Avaliação do comportamento sexual de rufiões bovinos preparados através do desvio lateral modificado e da aderência do pênis à parede abdominal


This study intended to evaluate the sexual behavior of bovine teasers, obtained by two surgical techniques. A total of 24 bovine around 18 months old were used, out of wich 12 were submitted to abdominal penopexy, and the remaining 12 suffered modified penile translocation. Oestrus was induced in three cows and the animals were appraised individually, for ten minutes, being verified the frequency of several attitudes of the sexual behavior. In statistical analysis, the totally random factorial design and the Student t test were employed for comparing the differences among the means. There was significant difference among the various observation seasons for the major part of attitudes, except for the pelvic movements and for the moos. When comparing the surgical techniques, it is reported a significant difference between the two of them concerning Flehmen reflex, semen dropping and masturbation. Interactions time x group were observed for semen dropping and masturbation. It was concluded that the different observation times carried out great influence on most of the variables studied in the libido tests, while the different surgical techniques didn’t influence in the sexual behavior of the animals.



Rufiões, Bovinos, Comportamento sexual, Teasers, Cattle, Sexual behaviour


CHAVES, Sibele Martins; SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da; FRENEAU, Gustavo Eduardo; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares; FIGUERÊDO, Edmar José; MARTINS, Márcio Eduardo Pereira; VERÍSSIMO, Antônio Carlos Cordeiro; VIANA FILHO, Paulo Roberto Lucas. Avaliação do comportamento sexual de rufiões bovinos preparados através do desvio lateral modificado e da aderência do pênis à parede abdominal. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 2, p. 65-72, jul./dez. 2002. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/vet/article/view/279/250>.