A profissionalização e a conduta ético-política do professor no Brasil: as relações saber/poder nos processos discursivos de objetivação/subjetivação e as possibilidades de resistência

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis, entitled The professionalization and teacher's ethical and policy conduct in Brazil: relations knowledge/power in discursive processes of objectification/subjectification and the possibilities of resistance, in terms of game knowledge/power and beam resulting relationships of the various crossings and historical markings constituting the materiality of the statements. The theoretical framework and the working methods are guided in tools identified in Foucault's arquegenealogia and that, in our view, allow us to reflect on the knowledge that attend on the basis of discursive mechanisms that aim and subjectify the subject/professional teacher. Concepts such as file, memory, discontinuity, enunciative regularity, knowledge, power, objectivity, subjectivity, pastoral power and toughness are essential in the treatment we give this research, the speeches that promote some kind of categorization for the teacher. Although aware that the possibilities are numerous to classify the teacher chose to systematize the data of our file into two broad categories: its ethical political conduct and its professionalism, in order to observe the interweaving of knowledge and practices that support the understanding what should it be a requirement preciput of their work activities and in different circumstances, their way of being. The problematics of these statements makes it possible to understand that, often, there is almost universal agreement that the teacher is undervalued and therefore it is necessary to leave in his defense. This results in the tendency to put as the main element in the evaluative scale the importance of the subject / professional teacher to 1. instruct young people to live in harmonious society to do everything without neglecting own principles to traditional values. 2. contribute to the development of the country through its ability to form qualified people to the labor market and thus cooperate with the growth of the nation. Both objectification possibilities teacher were observed both in the statements delivered by ordinary citizens and professionals from other areas as set out in materialized by teachers themselves. However, from the data analyzed it was also possible to establish the existence of a space of resistance which is designed here as an indication that there is a way out to the point of being denied certain forms of objectification. By subjectively, not infrequently, the teacher denies the place that takes as the good shepherd, as the example to be followed and, therefore, makes statements and adopts different postures that are beyond the expectations that exist around it, and may, even culminate in what we believe to be the peak of its ability to "jump the window", namely, the abandonment of the profession.



SILVA, Odália Bispo de Souza e. A profissionalização e a conduta ético-política do professor no Brasil: as relações saber/poder nos processos discursivos de objetivação/subjetivação e as possibilidades de resistência. 2016. 187 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.