Professores de matemática da rede estadual em Goiânia: TDIC em perspectiva

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work intends to carry out an investigative study aiming a way to integrating TDIC in the routine of teaching activities of Mathematics Teachers, of state educational network of Goiás, focusing attention on insertion of TDIC as methodology of pedagogical work of these teachers. We used the software Iramutec as a tool to help us to analyze data and in the discussion of the categories. We used two questionnaires as device for collect data applied with Mathematics teachers of State education network of Goiás, seeking an understanding and reflection about the teaching actions and the implications in using or not the TDIC at mathematics classes. The research target audience comprised of 123 math teachers in the state education network working in Goiânia who participated in the workshop: MATEMA_TIC : WORKSHOP WITH MATHEMATICAL TOPICS USING TECHNOLOGIES that answered both questionnaires, and the discussions were used to deepen the knowledge about the interrelations between the activities of the teachers and the questions posed by the use of the technologies, to reflect on their conceptions and about their practice, when instigated as to the uses or not of the technologies of information and communication. We invite everyone to reflect on the relationship between education and technology in public schools, especially in Goiás, and about the challenges that will be assumed for the management of new educational requirements in its democratization in individual and collective learning, which guarantees technological fluency for all teachers and real digital literacy for pedagogical purposes in the student. Finding and answering certain questions helps us to understand and reflect on the necessary transition from the fossilization to the formative state of teaching and learning with technologies, which is necessary and urgent, in this perspective, to try, through the research, to answer the question: What is the relation established between the initial and continuous training of mathematics teachers of the state network of Goiás and the context of their pedagogical practices having as an interface the use of TDIC? All our work was directed at seeking answers to this and other questions.



LIMA, Terezinha Vítor de. Professores de matemática da rede estadual em Goiânia: TDIC em perspectiva. 2017. 200 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.