O trabalho colaborativo do intérprete de Libras e o ensino de português para surdos na escolarização básica

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Evandson Paiva Ferreira


The main focus of discussion of the dissertation described in this article is the role of the interpreter/ translator of Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) in regular schools. The problem underlying the investigation was the failure deaf students experienced when learning to read and write in Portuguese. The leading question was: what collaborative work can the interpreter/ translator undertake along with other professionals in the school to help deal with this matter? The final “Educational Product” of this dissertation was a virtual forum of discussion in a site called Espaço Colaborativo Virtual Permanente, to provide a milieu for all professionals working in the specialized educational environments at school to debate and exchange experiences. The specific objectives of the study were to identify and to draw up pedagogical didactical approaches, inclusive and socializing activities and flexible contents for classrooms which welcome both deaf and non-deaf students. The interpreter/translator of Libras in these classrooms also served as the investigator of this research, by observing the answers of two deaf students to an interview, an assessment test with words and pictures, and their collaborative participation in a set of classes. The main results and analyses, based on the thinking of Vygotsky (2005), Bakhtin (2003), Quadros (2004) and other theorists, included collaborative strategies on the part of the interpreter in these situations: production of texts with images which are adaptive and contextualized to the reality of the deaf, use of comparative interlanguage strategies which highlight bicultural and bilingual grammatical aspects of the translation process, creation of adapted videos and dactylogical reinforcement with visual signs etc. The study concludes that the performance of this educational professional goes far beyond the simple task of linearly interpreting and translating content, explanations and exercises from one language to another, and that when Libras interpreters/translators collaboratively participate with school colleagues during the planning, preparation and application of classroom activities, they effectively contribute to the cognitive development of deaf students attending regular primary schools.


v. 26, n. 1, jan./ jun. 2015.


Trabalho colaborativo, Libras, Português, Educação básica, Collaborative work, Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), Portuguese, Basic education


CARVALHO, Andrea dos Guimaraes; MESQUITA, Deise Nanci de Castro MESQUITA. O trabalho colaborativo do intérprete de Libras e o ensino de português para surdos na escolarização básica. Polyphonía, Goiânia, v. 26, n. 1, jan./jun. 2015. Disponível em: < http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/sv/article/view/37992/19100>.