Efeito do uso de autolizado de fermento de cerveja no ganho de peso de bezerros da raça Gir

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


ihe purpose of this paper is to study the i􀀤 fluence of autolyzed beer yeast in the increase weight of Gir calves. The autolyzed beer yeasy is a by-product of beer br! ving. It is rich in aminoacids-, vitamins and minerals. In the experiment there were 32 Gir calves, male and female, d! vided into aleatory grcups, recei-ving 4 different revels of daily portions (O; l; 2 and 3- kg) of the beet yeast. After 196 days of testing, a significant relationship between the increase of weight and the use of autolysed beer yeast was observed. The animals 􀉩ust recieve 1 kg of beer yeast daily.




FISCHER, Peter; FONTES, Roulien; KRATZ, Fernando Luiz. Efeito do uso de autolizado de fermento de cerveja no ganho de peso de bezerros da raça Gir. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 86-95, jan./dez. 1979. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2368/2335>.