Mestrado em Administração (FACE)
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Item Financiamento de campanhas eleitorais e empréstimos do BNDES: lobby e interesses privados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-20) Lopes, Alex Diniz; Scalco, Paulo Roberto;; Scalco, Paulo RobertoThe National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and one of the world's development banks and the main instrument of Federal Government long term investment and Financing in almost all the segments of the Brazilian economy. Last doze years, one of the main features of national economic policy was the increase in bank acting, of increasing loans and their greater participation in the Brazilian economy. While some of the resources have been directed one other state entities, the largest share of expenditures, was destined to private companies, in the form of fusions operations or support for investment Projects, most of the time, with interest rates subsidized. In list of companies that were more benefited by the Bank loans include contumacious donors of election campaigns. The possible political influence over the decisions of the BNDES is a very important aspect, in that it is a federal public company, its resources come mainly from public funds as FAT and the National Treasury, originating mainly in the taxes paid by citizens and businesses. This study analyzed the relationship between the financing of election campaigns and the BNDES credit operations. In order to understand the dynamics between the elections and the state of the credit policy we used the regression method with panel data, using quantitative information on: a) provision of election campaigns accounts available in the electronic site of Election-TSE Superior Court; and b) List of direct and indirect operations not automatic BNDES, available on the Site of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development. The results showed that the donations campaign designed to related parties the president of the republic positively influence the BNDES loans and, on the other hand, the donations the opposition parties have the opposite effect. In this same vein, it was found also evidence that there is a positive relationship between the victory of candidate recipient of donations, especially for the post of federal deputy, and access to BNDES credit.Item O perfil do public service motivation (psm) de servidores públicos inovadores(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-10) Rosa, Ellysson Fernandes; Sousa, Marcos de Moraes;; Najberg, Estela;; Najberg, Estela; Ferreira, Vicente da Rocha Soares; Oliveira, Flávia Neri Meira deThis research intended to know the PSM profile of public servants who submitted their innovative projects in the 1st project contest for government managers of Goiás-Brazil in 2012. Considering the importance of motivation in the context of public administration, as well as the pressing need for innovation to respond to the social demands, this research was concerned to understand the relationship of PSM level with the profile of public servants of strategic level considered innovative. Using the t-test, multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), it was concluded that the PSM level of innovative public servants is significantly higher than that of public servants in general, compared to a research that is a reference in the subject in Brazil. As for the public servers profile, it was found that most of the results achieved are in agreement with previous studies in the literature that investigated the profile of public servants with high levels of PSM, highlighting the Information Technology Managers to a greater extent.Item Determinantes emergentes da produtividade em Tribunais de Justiça estaduais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-22) Sátiro, Renato Máximo; Sousa, Marcos de Moraes;; Sousa, Marcos de Moraes; Najberg, Estela; Gomes, Adalmir de OliveiraMuch has been discussed about the factors that would lead to an efficient or inefficient performance of the Brazilian Judiciary, and a part of the academic discussions regarding the field of Administration of Justice, concerns the performance/productivity antecedents related to the courts and magistrates. In this sense, the main objective of the present work was to discuss the determinant aspects of the productivity of the State Courts of Justice in Brazil and to test emerging variables that may help in this understanding. From an analysis of the literature, we selected the variables already consolidated: workload, human resources (effective servers and outsourced employees), investment in ICT; and the emerging variables: lawyers and conciliators. Data from the Justice in Numbers (Justiça em Números) Report and from the Brazilian Federal Council of the Bar Association OAB from the 2011 to 2017 years of the 27 Brazilian Courts of Justice were collected from a total of 189 observations. The inference technique used was the Multiple Regression with panel data. After the test and validation of the Regression model and assumptions, the hypothesis that the number of lawyers, the workload and the amount effective servers and outsourced employees affects the productivity of the courts is confirmed; on the other hand, it was concluded that investment in technology did not influence the productivity of the State Courts of Justice. Finally, the results point in the opposite direction of the CNJ guidelines; it was concluded that the number of conciliators is not related to the productivity of the Courts of Justice.Item A qualidade de vida no trabalho e a saúde ocupacional dos docentes de uma instituição pública de ensino superior(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-22) Tsuboi, Robson Mendes Neves; Rosim, Daniela;; Rosim, Daniela; Guimarães Júnior, Edward Humberto; Silva, Sílvia Helena Modenese Gorla daIn order to face the globalization and its competitions, organizations have in people their biggest differential. From this idea, Quality of Life at Work (QLW) aims to make the employees of an organization feel good in their work environment making it a pleasant and productive place. Studies in this area has been verified that the presence of QLW in the workplace influences positively in administrative efficiency, indicated by variables such as: reduced turnover, less absenteeism, increased productivity, reduced fatigue, favorable attitude and satisfaction at work, health development and safety, among others. In this context, this dissertation aims to investigate the existence of a relationship between the perception of QWL and the withdrawal caused by occupational diseases, by the professors of Federal University of Goiás/UFG. Therefore, the proposed methodology is quantitative nature research based on the model of QWL proposed by Richard Walton (1973). As a result we verified the conceptual categories that significantly influenced the perception of QWL for the groups of professors who were not distant from work due to occupational diseases, identified the administrative impacts resulting from the absence of work, and it was found that 23.6 % of withdrawals caused by the same diseases are related to the perception of QWL.