Autopercepção da saúde e da qualidade de vida, desempenho funcional e prática de atividade física entre idosos residentes em município rural no interior do Brasil
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Aging can lead to greater dependence on the individual, compromising
functional performance, self-perception of health and quality of life. A physically
active lifestyle can provide the maintenance of functionality and improve the
quality of life and health of the elderly. Behavior and lifestyle habits may be
influenced by the location where the elderly person lives. Understanding how
elderly people living in rural municipalities perceive their health and quality of
life can provide subsidies to better help these populations. Objective: To
analyze the associations between self-perceived health and quality of life with
functional performance and the practice of physical activity among elderly
people living in rural municipality in Brazil. Method: Analytical cross-sectional
population-based study. Individuals aged 60 years or more, noninstitutionalized,
living in a rural municipality in the interior of Goiás were
included. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and lifestyle variables were
evaluated. In addition, functional performance was assessed using the Timed
Up and Go (TUG) test and physical activity practice using the International
Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). As outcome variables, self-perceived
health and quality of life were assessed using the Bref and Old World Health
Organization Quality of Life Instruments questionnaires (WHOQOL BREF and
WHOQOL OLD). Data were obtained during a home visit, by an interview. To
assess the association of the variables of interest, Pearson's chi-square test,
Fisher's exact test and the Wilcoxon sign were used. Results: The study
included 142 elderly people with a mean age of 72.4 (±8.0) years. More than
half were classified as sufficiently active (66.9%), among these, 55.8%
performed leisure activities, the vast majority were independent in activities of
daily living (87.3%), with regular/good quality of life (average overall score:
3.6±0.3) and, respectively, 57.7% and 64.1% had self-perceived health and
quality of life. Elderly people with poor or very poor self-perceived health had
regular self-perceived quality of life (63.6%), individuals aged 80 years and over
had lower self-perception of quality of life compared to others. There was an
association of self-rated health with the practice of physical activity and
functional performance. However, no associations were found with the type of
physical activity. It was found that 50.0% of the elderly who were insufficiently
Abstract 18
active and independent perceived their health positively. Of the insufficiently
active and dependent elderly, 35.7% had poor/very bad and good/very good
self-perceived health. Conclusions: Elderly people living in a rural municipality
showed good or very good perception of health and quality of life, independent
in their activities of daily living and sufficiently active. Self-perceived health was
associated with quality of life, functional performance and physical activity
practice, not being associated with the other study variables.
BARBOSA, R. C. Autopercepção da saúde e da qualidade de vida, desempenho funcional e prática de atividade física entre idosos residentes em município rural no interior do Brasil. 2021. 116 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências da Saúde) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.