Dados de uma prova de ganho em peso para seleção de reprodutores bovinos de corte (feeding-test data for beef cattle bulis selection)

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Antônio Lopes da Silva


The present work was carried out in Goiânia-Goiãs with the objectives to start in selection of bulls throwgh weights differences between Gir and Nelore breedsº Forty eight controled calves were used and subnited to the same conditons of control and feeding: sai ground snapped corn, 25% corn meal, 20% cottonseed meal and 5% alfafa hay. The experiment lasted 140 days and showed that gain wi­se and speed gain weights, 60% of tne animals was qualified to the reproduction. It was observed that great differences exist in weights and weight gains as in as much as betuween breeds. The animals of the Nelore•s breed surpass those of the Gir's breed in initial weight (198,4 versus 178,9 kg), weight gain (114,3 versus 104,9 kg), final weight (312,7 versus 283,8 kg ) and adusted final weight (312,9 versus 283,2 kg) but the statis­cal sfgn1ffcance was only reached for finals wefghts. Other feeding-tests will de carried out, coppectfng the imperfections mentioned here, and eertainly it will produce more and better inforaations.




PATO, José Magno; GALVÃO, Francisco Eduardo. Dados de uma prova de ganho em peso para seleção de reprodutores bovinos de corte (feeding-test data for beef cattle bulis selection). Anais da Escola de Agronomia e de Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 27-33, jan./dez. 1975. Disponível em: <>.