Balanço eletrolítico e proteico dietéticos sobre as aminotransferases hepáticas, renais e séricas e teores séricos de magnésio e cloro de frangos de corte


An experiment was carried out with male chicks to study levels of 20 and 23% of crude protein (CP) and 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 mEq/kg of electrolitic balance (EB) aminotransferases activity profile (AST and ALT) iin liver tissue, kidney tissue and serum and serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), magnesium (Mg) an chloride (Cl) for broilers at seven, 14 and 21 days of age. The design used was factorial arrangement 2X8. Diets and water were fed ad libitum. The blood was collected, four birds of each treatment by cardiac puncture for separation of the serum which was frozen at -20°C and after were killed by cervical dislocation for removal of kidney and liver tissue that were weighed and frozen in liquid nitrogen and then homogenized. An aliquot of each sample was homogenized centrifuged to 7000rpm for 3 minutes at 4°C, to determine the activities of aminotransferase in the supernatant. Dietetic PB and BE levels affected AST activity in kidney tissue at seven and 21 days of age and in serum at 7 and 14 days, the activity of ALT, at 14 days in kidney tissue and at 7 and 14 days in serum. The serum chloride concentration in 14 days of age was altered by interaction of BE and CP levels. The magnesium concentration was not altered by BE and PB levels. A profile is observed, and it is not available a great amount of results. With the results obtained, it is not possible to correlacionate modifications of CP and EB wtih enzyme activities in kidney and renal tissues, consequently, metabolic alterations.



Balanço eletrolítico, Fígado, Frangos, Proteína dietética, Soro, Rim, Broilers, Electrolyte balance, Diet protein,, Liver and kidney, Serum


MINAFRA, Cibele Silva; MORAES, George Hernrique Kling; LOPES, Ana Carolina Calcado; LOPES JÚNIOR, Carlos O.; VIEITES, Flávio Medeiros; REZENDE, Cíntia Silva Minafra; VIU, Marco Antônio Oliveira. Balanço eletrolítico e proteico dietéticos sobre as aminotransferases hepáticas, renais e séricas e teores séricos de magnésio e cloro de frangos de corte. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 2, p. 425-437, abr./jun. 2009. Disponível em: <>.