Sustentabilidade em Silvânia (GO): o caso dos assentamentos rurais São Sebastião da Garganta e João de Deus

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Sociedade Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural


The basic proposal of this study was to analyze and verify the sustainability in the settlements of São Sebastião da Garganta (ASSG) and João de Deus (AJD) in the Silvânia city, Goiás state. Questionnaire with socioeconomic, environmental and social capital variables was applied, which helped to calculate: Socioeconomic Development Index (Idese) of 0.6779 and 0.2868; Environmental Index (IA) of 0.6470 and 0.2742; Social Capital Index (IKS) of 0.8939 and 0.2778, which allowed the composition by the simple arithmetic average of the Sustainability Index (IS), that reached the value of 0.7396 and 0.2796, for ASSG and AJD, respectively, showing the average level of sustainability in the first and a low level of sustainability in the second. The values of each index separately indicated an average level of socioeconomic development, high level of social capital and an average level of the environmental aspect in the ASSG, and low levels of socioeconomic development, social capital and environmental aspect in the AJD.



Reforma agrária, Qualidade de vida, Capital social, Meio ambiente, Sustentabilidade, Assentamento, Goiás, Land reform, Quality of life, Social capital, Environment, Sustainability, Settlement


ALVES, Luiz Batista; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira. Sustentabilidade em assentamentos em Silvânia-Go: ocaso dos assentamentos São Sebastião da Garganta e João de Deus. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, Brasília, DF, v. 49, n. 2, p. 419-448, abr./jun. 2011.