O Goalball como conteúdo na educação física escolar na educação básica: uma proposta didática

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this sense, our general objective is to propose pedagogical strategies for teaching the paralympic sport Goalball in school Physical Education, and the specific ones, review the literature on legislation in inclusive education and systematize the specific knowledge of Goalball, carry out a survey of studies on the its teaching, learn about strategies and materials for teaching this modality and, finally, develop, based on practical needs arising from the investigative field, pedagogical strategies, adapted to the context of public schools in Goiás. The theme of the Paralympic sport Goalball at school will provide students with great development, one of which is the experience of sports for people with or without disabilities and its adaptation for students at school, creating awareness about sports practice for people with disabilities, making this modality known. Regarding the theoretical framework, we used the studies covered by Davi Rodrigues (2003), Márcio Morato (2008), Mantoan (2020), among others. The analysis adopted will be qualitative in nature, focusing on exploratory interventional research. The locus of the investigative work was a regular public school, located in the northern region of Goiânia, Goiás. Our object of study will be the Physical Education teachers at that school and the pedagogical activities of these subjects. Therefore, we carried out semi-structured interviews with teachers and a practical diagnostic intervention activity at school. We then processed the data and organized the information generated from the interviews. And, later, we present the data produced in the research field. As a result, teachers pointed to the lack of continued training and the lack of infrastructure and materials as the biggest challenges faced. The research culminated in the educational product, developed during the Stricto Sensu Professional Master's Course of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), from records made in the logbook and data processing. We developed written didactic and instructional material, with the proposition and theme: “Didactic sequence for teaching Goalball”, which will be made available through social networks, aiming to train teaching pedagogical practice, trying to meet the needs and problems highlighted by teachers who were part of the researched sample, thus enabling the qualification of pedagogical practice by the subjects involved in the investigative work.



CAUHY, L. C. A. O Goalball como conteúdo na educação física escolar na educação básica: uma proposta didática. 2024. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.