Características fenotípicas de cepas de cândida isoladas de pacientes com candidíase vaginal


Sixty-three strains of Cândida were isolated from 120 females patients with clinicai symptoms of vaginal candidiasis (city of Goiânia - GO), and classified according to KREGEN-Van RIJ. The strains were then phenotypically characterised in conformity with morphological, biological and serological aspects. Morphotype 5330 had the highest incidence in the 57 isolates of C. albicans, in the C. krusei strain we detected morphotypes 0000, 5230 and 5330 and in the two cultures of C. tropicalis morphotypes 5220 and 5240. Biotype analysis according to Odds & Abbott showed biotypes 377 and 777 in the C. albicans isolates and biotype 677 in the C. krusei and C. tropicalis strains. Serotype A was predominant in 98,2% (n=56) of the C. albicans strains.



Fenotipagem, Candidíase vaginal, Cândida spp, Phenotyping, Vaginal candidiasis, Canaida spp


RIBEIRO, Evandro Leão; SILVA, Maria do Rosário Rodrigues; FERNANDES, Orionalda de Fátima Lisboa; SILVA, Soraya Cristina da; SOARES, Ailton José. Características fenotípicas de cepas de cândida isoladas de pacientes com candidíase vaginal. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 1, p. 35-42, jan./jun. 1998. Disponível em: <>.