Diversidade e frequência da fauna flebotomínea (diptera: psychodidae) em áreas com transmissão de leishmaniose, no estado de Goiás


In this study diversity and frequency of the phlebotomines in the state of Goiás is presented for the first time. Captures were performed in those districts where human american cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis (ACL and VL) cases were described previously. Captures were carried out in four consecutive days in each of the 38 districts, from October 1999 to April 2002. Light CDC kind traps were used for captures, installed at 6 pm around the houses, at maximutn distance of 15 meters, remaining there until 6 am, on the following day, when they were removed. Phlebotomines were then separated in small glass containers and sent to the laboratory of Entomology for identification. A total of 7,680 phlebotomines were captured and 19 species were identified. The following species were found, in decreasing order of their frequency: Lutzomyia longipalpis (38.54%), L. whilmani (21.83%), L. intermédia (19.82%), L. lenti (14.29%), L. evandroi (2.00%), L sallesi (0.48%), L. termitophila (0.42%), L. shannoni (0.10%), L migonei (0.12%), L. davisi (0.07%), L. goiana (0.09%), L. lutziana (0.08%), L lainsoni (0.05%), L. punctigeniculata (0.05%), L sordellii (0.04%), L. monstruosa (0.03%), L. aragaoi (0.01%), L. pessoai (0.01%), L. saulensis (0.01%), Lutzomyia sp (1.65%) and Brumptomyia sp (0.23%). In the counties where cases of visceral leishmaniasis were registered, the linear regression analysis showed a significant association between the cases of VL and the presence of L longipalpis. On those with cases of ACL, a significant association between them and lhe predominant frequency of L. intermédia, L. leníi and L. whitmani.was established.



Phlebotominae, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lutzomyia intermédia, Lutzomyia whitmani, Lutzomyia lenti, Leishmanioses


MARTINS, Flávia; SILVA, Ionizete Garcia da; BEZERRA, Waldomir Alves; MACIEL, Ivan José; SILVA, Heloísa Helena Garcia da; LIMA, Cleyverton Garcia; CANTUÁRIA, Percil Bispo; RAMOS, Odilon Silva; RIBEIRO, João Batista; SANTOS, Adaguimilson Soares. Diversidade e frequência da fauna flebotomínea (diptera: psychodidae) em áreas com transmissão de leishmaniose, no estado de Goiás. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 31, n. 2, p.211-224, jul./dez. 2002. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/14565/9133>.