Música eletroacústica utilizando software livre: processos composicionais interativos


This is a work investigating the possibility of composing musical works with interactive interfaces created with algorithms and programs that are Free Software including the entire operating system. It also includes description of their elaborations, both musical compositions with existing interfaces as for interfaces built in the light of musical and technological training of this composer. The compositions were presented during the Master's degree in performing arts in SEMPEM XIII, XIV and SEMPEM qualification and defense presentations. This research therefore is divided into two parts: Part A, which consists of the artistic part where the composer presents his work to the public hearing, and Part B, which consists of all written work, the scores and algorithms in computer language to this article.



VEIGA FILHO, S. A. Música eletroacústica utilizando software livre: processos composicionais interativos. 2015. 59 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Música) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.