Biologia do triatoma costalimai (Verano & Galvão, 1959) (hemiptera, reduvudae)


Due to its capacity to develop in an artificial environment, large-scali: laboratory breeding ability and widespread use in experimental Chagas disease testing, the biology of Triatoma costalimai was studied. The bug was first discovered infected by Tiypanosoma cruzi (costalimai strain) by Melo & Borges (1981). In this study, the experiment was carried out aí 28° C, 75+5% humidity and a 12-hour light/dark cycle. The eggs incubation and íts complete development was carried out in polyethylene flasks measuring 3,0 x 7,0 cm, wkh individual bug specimens. The mean egg incubation period was 21+00 days for males and females, with the evaluative cycle mean duratiou of 138,5 days for males and 136,1 days for females. Daily observation and collection of exuvias determinate the duration of the nymph stages. Mean fecundity and fertiíity were 75.2 + 8.5 eggs and 90.4% respectively, and lhe mean number of postures was 17.4 + 1.2 with a mean of 4.1+ 0.3 eggs per posture. The mean resistance to fastening, in crescent order of nymph stagLis and adults (males) was of 35,8 + 0,6; 44,8±2,2; 90,6±4,1; 117,4±6,l; 138,1±7,2 and 67,5±l,6.The mean feeding period for male nymphs was 12,0±2,4; 6,812,1; 3,1±0,6; 6,3±2,0; 3,9±0,7 and for females 9,3±l,3; 5,111,0; 3,4±0,6; 4,3±0,7; 5,711,7.



Triatoma costalimai, Triatomíneos, Trypanosoma cruzi, Triatominae


ISAC, Eliana; ALVES, Rosa de Belém das Neves; ROCHA, Andrea Pereira da; COSTA JÚNIOR, Orlando Oliveira; SANTOS, Adelair Helena dos. Biologia do triatoma costalimai (Verano & Galvão, 1959) (hemiptera, reduvudae). Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 29, n. 2, p. 233-240, jul./dez. 2000. Disponível em: <>.