Contribuição ao estudo da radiação global e da insolação na micro - região do Mato Grosso de Goiás

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Wilma Alves Ferrari


This work studies the montly of daily global solar radiation. daily relative global solar radiation, daily su􀀍 shine duration and daily relative sunshine duration, for the conditiones Goiânia country and surrounding counties Goiãs • Brazil (latitude: 16Q4l'S. longitude: 49Ql7 1 W GRW , and altitude: 680.00m). Its observed that: a) global solar radiation is maximum in ectober and minimum in July; b) relative global solar radiation is maximum in Au­gust and minimum in November c) sunshine duration is maximum in June and minimum in November; d) relative sunshine duration is maximun in June and mínimum in November. Correlation between the monthly of daily re1ative global solar radiation and of daily sunshine duration allo­wed to conclude that the linea􀂠 equation: Kg = KA (0,49 n/N) Were the letters are monthly means of: daily global radiation (ly/day) KA: daily solar radiation on the top of atmosphere (ly/day) n = daily duration of sunshine (hr/day) N daily maximum duration of sunshine (hr/day) lhe methodology adoted was the one proposed by PRES­tOT! (1940) and PENMAN (1948), as cited by 8LACK et alii {1954)􀃷 in arder to estimate parameters "a" and "b", in the equation Kg/KA = a + b 􀀬 Whick correlates the sunshine ratio (n/N) to the relative solar radiation (K9/KA) by linear regression analy -si s. The equation found s􀄮d a correlation coefficient wich was great that 0,95 with significance at 0,1 probabili ty level..




LOBATO, Olivar José da Silva Moraes; LOBATO, Engler José Vidigal; GONÇALVES, Vicente Antônio. Contribuição ao estudo da radiação global e da insolação na micro- região do Mato Grosso de Goiás. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 12, n. 1, p. 55-75, jan./dez. 1982. Disponível em: <>.