A construção de identidades de gênero a partir da leitura de narrativas literárias de recepção infantil e juvenil

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This dissertation is the result of research conducted within the scope of the Professional Master's Degree Program in Teaching in Basic Education (PPGEEB-Cepae-UFG), at the Center for Teaching and Applied Education Research (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). The underlying motivation for this study lies in understanding the transformative potential of literary reading and the conviction that access to it is a fundamental right, transcending the simple act of reading to constitute an essential citizenship practice for individuals' effective participation in a literate society. The general objective of the research was to demonstrate how certain narratives of children's and youth reception can contribute to discussions that lead to the deconstruction of stereotypes based on sexist and patriarchal conceptions by presenting fictional universes in which the constitution of female characters highlights the importance of a human formation process based on gender equity and the valorization of aspects and attitudes that seek this equity. The specific objectives were thus defined: to investigate the contributions of literary reading to the formation of readers, to contribute to the formation of literary readers in Basic Education, based on the study of narratives of children's and youth reception by Brazilian authors; to analyze how certain female characters are represented in the literature of Ana Maria Machado, Marina Colasanti, and Vita Murrow, in light of discussions about gender; to create conditions for students from a public school to become acquainted with narratives by these authors, providing new aesthetic experiences through readings that address cultural, social, and gender themes; to reflect on the importance of female-authored literature for the formation and strengthening of women's identity; and to contribute to the construction of gender identities in a perspective capable of breaking the chain of patriarchal practices in society. For the field research, action research methodology was adopted, in a qualitative approach, involving students from the 6th grade of Elementary Education, aged between 11 and 12 years, from a school in the northern region of Goiânia. Participant observation during the mediated readings enabled the analysis of the students' responses to the proposals for aesthetic experience, as well as the impact of these readings on the deconstruction of stereotypes that contribute to gender inequalities, prejudices, and discriminations. The analyses showed that literary reading plays a crucial role in the formation of readers, promoting the development of autonomous, critical, reflective, and, above all, humanized individuals. As an educational product of this research, an e-book entitled “WEAVING GENDER IDENTITIES: contributions of literary reading of narratives for children and young people", containing information on the investigated theme, presentation of the narratives addressed, and the didactics used. The theoretical frameworks that underpinned this study were diversified, including studies by renowned authors such as Adichie (2017), Aguiar and Bordini (1988), Auad (2004; 2022), Bourdieu (1989; 2007; 2011), Caldim (2021), Candido (1973; 2002; 2011), Chauí (1994), Coelho (1985; 2000; 2008), Colomer (2017), Louro (1995; 2000; 2002; 2013; 2014), Murano (2002), Sandroni (2007), Scott (1990; 2012), Thiollent (2011), Zilberman (1983; 1991; 2005; 2008); Zolin (2007; 2009; 2010), among others.



COSTA, Flávia Ferreira da. A construção de identidades de gênero a partir da leitura de narrativas literárias de recepção infantil e juvenil. 2024. 211 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.