI: 1.53 - 7.26; p = 0.002) and newborn weight (RP: 1.00; 95% CI: 1.00 - 1.01; p = 0.004). The presence of sleep disturbances was associated with the number of people in the household (RP: 0.71; 95% CI: 0.54 - 0.94; p = 0.015). CONCLUSION: Melatonin concentration in human milk was higher than the daytime levels reported in the literature. The association between melatonin and anxiety symptoms emphasizes the importance of identifying modifiable factors during the perinatal period. The relationship between mood disorders and sleep disturbances suggests a simultaneous or precedence interaction between these conditions.Item Administração de medicamentos: vivências dos pacientes quanto às práticas assistenciais e estratégias para seu envolvimento no cuidado seguro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-11-26) Santos, Jânia Oliveira; Gomes, Giselle Pinheiro Lima Aires;; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz;; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz; Paranaguá, Thatianny Tanferri de Brito; Souza, Adrielle Cristina Silva; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Suzuki, KarinaINTRODUCTION: Patient involvement in medication administration has gained prominence since the publication of the Third Global Patient Safety Challenge in 2017. Incidents related to health practices in national and international scenarios, with emphasis on medication errors and adverse events, are independent of strategies implemented in recent decades to reduce them. It is believed that patients, when trained, are able to identify and intervene to avoid errors, constituting the last real barrier to preventing incidents related to medication administration. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To analyze patients' experiences regarding nursing professionals' care practices and personal strategies to promote their involvement in safe care, in the medication administration stage, during hospitalization. METHODOLOGY: This is a single, descriptive case study with a qualitative approach. Sixty-four patients from a public hospital in the North Region of Brazil participated. Data were collected from June to August 2022 through semi-structured interviews. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used according to Bardin's assumptions. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, opinion No. 5,348,969. RESULTS: Most participants (72%) were male; 25% were between 31 and 40 years old; 22% were 61 years old or older. Of these, 67% completed the eighth grade; 11% had higher education and 3% were illiterate. Content analysis allowed the creation of four thematic categories: 1. Incidents in medication administration, concepts and experiences; 2. Nursing team care practices that enhance or weaken patient involvement in the medication administration stage; 3. Patient strategies for preventing incidents in the medication administration stage and 4. Patient experience for their safety during medication administration. Predominantly, patients understand the meaning of incidents in medication administration, and that they occur for various reasons; that among the care practices to enhance patient involvement in medication safety, professional/patient relationships and communication stand out as tools to improve the quality of guidance on the safe use of medications. The factors that weaken this are predominantly related to the management of the health service, with emphasis on the professional's attitude and communication. The following strategies were highlighted as patients' strategies for preventing incidents: asking about medications and observing procedures. Patients predominantly feel safe regarding the use of medications during hospitalization, because they trust the multidisciplinary team. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The study contributes to the care and organizational context by enabling practical reflections on patient participation in care based on their experiences as barriers to incident prevention and pointing out strategies adopted to increase their safety in care at the medication administration stage. The explicit evidence in the context of this study shows paths to follow, especially by strengthening the process of permanent education of the multidisciplinary team, aiming to value the practice of patient involvement for safe care in a hospital environment.Item Letramento em saúde de profissionais do Serviço de Atenção Domiciliar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-30) Santos, Laidilce Teles Zatta; Brasil, Virginia Visconde;; Brasil, Virginia Visconde; Vila, Vanessa da Silva Carvalho; Cordeiro, Jacqueline Andréia Bernardes Leão; Butrico, Gabriela Ferreira de Oliveira; Borges Junior, Laerte HonoratoIntroduction: Home Care has become an important possibility for the Brazilian Unified Health System to respond to the population's health needs, as it includes actions in health promotion, diseases prevention and treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care, that occur at home, aiming the continuation of care and integration with the Health Care Networks. This covers the way in which services make information, resources, support and health environments available and accessible to different people, that is, it is the responsibility of the services to meet health literacy (HL) demands of people, including users and healthcare professionals in this process. All people have some type of difficulty in accessing health services, as well as in understanding the information they receive. Professionals must develop clear and easy-to-understand communication skills using the HL principles, both in their own health care and to provide adequate assistance in the Home Care Service. Objective: To evaluate health literacy conditions among professionals enrolled in a Home Care Service. Method: Analytical cross-sectional study, conducted with professionals at Home Care Service in Goiânia / GO. Data collection was accomplished, using a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Brazilian version of the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ-Br). Simple descriptive analysis was performed for sociodemographic variables, mean calculation of scores and reliability of the HLQ-Br, Mann Whitney; Kruskal-Wallis; Cohen's d and Spearman's correlation. Results: Twenty-nine home care service professionals participated in the study; the majority were female; with a mean age of 39.9 ± 8.5 years; there was a predominance of the nursing team; most participants have other jobs and work approximately 12 hours / day; parents with education at or above high school; personal and family income greater than six minimum wages (Brazilian currency); and have been working at the Home Care Service for approximately six years. The lowest scores obtained were in Scale 2 “Enough information for health care”, Scale 4 “Social support to health care” and Scale 3 “Active management of health” (Part 1); and in Scale 7 “Navigating the healthcare system” and Scale 6 “Ability to actively engage with healthcare providers” (Part 2). The highest scores obtained were Scale 5 “Assessment of health information” (Part 1) and Scale 9 “Understanding health information well enough to know what to do” (Part 2). Conclusions: This study is a pioneer in evaluating the HL of professionals linked to SAD in Brazil and can collaborate to strengthen this service at the national level and indirectly contribute to the quality of life of patients, in the proposal that it is “Better at Home”. It allowed for reflection on the HL assumptions with professionals working in the SAD and will collaborate with the dissemination of the theme of health literacy among the group, as a tool in assertive communication and in the care of one's own health. The dissemination of these results can contribute to the performance of interventions in the service following the HL assumptions, as well as encouraging the inclusion of HL in undergraduate and graduate health curricula.Item Modelo andragógico de formação para o cuidado centrado na pessoa na atenção psicossocial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-19) Sousa, Johnatan Martins; Nunes, Fernanda Costa;; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz;; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz; Lucchese, Roselma; Paranaguá, Thatianny Tanferri de Brito ; Farinha, Marciana GonçalvesINTRODUCTION:In the Brazilian scenario, in relation to community psychosocial care service teams, there is still criticism of the hegemony of the biomedical model leading their practices. One possibility of breaking this hegemonic power is the adoption of the Person-Centered Clinical Method, which aims to promote the protagonism and activation of health service users in the care process to reverse this situation through the application of four related components: a) Exploring health, illness and the experience of illness; b) Understanding the person as a whole; c) Drawing up a joint problem management plan; d) Strengthening the relationship between the person and the doctor/health professional, as evidence indicates that in the mental health scenario it is still necessary to increase the participation of users in the decision-making process about their care. OBJECTIVE: Understand the health team's training process on person-centered care in psychosocial care. METHODOLOGY: Intervention research with a qualitative approach carried out in two stages. In the first, 17 professionals from two Psychosocial Care Centers in a municipality in the central region of Brazil participated between the months of June and August 2021, using a sociodemographic and professional profile questionnaire, in addition to a semi-structured script for an individual online interview and notes. in a field diary to survey situational diagnosis on person-centered care. The second phase of data collection consisted of a training intervention guided by the Experiential Learning Cycle on person-centered care, carried out in four meetings to equip multidisciplinary teams and took place between the months of October and December 2022 with the participation of 30 professionals of the services included in the first stage of the study. The emerging data was organized with the help of the ATLAS.ti software and subjected to content analysis, thematic modality. RESULTS: From the analytical process of the situational diagnosis on person-centered care in psychosocial care, 7 thematic categories emerged: 1. Health/illness process in the light of person-centered care; 2. Practice of welcoming for person-centered care; 3. Assistance planning; 4. Enhancer aspects of the therapeutic relationship; 5. Repercussions of the therapeutic relationship; 6. Challenges for the therapeutic relationship; 7. Training process. The results highlighted potential related to person-centered care in the context of psychosocial care, however, it also highlighted some challenges that need to be overcome for the full implementation of the Person-Centered Clinical Method, especially issues related to interpersonal and relational competence. These findings made it possible to construct the second phase of the research to qualify the teams' professional practice in relation to person -centered care. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The investigation showed that even in a non systematized way, the teams at the Psychosocial Care Centers put into practice some aspects of the Person-Centered Clinical Method and demonstrate the importance of training processes for combining practice with the theoretical foundation for the strengthening the psychosocial care model