Inquérito sorológico para leptospirose em Goiânia - Goiás (1972) - contribuição para o estudo epidemiológico das leptospiroses em Goiás

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


Serology surveys though the use of aglutination tests for leptospirosis in 200 patients wilh parasitic descases and South America Penphigus, plus 301 healthey people (103 pregnant women or close to tenn pregnant Womem. 139 Wcrkcrs of a slaughterhouse; 59 slum dwellers from setor Universitário) The reactions showed 48 positive (9,5%). The presents serotypes weregrippotyphosa 18, panama 3, autumnalis 6, wolffi 4. Anstralis, pomona and, ictero-hemorragíe two of each. Tarassovi, bebdomadis, andamane and javanica one of each. The authors call your attentin to the very low prevalence of the serotype icterohemorragie ("0,4%) and the relatively hígh rate of the serotype panama (2,2%) of wich seven cases were among meat processors




HYAKUTAKE, Saburô; BARBOSA, William. Inquérito sorológico para leptospirose em Goiânia - Goiás (1972) - contribuição para o estudo epidemiológico das leptospiroses em Goiás. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 4, p. 347 - 354, out./dez. 1974. Disponível em: <>.