Hepatite infecciosa canina em um cão geriátrico naturalmente infectado

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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) is a systemic viral disease of dogs. It affects mainly unvaccinated dogs under the age of six months. Although clinical signs of ICH are not specific, the necropsy findings are sufficient to allow a presumptive diagnosis associated with epidemiology and clinical signs. Clinician should suspect the disease when two years-old dogs or younger present acute death with abdominal pain, neurological disorders and signs of bleeding. The objective of this study is to report an unusual case of ICH, describing the clinical and pathological findings in a geriatric dog with the disease. Case: A female Basset Hound dog, 9 year-old, was presented with intense vomiting and diarrhea in the last day. The animal was not vaccinated there was two years. The blood count revealed moderate leukocytosis by neutrophils and deviation to the left and to the right, and monocytosis, besides lymphopenia and eosinopenia. It was also possible to observe hyperproteinemia and plasma intensely jaundiced. The biochemical examination showed alterations in liver and kidney parameters. After three days of hospitalization, the patient was euthanized and submitted for necropsy. Macroscopic findings consisted of increased dark red liver, and fibrin strands in the capsular surface. There was a bloody fluid in the small intestine and stomach. Serous small intestine showed granular appearance. Kidneys were dark red aspect. There was ecchymosis in the lung. Histopathological analysis of the liver showed severe hemorrhage with multifocal hepatocellular necrosis randomized and intense mixed inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, mainly in the periportal region with presence of intranuclear inclusions in hepatocytes, which were amphophilic (characteristic of adenovirus); some of them met all the core, but most showed clear halo between inclusion and the limit of the nuclear membrane. Kidneys had rare amphophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in renal glomerulus. Discussion: Most authors recognize ICH mainly affecting young animals (up to two years). Factors related to vaccination as poor preservation of the product, mode of application and improper intervals between applications; or attached to the patient, such as stress and concomitant diseases, will contribute to the occurrence of the infection. The reported dog was delayed vaccination program there was two years ago, which may also have interfered with immune status. The dog in this case had clinical suspicion of liver disease, and there was not initial suspicion of ICH, which can be related to the difficulty of making a clinical diagnosis of this disease, since the signs are nonspecific. This fact reinforces the importance of the definitive diagnosis of ICH that be confirmed by histopathology and/or supplementary diagnosis. The blood count of the patient showed an inflammatory WBC count with possible influence of stress. Furthermore, hyperproteinemia was related to the dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhea and/or antigenic stimulation. In this patient, macroscopic findings were suggestive of HIC, while histological analysis confirmed our suspect. The diagnosis of the disease, in this case, was possible by the histopathological analysis that allowed the identification of intranuclear inclusion bodies in the liver and kidneys, which are characteristic of the canine adenovirus type 1.



Canine adenovirus type 1, Inclusion bodies, Liver, Kidney, Adenovírus canino tipo 1, Corpúsculos de inclusão, Fígado, Rim


ROSSATO, Cristina Krauspenhar; MARTINS, Danieli Brolo. Hepatite infecciosa canina em um cão geriátrico naturalmente infectado. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Porto Alegre, v. 43, p. 1-4, set. 2015.