Memória e esquecimento LGBT nos museus, patrimônios e espaços de memória no Brasil

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This article aims to present some thoughts on the place of memory of transvestites, lesbians, gays and bisexuals in the museums, heritage, monuments and spaces of museum’s vocation in Brazil. The study starts with a few introductory notes that strive to synthetize the conceptual as pects, through a brief mapping of what actually has been done in Brazil in the museums and the memory spaces related to LGBT population, es pecially, the Memory Magazine LGBT, to reach final considerations. This is, therefore, a proposal that seeks to connect memory, oblivion, heritage and their connections with the LGBT question.



Memória, Esquecimento, Patrimônio, Comunidade LGBT, Museologia comunitária, Memory, Oblivion, Heritage, LGBT communities, Community museology


BAPTISTA, Jean; BOITA, Tonyn. Memória e esquecimento LGBT nos museus, patrimônios e espaços de memória no Brasil. Revista do Centro de Pesquisa e Formação, São Paulo, n. 5, p. 108-119, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jul.