Marco civil da internet: impactos e estudo comparativo a nível internacional

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper aims to accomplish an international-based comparative study about Internet government laws and evaluate how the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, Law nº 12,965/2014, impacts the way that users surf the Internet. It is a descriptive research of a qualitative nature based on a bibliographic search. It introduces a brief historic of the Brazilian Internet and its current situation. It is introduced the concept of Internet Governance and a brief report about some important facts in this area. It addresses the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet historic and its principles. After that, it is introduced Internet government laws of European Union, China and United States of America. It was noticed similarities and divergences about those laws content comparing to the Brazilian law. It concludes that the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet is an important document that assures the rights and liberty of Internet users and the importance of knowing about the changes this regulation bought to the citizens.



Governança da internet, Marco civil da internet, Regulamentações da internet


LIMA, Meyrielle Rodrigues de. Marco civil da internet: impactos e estudo comparativo a nível internacional. 2014. 110 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.