Estudo do comportamento "in vitro" e em animais inoculados, de 29 amostras patogénicas de staphylococcus aureus reconhecidas pela fagotipagem

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


Twcnty-nini1 samples of stumliirti 7,ed staphylococrus nurru.s , i l l bclon^in^ to b&cteriophagouti grnnp wrrr siibiniltcd to clássica l lesls for llir rerngnition ol pathogenk &*phyk>oocd and inoculated hl rats and ral)liits. The activity of UINA-se was demonstrated by ali samples. in different leveis, exccept the PS 52, that did not present this enzymatie activity. The lecithinase was regarded strongly positive for most of the samples and frankly positive for the other, but much more evident lhan the previous test. The coagulase on lamina PS 3A, in the testsof tubes. Not ali of thcm were hemolytics in the hlood-agar (sheep, ral)bits and human). Ali samples were sensitive to riand re.sistent to penicillin. The mannitol was fermented by ali samples, in thirty-six hours. Only the PS (14 was fatal to the rat (intraperitoneal injection with approximately a thousand gmns), in seventy-two hours; and several sani[)le.s caused {the same suspension in iimailutions in the right thigh and inflamatórias reactions on rabbits). Difference in biochcmistry activities were not detecled and testa of pathogenicity among the mmiluT of each phagous group, but it was possible an assuranceness in the lesls usctl partieularly to isolate the pathogenic staphylococci




QUEIROZ, Divina Aparecida Oliveira. Estudo do comportamento "in vitro" e em animais inoculados, de 29 amostras patogénicas de staphylococcus aureus reconhecidas pela fagotipagem. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 16, n.1, p. 13-21, jan./jun. 1987. Disponível em: <>.