Produção e composição bromatológica de quatro hibrídos de sorgo forrageiro [sorghum bicolor (l.) moench] submetidos a três doses de nitrogênio


This experiment was carried out to evaluate the potential of forage production of four hybrids of sorghum and its bromatological composition. The experiment was conducted in the Veterinary School/UFG in a completely randomized design in factorial scheme 4x3 (hybrids x nitrogen doses - 50, 75 and 100kg N/ha). The data were analyzed using Sisvar statistical program (FERREIRA, 2000), and the Tukey test (P<0,05) used for mean comparison. The production of forage (FP) and the percentage of dry matter (DM) differed (P <0.05) among the hybrids, averaging 59.31 t/ha and 26.72%, respectively. DM differed in function of the applied doses of nitrogen. The Crude Protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) content differed (P <0.05) for all hybrids, and the means were 6.73; 47.26; 38.52 and 64.25%, respectively. In relation to the nitrogen doses used, CP differed between hybrids CMSXS 762 and BR 700, with averages of 7.77 and 7.32%. No difference (P > 0.05) was observed for ADF and TND, and the means were 38.52 and 64.76%, respectively. In relation to the minerals, the Ca concentration differed just for hybrid BR 700, while P differed between hybrids BRS 610 and BR 506. For the micronutrients, Zn and Mn differed (P <0.05) among all the hybrid ones, and for Cu just in hybrid BRS 610. Hybrid BR 506 presented the best productive potential, but the protein value was smaller. The hybrids attended the nutritional requirements of cattle, except Zn and CP for BR 506.



Adubação nitrogenada, Composição, Produção, Sorgo forrageiro, Composition, Forage sorghum, Nitrogen fertilization, Production


RODRIGUES FILHO, Osvaldo; FRANÇA, Aldi Fernandes de Souza; OLIVEIRA, Regis de Paula; OLIVEIRA, Euclides Reuter de; ROSA, Beneval; SOARES, Tatiana Vieira; MELLO, Susana Queiroz Santos. Produção e composição bromatológica de quatro híbridos de sorgo forrageiro [sorghum bicolor (l.) moench] submetidos a três doses de nitrogênio. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 7, n.1, p. 37-48, jan./mar. 2006. Disponível em: <>.