Uso comparativo de amastigotas de t. cruzi et. hastatus cultivados a 35°c em meios sem células na RIFI para doenças de chagas


Amastigotes obtained form 5 days of culture em RPMl complemented with 30% of chicken serum at 26° C and Epímastigotes grown for 5 days in LIT culture at 26° C of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma "cruzi-like" of Phyllostomus hastatus hastatus (temporany denominalcd T. hastatus) were used on the classic reaction of indirect imunofluorescency (R1F1) 36 serum of patients clinicaly chagasics, serum reactors and two of them, parasitologicaly confirmed and 10 serum of non reactor patientes and clinicaly healthy. The results were analised as much ín relation to the antigenes used as to it*s shape. It was verified that pratically, equal results according to the reciprocity of the reactions titles, sensibilites, and specificity of both antigenes and shape. Although, the nature of the imunefluorescency was much more clear with the antigene of the epimastigote form while the amastigote form was less Intense and there was no graduation between the titles and it became negative almost brusque.




OLIVEIRA, Osvaldira Seabra de; BARBOSA,William; CZEREWUTA, Ana Cândido; MENDONÇA, Joana Rosa de. Uso comparativo de amastigotas de t. cruzi et. hastatus cultivados a 35°c em meios sem células na RIFI para doenças de chagas. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 13, n.3, p. 461-466, set./dez. 1984. Disponível em: <>.