Morfofisiologia de tomateiros mutantes fotomorfogenéticos fri tri, phyB2 cultivados em condições de sol e sombra

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Phytochromes are protein pigments related to the qualitative and quantitative absorption of light by plants, translating it into biochemical signals that influence plant growth and development. In tomato, fri mutant shows deficiency in the phytochrome A, the mutant tri, deficiency phytochrome B1 and phyB2 mutant is deficient in phytochrome B2. In this paper we analyzed the effects of these changes when the cultivation of plants in the sun and shade treatments by analysis the growth and assimilates partition, photosynthetic rates (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll and carotenoid content in tomato mutants photomorphogenic fri, tri, phyB2 and wild genotype Moneymaker. The plants were grown in a greenhouse and featured throughout its development. The fri and tri mutant exhibited lower total leaf area than the other genotypes in both treatments. All genotypes were taller in shade treatment, and in these conditions the mutant tri presented greater height than the other genotypes. The photosynthetic rate was higher in sun condition, and phyB2 mutant subjected to shading exhibited higher A than the other genotypes. Under sunny conditions were observed lower amounts of chlorophyll a and carotenoid in the tri mutant compared to other genotypes. Fri and tri mutants showed lower potential quantum yield (Fv / Fm) and effective (Fq '/ Fm') of photosystem II in shade conditions. Lower values of Fq '/ Fm' were observed in tri mutant under shady when compared to other genotypes. In both treatments mutants showed higher dry biomass values of roots / total dry weight in relation to control genotype, and 130 DAE fri mutant exhibited reduction of this parameter. Assimilates allocation to 130 DAE in leaves was higher in fri mutants, tri, and phyB2 compared to the wild genotype, which showed the highest dry mass ratio of fruit / total dry mass compared to the mutants.. The area of the vessel element was for the fri mutant in comparison to the other genotypes. The stomatal density of the abaxial face was higher for the fri and phyB2 mutants in sun condition. The thickness of the adaxial epidermal cells, the paliquadic and spongy parenchyma, and the xylem thickness were greater in the sun condition in relation to the shade, greater in the sun condition in relation to the shade. It is concluded that the analyzed characteristics are influenced by specific phytochrome in the studied species and the action of phytochrome differs in sun and shade conditions.



MEREB, E. L. Morfofisiologia de tomateiros mutantes fotomorfogenéticos fri tri, phyB2 cultivados em condições de sol e sombra. 2017. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.