Anfíbios anuros associados a corpos d’água do sudoeste do estado de Goiás, Brasil


The Cerrado is the second largest biome in Brazil and is considered one of most important among the biodiversity hotspots. In this biome can be found about 150 anurans species, from which 30% are endemic. However, there are many Cerrado areas that have little information gathered about the anuran biodiversity. Thus, in this study we present the result of an inventory of anurans species from the southwest region of Goiás State (Central Brazil). In this region, we sampled 45 water bodies, located near soybean and sugar-cane cultures, pastures and natural vegetation, from November/2007 to February/2008 and from November/2008 to March/2009. Altogether, adults and tadpoles of 36 species were registered, with the majority of species registered in association to open areas. The rarefied curve of species richness show an asymptote formation, which indicates that the chance to add species to the inventory is low, even with additional habitats sampling. Therefore, our results reveal high species richness in the present sampled region, which represented almost one fourth of all species found in Cerrado.



Cerrado, Brasil Central, Distribuição de espécies, Brazilian savanna, Species distribution, Central Brazil


MORAIS, Alessandro Ribeiro; SIGNORELLI, Luciana; GAMBALE, Priscilla Guedes; KOPP, Kátia; NOMURA, Fausto; GUIMARÃES, Lorena Dall'ara; SILVA, Wilian Vaz; RAMOS, Jade; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira. Anfíbios anuros associados a corpos d'água do sudoeste do estado de Goiás, Brasil. Biota Neotropica, Campinas, v. 11, n. 3, p. 355-363, jul./set. 2011.