Estudo da xilanase em ração comercial de aves fornecida a ratos, sob condições de laboratório

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Antônio Lopes da Silva


Two triala were conducted at Laboratqrio de Enzimologia do Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (I.C.B.) and Departamento de Zootecnia da Escola de Agronomia e Vet􀀬 rinária da Universidade Federal de Goiás, to detennine: a) Influence of xylanase (fungic prepara- tions} in poultry rations fed to rats. b) Possibility to use xylanase to improve conunercial rations to monogastrics. A total of 48 rats were randomized in 12 m􀇱 talic cages in an experimental design with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The treatments used were: Trial 1 : T - Conunercial ration to broilers (table II). A - Conunercial ration + 0,02% of xylanase. B - Commercial rations + 0,04% of xylanase. C - Commercial ration + 0,06% of xylanase. Trial 2 - As trial 1, but the levels of xy­lanase were 0,1, V,2 and 0,4% {treatment A,B and C, res­pectively). The following conclusions are presented: a) Increasing levels of xylanase didn't improve weight gains, feed Comsumption and feed gain b) Different levels of crude fiber and xy lanase should be studied in other experiments.




COSTA, Celso de Paula; MARTINS, Lícia Vasconcelos; OLIVEIRA, Benir de. Estudo da xilanase em ração comercial de aves fornecida a ratos, sob condições de laboratório. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 7, n. 1, p. 53-64, jan./dez. 1977. Disponível em: <>.