Prevalência e variação estacionai dos nematoides gastro-intestinais em bezerros na região dos Dourados – Goiás

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


The aim of this paper was to determine the prevalence and seasonal variation of gastrointestinal helminths in bovines Ín the region of Dourados — a representative zone of open pastures ("cerrados") in Goiás. We nave tried to establish the periods for control treatment of enteroparasites in bovines in that region. 16 female calves were used for the experiment — 4 per each property. 4 adjoiníng properties were chosen. The animais were examined every 30 days for 12 months (20-3-71 to 20-3-72). Feces were obtained directly from the rectum and examined by the Mc Master method, aceording to Gordon Whitlock (1939) for quantitative evaluation of eggs. Coprocultures for qnalitative studies were performed by the Roberts and O'Sullivan's method. The genera were idemified according to Keith. (1953). It hás not been possíble, in this study, to establish general norms for control of enteroparasites in íhat área owing to the different reaction of the Dutch bovines of that region to the nematodes. A sudden change of management ín farm "A" with the return of 50% of the cattle to the farm in November, seemed to affecí the behavior of the enteroparasites in the calves.. It was possible, however: 1.° To establish that the genera Coopena, Haemonchus, Strongyloidcs, Oesophagostomus, Tritliostrongylus and Trichuris occur in the region of Dourados, 35 km from Goiânia. 2.° To observe a predominace of the infection by Haemonchus and Cooperia over the other nematodes in that área. 3.° To attribute the first serious infection occurring in calves Ín that region to Strongyloidosís. Half-breed Dutch black and white bovines showed greater sensítivity to nematodes than Zebu half-breeds,




PEREIRA, Edson. Prevalência e variação estacionai dos nematoides gastro-intestinais em bezerros na região dos Dourados – Goiás. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 1, p. 55- 61, jan./mar. 1973. Disponível em: <>.