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Item Cenários, olhares, tramas e cotidiano [manuscrito]: a educação ambiental à luz de distintas representações e territorialidades na Ilha do Bananal e entorno - TO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-09) BISPO, Marcileia Oliveira; OLIVEIRA, Sandra de Fátima; environmental education is an educational practical developed in the formal education of environmental dimension in the daily social. We observe nowadays the multiplicity of resources what goes get to constitute, a new way to produce knowledge a new way to think about the reality. Therefore, the present study emphasize the representations, built for determined groups and that can contribute for a practice of a environmental education in the public schools. The place chosen for development of resource was Bananal Island and outskirts TO, specially in the city hall Pium, Cristalândia, Confusion Lake and Formoso do Araguaia. The main objective of the study was to analize as the guys which live in the Bananal Island and outskirts TO relate with this place and construct territorialities, aiming to understand the representations constructe by colaboraters of investigation about Bananal Island and that forms this knowledge can contribute for the practice he environmental education in the public schools of outskirts of Island. Some objectives was established taking as reference the observation of reality to understand the relations of communities of outskirts of Bananal Island and the livers and managers of PARNA do Araguaia, from yours representations about own Bananal Island, such as: to identify the territorialities constructed by the subjects what live in the Bananal Island and outskirts; to identify the conflicts from the different types or uses and the territorialities of subjects of resource; to investigate in the public schools of cities resource development the Environmental Education determining as its happen and if the practice of EE related with the conflicts of resource region, and finally to suggest strategies de EE for teachers with base in the knowledge of territorialities and the conflicts in the Bananal Island and outskirts TO. By the bibliography resource, documental analyses, observations and the field resource and utilizing the interview and the personal opinion, we develop a resource of a quality nature. From the answers of the subjects of resource teachers, farmers withdrawers, Indians and managers of National Park of Araguaia, showed the territorialities and the territories formation, identifiers, what identify relation territory has in the place the sense of belonging of guys that live and conceive his, and still this feeling of belonging express several forms. We observe still that conflicts of use of territory of Bananal Island for this subject as well one diversity of representations this territory, staying obvious what from like this perceive and represent of Bananal Island, orient to look each one, each one inside of his specificities, and when the representations are assimilated express the relation of guy with the world and same time place the guy in this world. Finally, the information introduced a vision as well the practice at environmental education in the area resource. Was possible give some suggests of intervention, because all proliferating of actions in the schools had as of environmental education we perceive that same continues in character sensitive and innocent that only the change of behavior is enough to resolve the environmental problems.Item Formação de uma nova centralidade do setor sucroenergético no cerrado: o caso de Quirinópolis, estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-12-16) BORGES, Vonedirce Maria Santos; CASTRO, Selma Simões de; alcohol sector has shown a remarkable process of expansion since 2000, towards the central Cerrado, admittedly favored by situation anchored in renewable energy and defense of national sovereignty. The state of Goias is one of the prime targets of this expansion, since 2004, primarily from 2006 to 2007, and has been concentrating a strong sugar industry in southern Goiás / Southwest Microregion of Quirinópolis (MRQ), where he spent about 4 000 ha more than 150 000 ha planted in the period, with great impact on the local socio-economy, according to previous studies, and subsidiaries of this thesis. This micro-region has favorable soil and climatic characteristics and economic importance of high logistics intra-and inter-regional exports, but the changes in land use and environmental impacts related to this process are still poorly studied. This thesis aims to understand the spatial pattern of expansion of sugarcane and the MRQ, with emphasis on soil and its use changes, considered by many authors as the agricultural frontier expansion of the 1970s, but more organized and capitalized technified, aiming prove the hypothesis that there has been setting a new centrality of the sugarcane industry in the Cerrado, focusing on production of ethanol and bio-energy, multi-scale consequences of which affect, among other things, the other pre-existing supply chains, especially food production. We analyzed in more detail the succession of land uses in the period since 2004, before the arrival of the cane in order to identify the substitution patterns of crops and pastures by the new culture and the potential for direct environmental impacts of sugarcane due observation of pressure on water resources for irrigation purposes and on soils associated with the management system of high technological standards, involving inputs and pesticides, and heavy machinery, among others. The research was based mainly on compiling data and maps, and thematic development of multi-scale cartographic documents, including use of satellite imagery and GIS analysis of census data and detailed study of various impacts on soil and water resources, with sampling Field and laboratory analysis. It is concluded that sugarcane has focused initially on the best land of the MRQ, where it has the best infrastructure in regional / state, where it stood, triumphant, with other uses, in particular, grains (soybeans), and secondarily pastures, in which continues with the current expansion. The process as in the past is supported by federal policy, now the PNE - 2030, and receives federal and state subsidies. It's still fast and plays the same model of previous agricultural expansion, occupation of Savannah in the 1970s, differing, however the fastest and well-planned action of large financial groups and the rapid formation of joint ventures and sugar and alcohol agribusiness complexes horizontal extension of those South-East and even multinationals. These groups previously selected areas where expansion triggered the installation of plants inducing a re-zoning, but retained the strategy of producing agricultural commodities. Finally, it was found that the main direct environmental impacts cultivated areas are the loss of soil biodiversity and water resources soil compaction and increase their resistance to penetration, indicating compression, and it is assumed that there is potential for erosion and also the subsequent contamination of their time, because crop management. It was concluded that MRQ experience, paradoxically, both positive and negative social and environmental impacts arising from a rapidly expanding sugarcane which materialized a new centrality of the space sector in the Central Cerrado, similar to that which occurred in the past the state of São Paulo, but this time relying on an industry already established in the south-southeast and which together make up what is called the polygon of the cane and a new center, as part of this arc expansion of sugar cane, as undeniable and great expression of state and national levels, and gradually reference also becoming international.Item Viver entre margens: a persistência na paisagem e no lugar dos beiradeiros do rio de Ondas - Barreiras - BA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-04-02) CARDOSO, Evanildo Santos; ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de; Diversidade e identidade religiosa: Uma leitura espacial dos padroeiros e seus festejos em Múquem, Abadiânia e Trindade-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-08-17) D'ABADIA, Maria Idelma Vieira; ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de; religious feasts, in a general set, are related to the celebrations and tributes done to the worshiped deities in any other religious follow-up. The present study emphasizes the religious feasts as a social cultural practice that spatializes in Goiás State. The feasts space materializes itself in the scenery, in the territory and in the territorialities construction. The chosen places to the research development are the villages of Muquém and Posse D Abadia, respectively set in the goiano boroughs of Niquelândia and Abadiânia and the town of Trindade. The catholic religious feasts are manifestations that boost these boroughs spaces, revealing, in their organization, a religious identity expressed in the studied places territory. The work main goal is the comprehension of how it occurs the patron feasts spatialization and its reflexes in the formation and structuration of the goiano territorial and cultural space. With this study it is searched to present a theoretical-methodological reflection about the patron feasts traditions that sustain a territorial identity in the State. For this identity, the patron is the faith, territory and the feast centrality. The territory is built and donated to the patron, which domain is effective with the possession and the power as protector of the mentioned places. The territorial identity is placed as a religious identity assigned to this patron. The formed identity, in first place, is the religious icon represented in the image of N. S. da Abadia and in the medallion of Divino Pai Eterno. The historical foundations that explain the process of emergence and formation of the three places enable to discuss that the miracle in Muquém, the meeting of the image in Trindade and the spontaneous institution of the prayers in Posse are elements responsible for the emergence of the patrons connected to the territory. The scientific contribution to the methodological development of the research is guided by the cultural approach of geography, formed, nowadays, by studies that postulate a methodological path mixed by the intersection among several elements that compose a culture, in which the interpretation, comprehension and intentionality of the lived space are essential. In this way, this approach establishes the recognition possibility of the daily acts that involve life, frequently neglected, by an apprehension pathway that unveils such as this momentary as the own symbolic lived world. The cultural geography contributes for the patron feast study by allowing the conceptual (re) elaboration of its particularities, from the symbolic representation systems, methodological way of communication that allows to chain the feeling and the stories of life of the human groups to the resignificance and organization of the space process and of its cultural practices. By this way, in what concerns the territorial identitary dimension that permeates the popular feasts and devotionals to the Goiás State, the patron feast posses the primordial element of identitary territory articulation, being on the rural zone or the country and metropolitan towns, in the evocation and respect to the patron saints, keeping the tradition alive.Item A reciclagem e sua dinâmica reprodutora de uma situação de lumpemproletariado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-23) FREITAS, Cesar Augustus Labre Lemos de; DEUS, João Batista de; relations in contemporary capitalism has undergone significant changes, whose significance for social organization has been deeply determinants. The size of this importance can be seen in everyday life, in the process of transformation of the environment has been fostered in an ever more intense. This has contributed to intensify the degree of disposability of contemporary production, characteristic of the capitalist social formation. This disposability is not only the goods produced, but also of the worker, because a considerable portion of the working class has become dross, and the recycling material pickers are entered into this process. It is also a noticeable restructuring of the space from the creation / renovation of productive activities, which appear as responses to the needs of building and rebuilding of a new geography of labor under the capitalist social formation in the nineteenthcentury. Appears significantly also a new technical division of labor, which has at its core the spatial scaling of the working classes. This respatialization piecemeal work, ensures a lower resistance to exploitation and therefore maintaining the profitability of capital. Thus, we have several ways to absorb labor force in ways increasingly precarious as in the productive chain of recycling. There is thus of reproduction a lumpenproletariat situation that materializes in territories increasingly precarious. This instability, occurs mainly by loss of the ability of the working classes to control the dynamics of production/ social reproduction. Large portions of the working classes are then robbed even of their right to life. We are experiencing an extreme dehumanizing reality of the work, and collector expresses quite clearly this process.Item O PROCEDER e as tramas do poder na territorialização do capital no Cerrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-07-14) INOCÊNCIO, Maria Erlan; CALAÇA, Manoel; space transformations arising from Cerrado s territorial modernization process were driven by capital s productive restructuring which to expand its borders towards the heartland of Brazil, they promoted a reordering of natural and artificial elements, interfering mainly in the productive paradigm of Cerrado s people. The dynamics of ownership of this area were based on geopolitical strategies of state initiative, but which they found that focus on domestic and international private capital, especially for the Japanese ones, whose entered the Cerrado, in permanently way since 1970 to implement the Nipo-Brazilian Cooperation Program for the Development of Cerrado, PRODECER. This program represented one of the greatest public investments of private capital on Cerrado and created development priorities, wich directed the ownership of different territorial portions. However if the 1970s characterized private investment on Cerrado, the state capital has been present since 1930, with the vargas policy of March to the West, unfolding in Terms of Goals of Juscelino Kubitschek in the 1950s, which besides creating the infrastructural system that would support the posterior process of capitalist insertion of Cerrado, to international productive circuit, through the Terms of Goals, put into practice the delivery project of federal capital to the interior of Brazil, what supported, as a matter of fact, the displacement from the border towards Cerrado. The military regime introduced in 1964 effected the strategy of studying the country from the geopolitical point of view, considering Cerrado as region of great natural resources an watersheds, meeting point among the North, North-East, South and South- East, able to capture the neighboring spaces, spreading a new production pattern. To this fact adds the geopolitical situation of food safety that grounded in the international s productive pattern changes, commanded by the United States, and little interest by American for commercial interchange with Latin American countries, has pushed Brazil to seek closer relationship with other nations, which resulted in an increase in Brazilian exports to Asia, especially China and Japan. Particular Japan, poor in natural resources, with desinclined territory to agricultural practice, has in Brazil the supplier source of raw materials, mainly food products and basic inputs. And in this context, Cerrado with vast areas of availability, low production pattern, and therefore reduced price of land pieces, privileged geostrategic position, starts to receive Japanese investment which had focused on economic development under the joint action of governmental and private agencies of economic and technical cooperation. The application of these capitals produced a large impact in areas related to steel, paper, pulp, mining, but mainly agricultural, being through agriculture that the capital has spread throughout Cerrado and triggered the largest territorial effects. The research is focused on the study of geopolitics as a mechanism for understanding Cerrado s territorial modernization. Founded, therefore in the different state acitons, combined or not to the private capital, from national and transnational origin, space modelers, which had at the natural, infrastructural and technical system necessary support to the production capitalist expansion process. After installing PRODECER , considered the big push of territorial modernization, from the 1970 s, was created a new productive dynamic in which Cerrado is placed as focal point of the territorial capital in the country. Plots of power network in the capital s territorial on Cerrado caused social, economic, environmental and policy changes, which culminated in the territorial modernizations of this space in a singular, both creatively and culturally.Item Territórios e políticas públicas espaciais do agronegócio no município de Rio Verde - GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-08-12) LACERDA JÚNIOR, Benjamin de; CALAÇA, Manoel; research entitled Public Policy Space at the Agribusiness municipality of Rio Verde - presents theoretical contributions on public policy and its relationship to geographical space. Emphasizes the role of territory in the land development policies, sector and aims to show the need for coordination between the various dimensions or spatial scales policies: urban, rural, regional, local, global and those with their instruments of state shares her relationship with the hegemonic actors of soy agribusiness as determining factors for a new organization of the territory. In this research, the space is taken as one of the instances of society and placed as a foundation of policies: local, regional, urban, rural, regarded as political space. There is research that the profound changes caused by the developmental policies in the social, economic and political dynamics present new, fresh content to the social and economic Rio Verde - GO. The consolidation of the modernization of agriculture in the 1990s through policy intervention and development contributed to the formation of new orders / disorders land in the county searched. This research examines the process of construction and land use policies in the light of developmental land that allowed the modernization of agriculture in the grasslands of the Midwest Region in the years de1970, 1980, 1990, in the embodiment comprising both technical and scientific in its maintenance, processing, circulation and consumption. Summing up, even in context, power relations between hegemonic actors of soy agribusiness or agro-industrial capital contemporary. Among these power relations, we highlight the role of government and public policy, playing rules, joints, mediations superstructure, affecting financial policies, leading to uneven and combined development or the order / disorder, inclusion / exclusion social space. Pole region of a producer of soybeans, corn, milk, cotton, poultry and pork, Rio Verde - GO has developed rapidly in the 1990s. Driven by policy of continuous expansion of agriculture and processing industries, the municipality is the basis of the reorganization of space and society. In this context we have the territory of Rio Verde as an object of socio political space and that the research gains a multiscale dimension in that territory as a category of spatial analysis, relates how the power and hegemonic actors of agricultural capital. In this context, there is broader purpose as a theoretical proposal to assess the actions of public policy space in modern agriculture and its economic effects, political, social and territorial. During our analysis of public policy space of soy agribusiness, it appears that it is inevitable that a public policy effects bring about the process of production of space: the creation of new objects by creating new attitudes, the change in behavior individuals of every nature and function of social, political and economic. In this sense it is clear that public policies have a "place-territorial space."But long geographical concept of space has been misunderstood and that Resulted in a serious publicpolicyspace.Item Os povos indígenas, o turismo e o território: um olhar sobre os Tremembé e os Jenipapo-Kanindé do Ceará(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-04-03) LUSTOSA, Isis Maria Cunha; ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de; thesis compares two situations in which Indigenous peoples of the Northeastern region of Brazil have been affected by projects of tourism which have become catalysts of ethnic affirmation. The situations focused in this thesis, of Indigenous peoples of Ceará state, localised in municipalities of the Eastern and Western Coastal Zones are similar, since these peoples have suffered pressures exerted by large consortia of companies which aimed to take over Indigenous Lands to construct projects of tourism. The Tremembé people of São José and Buriti Indigenous Land, in Marinheiros district, municipality of Itapipoca, have organized themselves as an Indigenous people and demand that the Brazilian National State recognize their Land Rights through the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) since they are facing the threat of a project of tourism financed by foreign capital with support from the Brazilian government the Nova Atlântida Cidade Turística, Residencial e de Serviços LT. This tourism complex, considered to be a mega project of Spanish investments, is directed especially to the flow of foreign visitors. The investment came under investigation by the Council of Control of Financial Activities (COAF), of the Treasury Department, because of financial movements which were supposedly incompatible with its partners, as has been announced by some vehicles of communication. Even so, the Tremembé people of São José and Buriti suffered pressure from representatives of the Nova Atlântida, trying to expropriate their Indigenous Lands, consequently causing conflicts among these Indigenous people, the majority of whom were against the setting up of Nova Atlântida. Others let themselves be coopted by offers of money by representatives of the project, leading to internal disputes in the four villages, including disputes between persons of the same family. The Jenipapo-Kanindé people of the Aldeia Lagoa Encantada Indigenous Land, in the municipality of Aquiraz, managed to get their Indigenous Lands demarcated by the FUNAI. This Indigenous people has been successful in stopping the building of an international project of tourism Aquiraz Riviera Consórcio Luso-Brasileiro Aquiraz Investimentos SA on their lands, and have set up a community tourism project in their village with the support of partners from the university, the government and the third sector. The Jenipapo-Kanindé people, through this self-management project, have joined the Rede Cearense de Turismo Comunitário (REDE TUCUM). The Tremembé people of São José e Buriti, resisting the occupation of their lands, have used their Indigenous identity and ethnic affirmation in an attempt to stop the Nova Atlântida from taking over their lands. The Jenipapo-Kanindé, to stop the Aquiraz Riviera Consórcio Luso-Brasileiro Aquiraz Investimentos SA project from being built on their lands have used ethnic affirmation and at present are setting up their own community tourism project, Educação Integral para a Sustentabilidade e o Desenvolvimento do Turismo Comunitário na Terra Indígena (TI) Jenipapo-Kanindé, as a means of living and as a manifestation of their ethnic affirmation. Both these Indigenous people are going through processes of ethnic re-elaboration and are claiming through government institutions that their lands be recognised as Indigenous Lands. In this discussion about tourism as a vector Indigenous identity in the face of territorial transformations, qualitative and quantitative research has been done at the interface of Geography and Anthropology.Item BRASÍLIA, ÁGUAS LINDAS DE GOIÁS E O (DES)ENCONTRO DA RACIONALIDADE COM A IRRACIONALIDADE(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-03) MELLO, Marcelo de; BARREIRA, Celene Cunha Monteiro Antunes; work considered the fragmentation process of the Brazilian Federal District and its surrounding areas. It highlights Brasília city role in the joining process of national territory integration, along with the production of its antithetical match as a disintegrated city: Aguas Lindas de Goiás. The integration is, therefore, associated with the disintegration not glimpsed by its process responsible agents. Aiming to understand its integration procedures the theorical and methodological patterns origin were investigated. Patterns sustained by an instrumentalized reason looking forward to overcoming natural barriers are no longer idolized, however they are now perceived as depositories of resources to be appropriated afterwards. The view point that rooted these actions originated from a rational being influenced by the bourgeois revolutions. The one who raised from darkness to light in such a dynamic way emerging two elements: science and Modern States; including the city perceived as a privileged environment to leave servitude and a god-centric worldview behind and lead a life ruled by himself. This process was established upon a rational universalized model that required the implementation of an integrated colonization. Nevertheless the European domain towards the world does not only concern integration processes. Disintegration happened among colonized people. This process was externalized by speeches, objects, concepts, people, etc. The movement becomes one of the main peculiarities of the bodies produced leading to inborn discussions. Based on this perspective, we emphasize that the buildings raised in order to host power structures in Brasilia were inspired on bodies: female bodies praised by its curves smoothness. However, these bodies were not the only remarkable pieces of the brand new capital city. Also, the migrant bodies convening to build it multiplied vertiginously in such a way to alter the city plan project. Due to it the dialogue among these bodies with different meanings were investigated based on their motion, mainly the migrants who faced long distances heading to the countryside. This movement was reduced afterwards and centered on the border of the Brazilian Federal District and the State of Goiás. The bodies movement promotes an unstoppable process of the final objects redefinition. The new meanings of these objects redefine, then, the movement own logic. Therefore, the discussion among these bodies gathered our efforts to comprehend the fragmentation-integration process focusing on a symbolic city that is simultaneously a venue of encounter and disencounter producing its antithesis: Águas Lindas de GoiásItem A trama e o drama no entorno de Goiania: forças e tensões(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-09-17) NUCADA, Miraci Kuramoto; BARREIRA, Celene Cunha Monteiro Antunes; work is the result of research on the network of relationships in the Surrounding Region from Goiânia, intermunicipalities aspect between municipalities and the Goiânia city in two categories: consumer and public service agencies of the Federal and State Government. For the first category were surveyed three commercial activities, supermarket, shopping for construction and bazaar. For the second category investigates the regionalization of public services and their relationships, even between municipalities, and also the relations linked to regionalm and urban facilities. Moreover, the work contains data and analysis of demographics and the economic, social, urban and rural municipalities in the region. The data revealed the growth stage, the problems and potential of cities and at the same time could provide backing for the evaluation of contrast, intensity of flow of people and goods, and showed the dependency relationships between municipalities. The cities that most polarized in the network of relationships were Aparecida de Goiania, Senador Canedo, Trinidad and Inhumas. Such cities, except Inhumas, are derided as dormitory cities, however, research has shown that the four cities play an important role and economic status that are supported by dynamic forces within the region. Part of the work devoted to issues related to urban sprawl of the metropolis, flows of goods, persons and means of transport in the region.Item heterotopia, democracia e gestão urbana: Desigualdades socioterritoriais e participação sociopolítica em goiânia (1997-2008)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-05-04) OLIVEIRA, Adão Francisco de; CHAVEIRO, Eguimar Felício; Sob o manto azul de Nossa Senhora do Rosário: mulheres e identidade de gênero na congada de Catalão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-10-26) PAULA, Marise Vicente de; RATTS, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; visibility of women is a theme discussed today by different branches of social sciences. During a long historical period, the shares masculine were noticed and the women appeared as an exception. From the 1960s, along with other social groups excluded, due to the action of the feminist movement, women have been regarded as subject of history. The present study attempts visibility geographical and historical analysis of gender relations in Congada the Feast of the Rosary in Catalão (GO), which represents one of the largest and most important manifestations of popular black culture in Brazil. The categories guiding this research are gender and space and contributed to the understanding of the spatiality of male and female in the universe of Congo and the implications for the visibility of women in public and private space dimensions. For the development of research studies have been conducted bibliographic and field work along the Congo in Catalão (GO) and persons linked to this cultural event, where photographic records were made and questionnaires and interviews. The use of oral history methodology was used in order to establish interpretations that allowed dealing with the subjective dimension of lived experience, providing basis for dialogues space as proposed. The survey results show that, despite the Feast of the Rosary happen in honor of a female figure of Mary of Nazareth under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary, the woman linked to congada presents a relative invisibility, even if she has ever participation higher in the Congo, and the preparation of food and clothing. His areas of action are still very much tied to its transit and private moments in the rituals of the festival follows a spatial and hierarchical separated by gender. Even when a woman becomes captain congadeiros dancer or a suit, a break with the sexism is not yet complete, as we observed hierarchical and spatial restrictions, which are reflected in their own gender identity of women congadeiros. Considering also that the present research is concerned mainly the black women, because the Congo is a popular manifestation of this segment originating ethnic-racial, socioeconomic data collected on women Congadeiros, repeat the framework of exclusion and marginalization of the collective, pointed out by several research in Brazil. Thus, it is understood that the discussion about women and gender identity in the Congo, on the (in) visibility of women as spatial theory, beyond the limits of congada and reaches the sociocultural reality of black women and Brazilian.Item Expansão Sucroalcooleira no Bioma Cerrado: Tendências, cenários e impactos.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-17) RIBEIRO, Noely Vicente; FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Laerte Guimarães; to the shortage of fossil fuels, as well as due to the current environmental issues related to the emission of greenhouse gases, there has been a growing demand for alternative, renewable and sustainable, energy sources. In particular, biofuels, such as ethanol, are becoming more proeminent each day. In Brazil, considered the largest ethanol producer and exporter in the world, such demand has triggered a fast growing (and insufficiently planned) sugarcane expansion, mostly in the Cerrado biome. Within this scope, and relying on an exploratory analysis of the characteristics and patterns of the sugarcane distribution in the Cerrado, this research aimed at understanding the underlying mechanisms and physiographic constraints behind the ongoing expansion. Assuming this expansion will be preferentially over cultivated pastures, for both economic and environmental reasons, we propose a territorial ordainment based on spatial analysis and according to major landscape attributes (i.e. relief, land-use, soil type, available infrastructure) and environmental laws. In addition, through the use of a dynamic modeling approach, accounting for both the current expansion trends, as well as the occurrence of favorable areas, we generated a sugarcane scenario up to 2035. Our main results include: a) in the Cerrado, sugarcane is highly dependent on the available infrastructure, flat terrains and mechanizable oxisols; b) sugarcane expansion is occurring at the expenses of other crop commodities; c) the proposed territorial ordainment will enable an expansion almost sixfold the current sugarcane area, without compromising other crops, the environment, or the remnant vegetation areas; d) as opposed, and kept the current trends, the scenario derived from the dynamic modeling shows that new sugarcane may take up to 45% of the agricultural areas in the Cerrado, reducing crop diversity and seriously impacting some of the biome watersheds. In spite the fact that both scenarios yield approximate the same expansion, the area on which they occur will be quite different. In fact, the so-called ―constrained‖ scenario is likely to have less impacts on the environment and food production. Overall, our results suggest that through territorial ordainment, a substantial increase in ethanol production, in harmony with the environment and other economic activities, is possible to occur.Item Análise da dinâmica territorial de Quirinópolis (GO) 1960 a 2010(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-12-09) SANTOS, Gilberto Celestino dos; CALAÇA, Manoel; research on territorial dynamics in Quirinópolis aims to analyze the economic, political and social changes in this county since 2005 caused by the establishment and expansion of the agro-energy sector, which develops the productive process driven by large flows of capital and technology, territorialized in soybean and pasture production areas, forcing the migration of farmers and rural workers, changing the GDP and the flow of goods and services, leading to real estate and wages valuation. The discussion of theoretical and methodological research, as (Saquet, 2007 pgs. 53-74), based on territorial approach , and it was necessary, as (Santos, 1999 pgs. 41-46), a technical, scale and time periodization that allow research operationalization, dividing the production process developed from the 1960s in three phases, which correspond to the following consecutive chapters. Chapters I and II are characterized by the introduction and integration of the Midwest Region in the national production process, the theoretical conceptualization and the emphasis on the development of rice and corn crops. In Chapter III major technological changes that occurred from the 1970s through the full mechanization of the production process are characterized, generating a large turnover of small and medium producers in the transition of the crops of rice and corn to soybeans, changing the population dynamics with strong rural exodus. In Chapter IV territorial dynamics is analyzed from the implementation of this sector that acts as an hegemonising actor, introducing changes in the production process, the collection and public relations market, generating social conflict by changing the production structure,deterritorializing small and medium landowners, tenants and workers, forming an inflexible territorial system and with full control of the production, manufacturing and distribution processes. It is concluded that the agro-energy industry changed old municipal power correlations, structuring and strengthening a new territorial dynamic, seeking to overcome the new regional inequalities from the fed credit incentives, technology and the availability of natural resources, which result in different productivity levels, values and rents.Item Culturas desviantes: as espacialidades das comunidades ribeirinhas do Vale do Guaporé (Rondônia)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-05-20) SILVA, Avacir Gomes dos Santos; ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de; comunidades riberiñas amazónicas viven entre mundos-espacios. Lo espacio de la naturaleza, formado por el mundo de los ríos y o mundo de la selva y, lo espacio social, fomardo por la comunidad y la ciudad. Neste universo entre mundos cuestionamonos como los vecinos de la Comunidad de Jesus, localizada las margens directa de lo Río San Miguel del Guaporé (Rondónia) (re)crian suyas espacialidades. Buscamos compreender las lógicas dese proceso por la interpretación de las prácticas instituidoras del espacio concebido, percebido y vivido (LEFEBVRE, 1974). Así, elaboramos la tesi de las comunidades riberiñas como portadoras de las culturas desviantes. Los objetivos que conduziran tal ejercicio foran: i) la compreensión de las formas y de los contenidos de las espacialidades recreadas por los riberiños, ii) la comprovación de las estrategias y las tácticas probadas por los grupos en la relaciones de poder cuanto al control, dominio y apropriación de lo espacio y iii) la interpretación de las relaciones imaginarias presente en lo espacio vivido de las comunidades ribeiriñas. Para componermos la interpretación de la vida riberiñas apropriamonos de la abordajen cultural en geografia conjugada la nuestra propuesta metodológica, la espacialidade dialectica interligada en tres procedimientos la descrición horizontal, la desconstrución vertical y la reconstrución de la espacialidade. Por la mediación de los presupostos teoricos y de las prácticas experenciadas junto la Comunidad de Jesus concebimos los espacios-mundo de la selva y de lo río, lo cotidiano del tiempo de las lluvias y lo tiempo de las secas y los procesos de desterritorializaciones como elementos constituidores de las culturas desviantes. Como resultante de nuestro hacer y pensar geográficos esperamos añadir una pieza más en no caleidoscópio que compone la complejidade, la riqueza y la belleza de la vida y muerte riberiña.Item DESVELANDO A CIDADE: SEGREGAÇÃO SOCIOESPACIAL EM JATAÍ-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-21) SILVA, Márcio Rodrigues; DEUS, João Batista de; that, with the purpose of suggesting new paths for local development, the analysis of urban problems is essential to improve the quality of life of the population, the aim of this research is to study the urban structure of Jataí city. In order to do so, its urban internal structure is analyzed, regarding the sociospatial distribution in the urban arrangement, searching answers to the question: is there any sociospatial segregation in Jataí? We intend to remove the veil that covers the city and suggest new parameters that collaborate with the local development, as well as to produce consistent scientific material about this theme, analyzed according to the Geographic Science. Jataí city is located in the Southwest of Goiás State, in Brazil, approximately 320 km of Goiânia city, the capital of the State. With an urban area of about 24 km², inside a county area of 7.174, 1 km², the city grew marked by contrasts which reveal the logics of the capitalist society. Positions like the ones held by Santos (1993), Castells (1983), Lojkine (1997) and Villaça (2001), surveying the logic of the formation and composition of the urban space, raise questions about the object of this research. The course followed in this work is neither rigid, nor ready or final. It is an analysis that begins with urban landscape, as it presents a vast horizon to be explored, arriving at the place and analyzing the way it was produced. This research transits between social and political analyses, in the context of a so-called post-modern society, inquiring and reflecting about the reality displayed in front of our eyes, considering the action of the capital and its relations in the construction of places. Therefore, the dialectic perspective is a guideline that orients our works. Finally, we define, classify, map and cross information plans concerning the levels of income in Jataí and their implications in the urban mesh network, which demonstrates the urban segregation identified. The results are presented in the form of text and maps which disclose the real situation of the sociospatial distribution at stake. As a result, it is identified that the social classes of less income are concentrated, predominantly, in the edges of the urban area. Such analysis supports the thesis that this city is a segregated space.Item Micaretas ou festas micaretescas? sobre espaços públicos e privados, lugares e locais na turistificação da folia em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-19) XAVIER, Clarissa Valadares; MAIA, Carlos Eduardo Santos; in Brazil happens in many scenarios, but two of them are the most important related to tourism parties and festivals held there: Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. The city of Salvador, as well as other cities in Brazil, had its parties inspired those ones there were in Rio de Janeiro until the trio elétrico launched. Throughout his, it created a new way to dance which is called "chase the trio . As a walking stage, the trio has reshaped the Carnival in Salvador, and this influenced the interest of this study which aims to investigate the micaretas and parties micarestescas , which came from the electric trios from this city originally. These festivals across places around the country and brought down borders. Is permeated by a complex process of changes since its appearance in Brazil is changing of cultural dynamics. Previously regarded as festivities "off season", which was a break in the liturgical calendar, became party with their own places, with time frames that cut out the calendar. They have a loyal and appreciative audience participation as defined by a certain model of party, which is exported. Besides that, public and private management are intentionally "confused" because many of the parties left the public site of streets and placed themselves in private areas like racecourse, clubs, event spaces, etc.. It is the same case of the holiday which happens in the city of Goiania, an event that is already included in the city's calendar and happens through many paths, redefines the geography of the party, where they hide and show, or put several implicit and explicit conflicts. The relationship between tourism, geography and the parties becomes crucial in this case, for tourism, even though in this city regarding to the party which makes changes to become it so festive and to happen in a specific place for them.