Doutorado em Sociologia (FCS)

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    Trajetória dos filhos da luta pela terra: o assentamento "Che" em Itaberaí - Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-30) Santos, Nilda Ferreira dos; Vettorassi, Andréa;; Vettorassi, Andréa; Silva, Rusvenia Luiza Batista Rodrigues da; Miziara, Fausto; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz
    By approaching the movement of struggle for land, this thesis seeks to analyze the dynamic reality of a rural settlement in the city of Itaberaí, in the Brazilian state of Goiás. The research seeks to understand how a second generation of people from the “Che” Settlement led their lives over ten years of its consolidation, based on the struggle for land. We also seek to understand the extent to which these new generation are willing to assume a way of life in the countryside, continuing the work started by their parents, in view of the difficulties particularly imposed on a settlement. In this way, we highlight how the technological development that has been incorporated into the mode of production in rural areas, as well as the culture of agribusiness, which aims at large-scale production for exportation, are far from the reality of the small producers, even more specifically in the case of settlers. To account for this dynamic reality, methodologically, the research is based on historical-dialectical materialism, in a neo-Marxist perspective proposed by Henri Lefebvre, whose regressiveprogressive methodological procedure also guides the research, aiming at the articulation between Sociology and History, together with the contributions of José de Souza Martins on this object that, although it is inserted in the rural environment, has peculiar characteristics that make it different.
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    Mulher no poder: o discurso político das presidentas Dilma Rousseff, Michelle Bachelet e Cristina Kirchner endereçada às mulheres: uma análise de discurso
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-15) Silva, Flavio Santos da; Durães, Telma Ferreira Nascimento;; Durães, Telma Ferreira Nascimento; Gonçalves, Eliane; Ferreira, Denise Paiva; Rodrigues, Cibele Maria Lima; Silva Sobrinho, Helson Flavio da
    The main objective of this study was to analyze, through Pêcheux Discourse Analysis, aspects of the representation of women in the presidential speeches of Cristina Kirchner, Dilma Rousseff and Michelle Bachelet, while presiding over their countries as Women Heads of State", among the years of 2006 and 2014. For this purpose the French Speech Analysis (AD) perspective proposed by Michel Pêcheux and the theoretical contribution of the author Eni P. Orlandi were used among others. The methodological criteria applied in this qualitative research were made up of secondary data on the adressed subject. This search provided the necessary steps in the construction of a theoretical corpus constituted by the women presidents’ speeches, from the choice of three speeches of each one , totaling nine discourses of reference for analysis. In the body of the work there is a brief bibliographical construction of these women, as well as their meaning, with emphasis on their discourses in relation to woman. It is emphasized that a key factor for the legitimization of a discourse is the relevance of the statement, in this case the political discourse of the women Republicpresidents and their meanings. It was possible to conclude from the analyzed discourses that the women presidents reveal themselves as spokeswomen for the image of feminine gender in their pronouncements.
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    O uso contra-hegemônico do direito pelos camponeses na luta pela terra no municipio de Goiás-Goiás - (1984-1999)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-13) Reis, Edma José; Martins, Lucinéia Scrimin;; Martins, Lucineia Scremin; Marin, Joel Orlando Bevilaqua; Vieira, Renato Gomes; Santos, Alexandre Aguiar dos; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos
    This work shares a study on the counter-hegemonic use of the positive law and/or the law brokered by the State, by peasant groups in the Municipality of the City of Goiás/GO, between 1985 and 1999. Its main objective is the analysis of the possible counter-hegemonic use of official law to obtain the land for work and, in this, to maintain the threatened rural ways of life. The methodology used involves the combination of sociological and interpretative approaches to the law, as well as several research techniques such as semiguided interviews, judicial processes and documentary sources in a triangulation and comparison between these sources. Alongside this approach, we seek to reflect on the use of law by peasants in the region and period mentioned, based mainly on the concepts of counterhegemonic law, legal pluralism and "dual power" developed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The result is a text that addresses theoretical and empirical issues and that allocates the rural subject of work as an agent of power, since it is understood that there is a plurality of forces in the struggle for land. This analysis is based on authors such as Antonio Gramsci, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Florestan Fernandes, José de Souza Martins, José Vicente Tavares dos Santos, Carlos Rodrigues Brandão, Maria Tereza Canesin Guimarães, Walderês Nunes Loureiro, among others.
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    "Mandatas coletivas": um estudo sobre feminismos, solidariedade e política institucional no Brasil
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-23) Silva, Gabriela Peixoto Vieira; Gonçalves, Eliane;; Gonçalves, Eliane; Sanchez, Beatriz Rodrigues; Santos, Rayani Mariano dos; Amaral, Marcela; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz
    New political formats of political representation have gained prominence in Brazil, especially since 2016. They are the representatives – sometimes spelled feminine, as in the cases studied in this research -, collective candidacies that are elected and will present an unprecedented way of sharing a legislative position, either in the chambers or in the legislative assemblies. Along with collective political mandates, a new configuration also presents itself, the entry of activism into politics, such as feminisms and LGBTTQIA+ movements. This is deeply focused on the interconnection of these two elements: the action of collective representatives from a solidary political dimension and the power to share this experience in the institutional spaces of feminists. In order to answer the question (among others): can solidarity be the fundamental axis that permeates the distribution of power?, I chose the following cases: Gabinetona (MG), Juntas (PE) and Mandata Ativista (SP) from of which, I investigate their potential impacts on legislative houses with the presence of corporeities that generally do not ascend to these places. The analysis is based on contemporary feminist social theory in dialogue with some epistemological perspectives of the Social Sciences, predominantly contemporary, in order to relate central categories such as democracy, participation, representation, feminist praxis, solidarity and conflict. The investigation, using qualitative methodology, was developed from various field procedures - observation in focus of the co-parliamentaries' activities, monitoring of activities on online platforms and focused interviews with some of the co-parliamentarians in the period 2019-2021 published on websites. The face-to-face (2019) and remote (2021) interviews were recorded and transcribed for later. Among the conclusions that the study allows, I emphasize that, although conflicts are inevitable in plural coexistence within the scope of political institutions in concrete reinvention for a reinvention of collective policies. Whether or not to use the word solidarity, the co-parliamentarians emphasize their bonds of appreciation for social justice, united by a common social struggle.
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    Berço e destino de estudantes de Taperuaba - Sobral (CE): a luta para “ser alguém na vida”
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-05-31) Mendes, Antonia Aleksandra Braga; Oliveira, Dijaci David de;; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Tosta, Tânia Ludmila Dias; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira; Pessoa, Jadir de Morais; Santos, Robson dos
    The problem of this doctoral research that supports the thesis was intended to know life stories in transformation through school success. The work consists in understanding and highlighting situations and processes that triggered changes in the trajectories of ordinary people. The individuals surveyed were impacted in their life constructions, which made them seize or cultivate opportunities and reach unlikely destinations. I elected for analysis eight interlocutors from the popular classes of Taperuaba, who occupy the double category of student and workers since an early age. Coming from families with low purchasing power, with little or no schooling, they were students from public schools, they managed to reach public higher education, between undergraduate and graduate studies, extrapolating their circumscribed fields of possibilities, contradicting the recurrences of their origins. These achievements put them in the condition of "winners" before their peers. They escaped the conventional trajectories of their ancestors and the common parameters that limit the individuals of their class. I use Bourdieu's concepts of capital (economic, social, cultural and symbolic) and a contemporary reading of habitus brought by Setton (2002). The procedures and methods used to obtain the data took place through individual interviews and application of semi-open questionnaires. The applied methodology was the analysis of the narratives of how the subjects' life histories took place within the macro (national policies) and meso structural (regional policies) context, intertwined with the particular micro realities. As a result, it is possible to affirm having developed the research, that: the historical and material conditions can favor the school and social success. Economic capital and social capital are advantages to achieve success, but they are not always absolute, there are other aspects that can interfere and trigger other results. Public policies for access to schooling (macro aspect), regional and local educational incentive and support initiatives (meso aspect) aligned with family support and the multiple and complex interferences that make up today the socialization of subjects beyond their groups of belonging, they can trigger transformations in the lives of socio- economically disadvantaged individuals. There are some possibilities of drilling and causing cracks in the social system of restricted privileges. I also observed a characteristic of resistance in these subjects as a modus operandi to deal with adversity. In situations of scarcity, family education aimed at the autonomy of individuals provides an important skill: a "coping potential". Some individuals seem more susceptible to embrace the scarce and competitive opportunities for school and professional qualification.
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    Pixação na cidade de Goiânia: criminalização e punição da juventude
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-28) Ferreira, Thaisa da Silva; Pereira, Alexandre Barbosa;; Oliveira, Dijaci David de;; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Gonçalves, Eliane; Pereira, Alexandre Barbosa
    The research presents narratives of young street writers who work in the city of Goiânia. Such narratives point to perceptions in the action of writers and how these young people exercise this practice in a context of criminalization. Based on a qualitative methodology, I use a discussion group, semi-structured interviews and ethnography for an in-depth analysis of these actions in the city of Goiânia. Street writers is a practice understood by Brazilian society as something that deteriorates, dirty and degrades the public and private spaces in which it is inserted. On the other hand, the subjects who use it point out specificities in their way of being and being in the world. To reflect on this, I present perceptions of a group of young street writers and according to them, street writers expresses a complex spelling, and, not only that, there is a construction that crosses the individual and the collective. The making of writers by these young people also presents a visual aesthetic that is elucidated, according to them, from a specific and peculiar way of being in the city, thus being a technique compared in opposition to others, such as the bomb, grapixo and graphite itself. Therefore, the analysis of the narratives of these young people points to youth practices that, in addition to criminalization, pure and simple, allows us to understand different possibilities of being and experiencing the city.
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    E o Instituto Federal integra a jornada: potencialidades emancipatórias nas trajetórias de jovens egressos do curso técnico em Química integrado ao ensino médio em Institutos Federais no Centro-Oeste brasileiro
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-09) Chagas, Selton Evaristo de Almeida; Martins, Lucineia Scremin;; Martins, Lucineia Scremin; Lopes, João Miguel Trancoso Vaz Teixeira; Fornari, Liamara Teresinha; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Viana, Nildo Silva
    This thesis aimed at investigating the emancipatory potential developed by students graduated in the Technical Course in Chemistry Integrated to High School of three campi of Federal Institutes (IFs) of the Brazilian Midwest (Aparecida de Goiânia and Inhumas campi of the Federal Institute of Goiás, and Rondonópolis campus of the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso). The objective was to analyze how the experiences lived in Integrated High School, considering the peculiarities of these educational institutions, turned into emancipatory potentialities in the students' journey, from the hypothesis that the Integrated High School of the IFs allows students to undergo experiences that trigger the expansion of their political participation and the construction of academic and professional life itineraries in contradiction to the immediate demands of the market, constituting themselves as emancipatory potentialities for them and for social groups to which they feel part of. The category "emancipatory potentialities" was forged from studies on human and political emancipation and the history of technical and technological education in Brazil, based on readings of Marxist-based historical-critical pedagogy and the sociology of education development by Pierre Bourdieu. The results of the field research also corroborated the constitution of this category of analysis, as well as its use as a tool to explain reality. Secondary data were collected from the School Registration Secretariats of the surveyed campi and at the Nilo Peçanha Platform, in order to outline a sociographic profile of Integrated High School students throughout the decade of 2010. For the empirical research, all students who graduated in 2016 from this course in the three schools were contacted, it was conducted a survey with those who consented, and in-depth interviews with a portion of this group. In order to understand how the IFs developed as mediation in their unique trajectories, it was used an applied way of a sociological portrait as a technique for the orientation and analysis of the interviews, adding to it contributions from Marxism and Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. Experiences of different natures at the IFs, such as internship, research, extension, contact with sports, arts and knowledge of the Human Sciences corroborated a wide acquisition of objectifications and subjectivities of the human race to these young people from the popular classes, and, consequently, the development of their individualities. Three types of emancipatory potentials were categorized, which include dispositions in development from the early childhood of the interviewees, which intertwined with their class origins and strategies developed by their families during their schooling projects. It was concluded that the potential for social transformation is restricted to an individualist project of the subject, dissociated from a class or group project, linking it in part to a concept of hegemonic emancipation disseminated by international and multilateral agents of capital. Empirically analyzing the perspective of emancipation developed through the school and institutional practices of these schools encompasses understanding the contradictions inherent in the process, such as the recognition of limiting conditions, and the concrete possibilities of expanding this “extraordinary gain” in terms of Brazilian public education, especially for students from the most vulnerable classes.
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    Experiência e mudança: exercícios para fazer sociologia de outra maneira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-25) Santos, Liza Franco Busse Reis dos; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de;; Amaral, Marcela Corrêa Martins; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Ferraz, Joana D´Arc Fernandes; Avelino, Givanildo Oliveira; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de
    This research is driven by the question "How to do sociology in a different way?" and inspired by the inseparability between research and life. This inseparability is affirmed by experience with which the researcher becomes a craftsman of himself and the research a handmade and procedural construction, as conceiveid by the methodology of Intellectual Craftsmanship formulated by Charles Wright Mills. The affirmation of life in research calls for an ethical look at sociological work and, in these terms, the essay, this language of experience that invites to a self-drive, as treated by the philosopher of education Jorge Larrosa, is present in these pages, as well as the ethics of self-care, studied by Michel Foucault. The thesis is composed of essayistic exercises in which these components are mobilized, and, in these terms, they are attempts at change, experimentations, that problematize the method in the condition of a controlled way for research and producer of the researcher's movement. There is something of freedom in thinking outside the given way, and, in this sense, this research visits Friedrich Nietzsche's Extemporaneous Considerations and places the themes of craftsmanship and the essay in relation to the becoming, treated by Gilles Deleuze. The essay is, here, a platform for the researcher's subjectivation and a shadow of disciplinary sociology cast over the writing in which the researcher was forged, notably in the process of formal education for sociological research. To go to the shadows is to escape the conventional way of research and for this the thesis calls upon the sociologist Gabriel Tarde, a contemporary of Émile Durkheim and an opponent of his sociology, and reflections on the essay. The alliance with shadows matters insofar as what is at issue is to change, to move out of what is going on, out of this which is given (and assured) to the researcher and to the research. This movement of change involves, above all, attention to experience, always singular, and to affirm it is also to multiply ways of thinking and doing research.
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    Intolerância religiosa, racismo epistêmico, disputa de mercado e violência no Brasil: uma análise pelos registros da imprensa goiana
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-08-31) Marinho, Paula Márcia de Castro; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de;; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de; Lemos, Carolina Teles; Costa, Joaze Bernardino; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz
    This thesis investigates religious intolerance in Brazil today. The analysis maintains that this contemporary social phenomenon has its most powerful foundation in ideological formulations of colonial origin, systematically built to subaltern or extinguish the experiences, histories, resources, and cultural products of colonized/enslaved peoples marked by mental and cultural inferiority based on artificially created racial differences. Such instruments of domination, imposed with constancy and violence, forged, in the field of religions, the demonization of cosmogonies and conceptions of the sacred of these populations, so that, until today, religions, especially those arising from African culture, are classified as primitive, uncivilized and have their ceremonial practices considered sordid, if not criminal. This work asserts, therefore, that epistemic racism is the matrix of national religious intolerance. And this epistemic root is intersected by the current dispute for the market of symbolic goods and services for the material and spiritual problems of a population that believes in the power of magical interventions, at the heart of a Brazilian society that uses force and annihilation as principles for conflict resolution. In this context, the journalistic media is a fruitful field of sociological analysis due to its ability to expose the associations and representations, recriminations, and valuations that society has on a certain object or content. Thus, this work conducts a content analysis research, using as empirical material the articles, articles and comments present in two of the largest newspapers in Goiás as valuable resources to assess the level of collective perception regarding socially susceptible phenomena such as religious intolerance. Theoretical arguments as well as the empirical research resources aim to inscribe and make visible religious intolerance as one of the frontiers of current social aversion that needs to be named, scaled, and fought as a process of great violence, whose purpose is inscribed in the erasure and in the cultural usurpation of ancestral religious traits and the resistance of historically subjugated peoples.
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    Arqueogenealogia das interdições, separações e segregações de sexo/gênero nos esportes: o jogo discursivo sobre as mulheres
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-07) Passos, Adriano Martins Rodrigues dos; Gonçalves, Eliane;; Gonçalves, Eliane; Goellner, Silvana Vilodre; Sousa, Kátia Menezes de; Trejo, Fernando Segura Millan; Nunes, Jordão Horta
    In this thesis, I sought to produce an archeogenealogy of the practices of interdiction, separation and segregation of women in sports, especially in artistic gymnastics and athletics, from a historical frame that covered the end of the 18th century and extended until 2018. Basically focused in regimes of truth of the biomedical sciences, gymnastics manuals and methods (physical exercises), etiquette and manners manuals, daily magazines and newspappers. As well as reports, minutes, memoranduns and compendiuns of rules and codes of points from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and of the International Federation of Gymnastics (FIG). These documents were retrieved through the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Center d’Études Olympiques, International Federation of Gymnastics, Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira and through emails exchanged with IAAF - Archives and Records Management. Through this database, I endeavored to identify, classify and analyze the événements (statements, practices, events, said and unspoken) that emerged, operated and influenced the social situation of women, their bodies and the dynamics of gender ordering in the 19th, 20th and also parts of 21th century, both in Europe and in Brazil. Thinking specifically about sport competitions in Modern Olympic Games, my main purpose was to reveal and analyze the games of power and knowledge in relation to women, their bodies and the uses that they could confer on them in sports. If, in parts, they were achieving greater political power, group authority, leadership and charismatic strength, otherwise, their advances in the sports territory, considered a men’s domain, made appear a range of strategies, practices, organizations, dispositions, adaptations that have had the function of establishing and maintaining a rigid regulatory framework, which is still active today. This security device, supported by average values of what sexed bodies could or could not perform, added to the ethical ideal of equal conditions in women’ competitions and based on sens of values as justice and injustice, has guaranteed the perennity of the gender prohibitions, separations and segregations. All of this, from the sexual bi-categorization of sports, events, equipment, rules, sports clothes, codes of points and mechanisms for social, cultural and economic valuation of women and men athletes. Thus, the thesis problematizes the increase in the participation of women in sports and competitions, based on the submission of their performances, aesthetics and expressions, in the face of a complex, insidious and effective regulatory framework, materialized in the conception that the differentiation by tests, devices, body movements and expressions are “natural” and “necessary”. This conjuncture has justified the implementation of eligibility policies that promises to protect women’ athletes and competitions, through the exclusion and negation of other women athletes, especially black women with intersex variations and women from colonized countries.
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    "Você, só que melhor": biohacking e os sentidos do aprimoramento na contemporaneidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-10-14) Morais, Deyvid Santos; Gonçalves, Eliane;; Gonçalves, Eliane; Borges, Lenise Santana; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de
    The social dynamics of labour and medicalization made human enhancement the object of interest and discussion in contemporary life, coupled with the demands for attention, performance and health in our society. The biohacking movement arises in this context, with the goal of making the most out of one’s own physical and cognitive capabilities, and introduces techniques, products, diets and drugs for this purpose. To understand this phenomenon it is essential to uncover the meanings related to these practices, as well as the historical and social conditions that lead to them. This research analyzed content in the media, online communities about biohacking and interviews with people who consumed nootropics, that is, substances that supposedly induce cognitive enhancement. The content analyzed on human enhancement often reveals a neoliberal rationality, characteristic of the current stage of capitalism that subjectively establishes ideals of success and meritocracy while causing mental illness and exhaustion, at the risk of these practices serving as new ways to maintain labor exploitation. There is also a scientistic discourse, reinforced by the advance of biological perspectives within the social field, in which emotions are disregarded and the bodies are understood as mere objects of intervention. However, other meanings outside the neoliberal and scientistic context can be negotiated in relation to the enhancement practices if they are conceived critically, with a view to experiences of resistance and difference that promote cooperation, health and care values contrary to individualization processes.
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    Umbanda e sensibilidade ecológica: um estudo em duas casas em Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-03) Machado, Sandra Maria Chaves; Oliveira, Irene Dias de;; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz;; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Oliveira, Irene Dias de; Lemos, Carolina Teles; Moreira, Alberto da Silva; Junqueira, Ivanilda Aparecida Andrade
    This research fits in the line of Cultures, Representations and Symbolic Practices of the Postgraduate Program in Sociology of the Federal University of Goiás. The study aims to investigate the Umbanda’s relations with nature, refining the encounter between its cosmovision, of a symbolic nature, and the ecological sensitivity that is so required in todays Society. In addition, through its offering processes, intends to verify the possibility of influence of the eco-spirituality vision, of some of its proselytes, in the adaptability of rituals. Two Umbanda houses were studied during a period of almost three years in the capital of Goiás. The research is referenced by scholars of the Sociology of Religion, such as Max Weber, Roger Bastide, Peter Berger, Reginaldo Prandi, Antônio Boaes, Rosalira Oliveira, Lísias Negrão, and also in the contribution of Social Sciences authors, like Mercedes Lopes, among other authors such as Elenita Malta Pereira, Leonardo Boff and Riley Dunlap. The metodology includes participatory observations of the common rituals and the application of questionnaires, with the NEP scale, which indicates the interviewee's 'ecological awareness'. The analyses indicate the existence of an ecological sensitivity between adherents, but one that did not come from religion itself, despite being reinforced by it. In addition, it was also noticeable some adaptations to the new, which is typical of Umbanda, but still as a trend, in the area of environmental preservation in its rites, such as waste disposal, among other actions.
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    O PRONATEC no sistema de ensino brasileiro: estudo de caso no Instituto Federal de Goiás nos municípios de Goiânia e Aparecida de Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-14) Souza, Vanessa Alexandre de; Junqueira , Ivanilda Aparecida Andrade;; Junqueira, Ivanilda Aparecida Andrade; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Marques, Edmilson Ferreira; Viana, Nildo Silva; Melo, Marco Aurélio Pedrosa de
    This thesis has as its main theme; the impact of the - Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego - (PRONATEC) in Goiania and metropolitan region. We seek to analyze the scope of its goals and the concrete facts resulting from this educational policy that defines itself as the largest investment in Technical and Professional Education developed in Brazil. Our main objective is to comprehend the relationship between work and education in the Brazilian educational system and the logic of its proposals developed by the official bodies in the scope of professional and technical education. Brazilian educational system was organized attending the logic of exclusion and social inequalities. We focus our analyses on how the professional education characterizes itself in the Brazilian teaching system. Our field of search was at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFG) at Campus Goiânia and at Campus Aparecida de Goiania. The Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFG) in partnership with PRONATEC coordinated the offer of courses after August, 2012. In this work we present data from the courses offered since 2013. We conducted semi-structured interviews with graduated students of the courses, collecting information about their educational trajectory, narratives about their experiences in taking a technical course and their social reality. We collected testimonials, questionnaires and general data about the students. As main theoretical framework we used the of Gramcian concept of unitary and polytechnic school, the ideal model to technical and vocational education. The failures, difficulties and contradictions presented by educational policies like PRONATEC are related to the capitalist social structure and to the social of division of labor. In the capitalist production mode, education is articulated with the division of labor maintaining the reproduction of the inequalities by the educational system.
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    A figuração social das drogas e as relações de poder: ethos, habitus jurídicos e o meio caminho andado da decisão sentencial dos crimes de tráfico de drogas em Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-28) Silva, Guilherme Borges da; Cardoso, Franciele Silva;; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de;; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de; Souza, Dalva Maria Borges de Lima Dias de; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Campos, Marcelo da Silveira; Berastegui, Xabier Arana
    This thesis analyzed the social process that led to the configuration of different orientations among professionals in the criminal justice system working in Goiânia about the social phenomenon of drugs. This work revealed how these guidelines are internalized by the judges of criminal drug trafficking cases; how they influence them in their assessments and decisions on such criminal matters and; finally, what these different forms of legal action result in. For this, different research methods and techniques were used. First, based on an extensive bibliographic analysis, a retrospective sociological exercise was carried out in order to describe the long social process, since antiquity, which has unfolded in the current configuration of the social phenomenon of drugs. Different substances were analyzed and in different socio-cultural contexts. Then, still with bibliographic information and documentary data, it was described about the disputes and tensions that have been weaving in the power relations that cross the social phenomenon of drugs. Thus, the sociological elements that explained the constitution of different world orientations in relation to this phenomenon in contemporary societies were raised. Soon afterwards, through interviews with criminal justice system operators who work in Goiânia, the objective was to present and evaluate how these different orientations cross these professionals and constitute certain ethos. These ethos are expressed in the way they think, understand and position themselves in relation to issues and themes related to the social phenomenon of drugs. In the end, through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of drug trafficking sentences in Goiânia, it was explored how the ethos present in the performance of the different magistrates implies the constitution of certain legal habitus. These were analyzed based on the way in which magistrates evaluate criminal drug trafficking cases and make their sentencing decisions. Based on this, a comparative analysis was performed between the judges and a logistic regression model was developed in order to assess which factors may or may not imply in the sentence decision. In addition, it sought to understand the practical effects of these differences in legal performance among magistrates in the justice system and in social life. The result of the study revealed that the configuration of different ethos about the social phenomenon of drugs influences the constitution of different legal habitus among the judges responsible for judging the criminal processes of drug trafficking in Goiânia. As a consequence, an abysmal divergence was perceived both in relation to the way the judges act on such criminal matters and in the construction of their sentencing decisions. From the logistic regression, the hypothesis of the study was confirmed that a person who criminally responds to a drug trafficking case in Goiânia, depending on the luck of the magistrate who will judge him, already enters the court halfway inside. or out of the prison system.
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    As reconfigurações do trabalho docente no século XXI: controle, intensificação e precarização do professor
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-05-29) Vieira, Renato Gomes; Martins, Lucinéia Scremin;; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Viana, Nildo Silva; Soares, Eliane; Pinheiro, Veralucia
    This thesis, entitled The reconfiguration of teaching work in the 21st century: control, intensification and precariousness of the teacher, is linked to the research line Work, Employment and Unions of the Graduate Program in Sociology of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). It is a research that seeks to show how teaching work has been reconfiguring because of the great transformations of the contemporary world, which had its development since the 1980s. Its main problem is: the contemporary reconfigurations of capitalism, notably the restructuring brought about an increase in the intensification, control and precariousness of the teaching work of the basic education teacher in Brazil in the last thirty years? To answer this problem, we start from the hypothesis that the teaching work has been reconfigured by the changes of contemporary capitalism mentioned here: productive restructuring and neoliberalism. And these phenomena have been forcing workers of all categories, including education, more control, more intensification and more precarious working conditions. Each of these processes brought about profound social, political, and economic changes, so that the education, school, and work of the teacher were not far from these mutations. Theoretical and empirical research can realize that the work of female teachers is increasingly intensified from the physical, intellectual and emotional point of view, due to more work and daily demands. The increased control over his work appears very clearly, in various aspects that imply more vigilance over the teacher in the exercise of his profession. And, finally, the precariousness of working conditions, which persists in reality, wage and working conditions in schools. Although it remains a work that has many specific traits of work on another human being, these processes of rationalization have strongly affected the life of teachers.
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    Conhecimento e subjetividades: a [re]construção da promoção da saúde no Programa Academia da Saúde, no estado de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-06) Parreira, Fernanda Ramos; Souza, Marta Rovery de;; Souza, Marta Rovery de; Rocha, Dais Gonçalves; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Barros, Patrícia de Sá
    Introduction: the Organic Law no. 8.080 / 1990, which establishes the Brazilian health system SUS from a positive health perspective, considers that the coexistence of the promotion- protection-recovery tripod is fundamental for the guarantee of health and life itself. Without the coexistence of these three dimensions, it is not possible to provide the integrality and universality, founding principles of that system. Object: the Programa Academia da Saúde, a ministerial proposal created in 2011, seeks to implement support centers for the Rede de Atenção à Saúde, specifically Atenção Primária à Saúde, for the development of health promotion actions. Objective: the research aims to analyze the implementation of the Política Nacional de Promoção à Saúde, made through the Programa Academia de Saúde, and its configuration in the microspace context. The thesis presents two analytical categories: 1) access and participation; and 2) understanding and incorporating beliefs and values about health promotion within the Programa Academia de Saúde. Through a sociological reflection, it seeks to understand the present nuances between the theoretical assumptions that underlie the creation of this policy and the empirical field, anchoring in theorists of the sociology, such as Bourdieu (1983, 1996, 2001, 2004), Foucault (1977, 1984, 1987, 2006), Giddens (1991, 2009), Butler (1997, 2015, 2018) and Agamben (2017). Methodology: the complexity to develop studies related to the health field is combined with the qualitative and quantitative approach, for it recognizes the limitations existing in the mentioned approaches and that associating them makes it possible to minimize specific biases of each approach. As it is an exploratory-descriptive study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, it associates multiple research and data collection methods and techniques. Therefore, an association is made between documentary, descriptive statistics and field research. The field research involved 04 (four) selected towns, in which 21 interviews were conducted with coordinators, health professionals and users. Results: the preventive and functionalist character enrolled in the institution's decree of the Programa Academia da Saúde, by proposing as a central objective the promotion of body practices, physical activities, leisure and healthy lifestyles, is presented in the realities of the subjects and in the territories of Goiás. Thus, even though it is admittedly a free access program and for the general population, there is the presence of the elderly population and/or people with non-communicable chronic diseases, such as hypertension and/or diabetes. The participation of users is restricted to the presence in the developed activities, not presenting processes that formalize and encourage their actions in the program management. This is also demonstrated in the data extracted from monitoring, by showing the low representativeness of these users and family members in the management support group. Final Considerations: the perceptions and the way the Programa Academia de Saúde and health promotion are known, recognized and (re)produced go through the subjectivities and collectivities that exist in this microspace context. It is considered that the program brings, in its core, the hybridizations between health paradigms that coexist in the Sistema Único de Saúde. There is a complexity that comes from the coexistence between concepts and practices of control, regulation of bodies and principles and values that involve social participation, empowerment and social protagonism, such as autonomy, social justice and health equity.
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    A cidade e o cinema [negro]: o caso FESPACO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-04-01) Oliveira, Maíra Zenun Almada de; Vettorassi, Andréa;; Oliveira, Janaína Pereira de; Rios, Flavia Mateus; Souza, Edileuza Penha de; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos
    This PhD thesis entitled The City and the [Black] Cinema: the FESPACO’s case, it is the result of an writexperience [auto] ethnographic in which I set out to meet one of the largest African film festivals, the FESPACO – Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou – which takes place in Burkina Faso, a country located in West Africa from 1969 to the present day. The work therefore brings the result of this case study and is divided into three parts, respectively: the first on the host city of the ritual, the capital-Ouagadougou; the second about the art of cinema makes (in)visible certain [black] bodies; and the third, properly, about FESPACO, in relation to what was previously presented. In each of these stages of the text, I tried to establish and discuss the possible links between the socio-political and spatial conjuncture that hosts the festival, in relation to this kind of cinema that calls itself (or is called) black. All of this, having as its main reference and starting point my own life experience and place of speech, given the complexity of what was generated from European colonialism. In this sense, in theoretical and methodological terms, and in order to also arouse a discussion about art and society, such writexperience was carried out with the objective of understanding the festival in the light of questions concerning the erasures and the (in)visibilities promoted by knowledge and (in) your production networks.
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    Pisando em óvulos: a violência obstétrica como uma punição sexual às mulheres
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-06-17) Ferreira, Maíra Soares; Gonçalves, Eliane;; Gonçalves, Eliane; Rodrigues, Marlene Teixeira; Ramos, Ticiana Osvald; Amaral, Marcela; Nunes, Jordão Horta
    Faced with a social context in which instrumental deliveries predominate through cesarean surgery in private hospitals and the "cascade of interventions" in the vaginal deliveries of Brazilian public hospitals, a women's movement marked the beginning of the 21st century with the appointment of "obstetric violence" (OV). The understanding of OV ranges from physical, psychological, verbal, symbolic, sexual aggressions to negligence in attendance, discrimination, excessive and inappropriate medication, consent to obstetric practices not recommended, painful, harmful and unfounded in scientific evidence - lived during the gestation, childbirth, birth and postpartum. Given this scenario, the aim of the thesis is to analyze the aspects of this violence - with imposition of pain, suffering and avoidable deaths, legitimized by obstetric science and authorized by the State as sexual and reproductive health care. The hypothesis that guided the research is that OV is a misogynist act of punishment to women, the result of centuries of denial of their sexuality and ability to decide. The central question that the research sought to answer is how political authorization was given to violate women's bodies, as well as its naturalization and justified invisibility in obstetric science and practiced in sexual and reproductive health care. Using a qualitative approach, the research developed in three dimensions: 1) Genealogical reconstruction of the term and analysis of the OV conjuncture from reported cases, normative instruments, national and international documentation, civil actions, conceptualizations and typifications; 2) Analysis of secondary data from a national survey systematized by FIOCRUZ in 2014 and (3) Reports of participant observation in labor and delivery in the capital and in a rural city of the state of Goiás, as well as an autobiographical narrative situated and focused. The analyzes were based on social theory of constructionist and feminist theories, with emphasis on the contributions of intersectionality. With this body of knowledge, it was possible to reflect on how the intrinsic relations between the State, childbirth and the different health care - public and private - coordinate the discipline on the expropriated body of women, according to their social markers of color, class, race/ethnicity and genre. Thus, there are important indications that the processes of scientific usurpation operated by the current obstetrical science on the old traditional midwife, the policies of the state against the performance of midwives in the communities, the inequality between the violence of women according to women and assertions, the imperative of obstetrics without scientific evidence, and the deception of the political programs of "humanization", are all at the service of the control of this State engaged in maintaining sexual punishment of women.
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    A concepção de socialismo em Erich Fromm
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-05-17) Santos, André de Melo; Viana, Nildo Silva;; Viana, Nildo Silva; Marques, Edmilson Ferreira; Freitas, Weder David de; Junqueira, Ivanilda; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos
    The present work seeks to discuss the conception of socialism in Erich Fromm, an author of a vast work on Marxism and Psychoanalysis. Fromm was one of the first to seek a synthesis between Marxism and psychoanalysis, a junction that opened new horizons for the advancement of social thought, broadening the understanding of man in capitalist society and contributing to unravel the psychic mechanisms that society uses to dominate individuals. His work is influenced by Marx, a revolutionary thinker, and Freud, politically a conservative thinker. This double influence may give rise to the idea that there is an ambiguity or gap in Erich Fromm's conception of socialism. In the context in which he lived, he was a contemporary of the Russian Revolution, of the rise of the integrationist state in the period of the regime of combined accumulation, in which the ideology and attempt of the integration of the working class in the so-called consumer society took place. It is noticeable that Fromm criticizes capitalist society as well as "real socialism." This raises a new question about what form of socialism he advocated, which is not only explained by the terms he used, such as "humanistic socialism." Throughout his work there is a search for a humanist socialism which, according to Fromm, is in accordance with Marx's thought. Thus, our theme is the conception of socialism in Erich Fromm. Our problem of research, in view of its critique of "real socialism" and other conceptions of socialism, is to discover what its conception of socialism is. In order to be able to respond to this problem, we use the dialectical method. The dialectical method has brought us a rich indication of the analytical process in the case of a theoretical research, such as ours. The information material, to understand a thinker, is fundamentally his written work, from which we have come to grips with and have done detailed analysis. However, the social and cultural context is fundamental for such an analysis, because this is what explains the formation of an author's thought. Thus, the dialectical method allowed to unite the general, the social and cultural contexts, and the particular, in which Fromm inserts itself in a specific way. In this context, we also use Marx's theory of consciousness, as well as authors who have provided complements to his theory, in order to explain the social and intellectual formation of consciousness, and to later use it in explaining Fromm's thinking. The analysis of Fromm's works and his direct references to his conception of socialism assume a fundamental meaning in order to understand his thinking in this respect. The result is that Fromm's conception of socialism, which he called "humanist" and at some "communitarian" moment, is a utopian conception, and which differs from the other conceptions of socialism best known in his day, Bolshevik, and Social Democrat, as well as distinct from Marx's, despite some proximity. Fromm's communal socialism suffered from a deeper theoretical basis and a broader understanding of the capitalist mode of production and of Marx's work on communism, which partly explains the utopian elements in its conception as well as its limits.
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    Trabalho na construção civil no Brasil: feminização, segmentação e consubstancialidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-06-21) Jorge, Maria Aparecida Sanches Silva; Nunes, Jordão Horta;; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Lombardi, Maria Rosa; Lobo, Sonia Aparecida; Santos, Neville Júlio de Vilasboas e
    Work in construction: feminization, segmentation and consubstantiality analyzed the process of insertion of women in the building sector in Brazil in occupations that require high schooling, such as civil engineers architects and techniques in occupational safety and occupations of low schooling as the assistant of works reamers, quarries, applicators of ceramic coating and painters and how the segmentation of their careers and the consubstantiality of gender are processed, class and race that promote the reduction of women's opportunities in the sector. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the process of feminization and segmentation of women's work in their occupations, both in the managerial positions and in the manual work of the finishing sector in comparison with the men of the Brazilian civil construction under the influence of gender, class and race and their relations of consubstantiality. The approaches and methods adopted are focused on the use of qualitative and quantitative research, by means of the triangulation procedure in order to meet the purposes of the research in a comparative, descriptive and wide exploration of the phenomena. The interviews were conducted using the technique of intentional sampling snowboll. The analyzes were carried out with the crossing of several sources of information and data, either through the statistical data of the Program o f Dissemination of Labor Statistics – PDLS or cross-gender, race and remuneration with the SPSS soltware, with information collected from ARSI (Annual Report of Social Information). The results of the research highlight that the organization of women's work and its convergence between gender, class and race act to reduce women's opportunities in construction by means of social relations that are embodied by their intertwining and separation (separation because class separates gender and race, gender separates race and class and race separates gender and class) at the same time, strengthening inequalities and discrimination in women's work in the building sector. The sexual division of labor is the common substance that keeps inequalities in the labor market alive or women. And the process of feminization and segmentation are shaped on the effects or consequences of consubstantiality and separation of gender, class and race.