Docência online: comunicação mediada por computadores em rede na prática docente

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research has been carried out in the Pos-Graduation Program in Education of the Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Goiás , being part of the research line , Professor Formation and Professionalization, which aims to study the relationship between the teaching work together with information and technologies as well as the epistemological, cultural, pedagogical and institutional implications of these relations. It selects as its scope the exercise of docent work in virtuality and the knowledge that the communication by means of a computer net demands on the professor in his effective exercise. Under the title Online education: computers mediated communication in the teaching practice, seeks to understand what the socioeconomic environment constituent of contemporaneous time has specifically, and how such specifity expresses itself in the teaching practices. The general target of this research is to understand this new socio technical means, identifying its specificities and discussing its implications in the teaching practices. The specific targets are: to characterize the process of communication by means of a net of computers, discussing its potential in the educational field; to describe how the exercise of online teaching occurs and to interpret the collected data in the empiric field. For the understanding of the multiple relations, which constitute the education phenomena in computerized nets, it makes use of the concept of informational society, of Castells, as a background to understand the contemporaneous socio technical environment, and its communicational logics. It also relies on Pierre Lévy for the understanding of social relations brought about in the social fabric, permeated by information and communication technologies also present in the teaching and learning processes. When reporting to the first three decades of online education, it recalls the theoretical contributions and practices of the researchers and educators who have become pioneers of online education. The investigation employs the qualitative broaching of ethnographic study case as a methodological option, by means of participation procedures, observation, interpretative description and production of the studied case report, a course given totally online, the empiric field work as well as the analysis and interpretation of the collected data converge to the conclusion that the communication by computer net, breaking the space time barriers and allowing the non linear, hypertext, multimedia and multidirectional communication opens new possibilities, and also, triggers implications in the relations with knowledge, making evident the necessity to take into account, in the exercise of online teaching, the twofold mediation process: pedagogical and technological. Such possibilities and implications become more evident when the use of the most recent digital technologies seek base in other knowledge areas, noticing currently a variety of proposals set on different conceptions about education and online teaching, a field of theoretical and practical investigation still on the buildup



MENDONÇA, Alzino Furtado de. Online education: computers mediated communication in the teaching practice. 2009. 192 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.