Avaliação clínica de crianças e adolescentes asmáticos: relevância da atenção interdisciplinar


Descriptive, retrospective study, aimed to evaluate clinical conditions of asthmatic children and adolescents at the beginning of treatment and after six months of accompaniment by a multi-professional team, focused on interdisciplinary attention. A research developed in a reference ambulatory for tertiary attention of infant asthma, in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. Data was collected from 101 medical records from January and March 2013. Children and adolescents were predominantly male (70,3%), aged between two and five years (31,7%) and clinically classified as moderated persistent asthma (47,6%). After following them for six months, it was seen that most (64,4%) obtained total or partial control of the disease, reduction of all symptoms identified in the first consultation and presented high adherence to the proposed pharmacological treatment (70,3%). Interdisciplinary attention can result in improved clinical control and contribute to advances in assistance quality to asthmatic children and adolescents.


v. 17, n. 3, jul./set. 2015.


Asma, Criança, Adolescente, Assistência integral à saúde, Enfermagem pediátrica, Asthma, Child, Adolescent, Comprehensive health care, Pediatric nursing


SIQUEIRA, Karina Machado; PEREIRA, Geovanna Líscio; BITTENCOURT, André Luiz; COLODINO, Camila Silva; FERNANDES, Isabela Cristine Ferreira; BARBOSA, Maria Alves BARBOSA. Avaliação clínica de crianças e adolescentes asmáticos: relevância da atenção interdisciplinar. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, Goiânia, v. 17, n. 3, jul./set. 2015. Disponível em: < http://revistas.ufg.emnuvens.com.br/fen/article/view/29910/20745>.