Discussões sobre a escala em ecologia de comunidades


Abstract: Since at the end of the XX century many problems related to the spatial and temporal scales in community ecology studies have been widely discussed. Several authors address the issues in a provocative way, criticizing not only how ecological communities are defined, but also in which scales they are typically studied. In order to analyze some of the main disharmonies in the scientific literature, we review two recent key articles about this topic, presenting their different conceptions about how communities should be understood. In addition, we discuss about the scarcity of data on biogeography, phylogenies and life-history traits of organisms, indicating that the resolution of questions related to scales is linked to the availability of such information. Finally, we advise that space-time extensions should never be disregarded when studying ecological communities, just as we should never forget about biological differences among organisms


v.11, n.1, p.22-27, jan./jun. 2014.


Biodiversidade, Biodiversidade, Escala local, Diversidade regional, Síntese teórica, Biodiversity, Community ecology, Local scale, Regional diversity, Theoretical synthesis


HIDASI-NETO, José; PINTO, Nelson Silva; VERGARA, Leonardo da Costa. Discussões sobre a escala em ecologia de comunidades. Revista Biologia Neotropical. Goiânia, GO, v.11, n.1, p. 22-27, jan./jun. 2014. Disponível em:< http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/RBN/article/view/26518/18041>.