Short-term community dynamics in seasonal and hyperseasonal cerrados

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Instituto Internacional de Ecologia


In South America, the largest seasonal savanna region is the Brazilian cerrado. Our aim was to study temporal changes in some community descriptors, such as floristic composition, richness, species density, plant density, and cylindrical volume, in a seasonal cerrado, comparing it to a nearby hyperseasonal cerrado. In four different seasons, we placed randomly ten 1 m2 quadrats in each vegetation form and sampled all the vascular plants. Seasonal changes in floristic composition, species density, and plant density were less pronounced in the seasonal than in the hyperseasonal cerrado. Floristic similarity between the vegetation forms was lower when the hyperseasonal cerrado was waterlogged. Richness and species density were higher in the seasonal cerrado, which reached its biomass peak at mid rainy season. The hyperseasonal cerrado, in turn, reached its biomass peak at early rainy season and, despite the waterlogging, maintained it until late rainy season. In the hyperseasonal cerrado, waterlogging acts as an environmental filter restricting the number of cerrado species able to withstand it. The seasonal cerrado community was more stable than the hyperseasonal one. Our results corroborated the idea that changes in the environmental filters will affect floristic composition and community structure in savannas.



Diversidade, Parque Nacional das Emas, Hiperestacionalidade, Savana, Estacionalidade, Diversity, Emas National Park, Hyperseasonality, Savanna, Seasonality


CIANCIARUSO, M. V.; BATALHA, M. A. Short-term community dynamics in seasonal and hyperseasonal cerrados. Brazilian Journal of Biology, São Carlos, v. 69, n. 2, p. 631-637, May 2009.