Potencial de secagem de grãos com ar natural em Botucatu (SP) comparação entre arroz, feijão, milho, soja e sorgo

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Wilson Ferreira de Oliveira


Computer simulation was used to determine ambient air grain drying potential in Botucatu (São Paulo State) based on equilibrium moisture content for safe storage for one year. Hourly weather records, dry bulb temperature and relati ve humidity, from March to J une, 1971, were used as input data for the simulation program. Toe sarne I 0c temperature rise due to drawing lhe aír o ver lhe fan motor was asswned. Results showed that ambient aír grain drying systems operating continuosly aren't feasible to reduce lhe moisture content of soybeans, com, sorghum and edible beans to lhe moisture leveis recommended for safe storage. Simulation procedure using continuous fan operation also indicated lhe feasibility to dry rough rice in spite of restriction witllin some periods along of four analysed months. Selective ambient air drying, based on restricting fan operation to daily hours when lhe drying potential of lhe air is highest, indicated a decreasing ambíent aír drying feasibility in lhe following sequence: rough rice, wilh daily fan operation above 13 hours in less restrictive periods, and com, with selective drying process accomplishing below li hours, being unfeasible to achieve in more restrictive periods. ln this procedure wasn't possibility to reduce equilibrium moisture content of lhe grain sorghum and edJ.ble beans to leveis for safe storage. Average relative hwnidity higher lhan 71 %, 68% and 61 % didn't allow to achieve equilibrium moisture content leveis for safe storage for rough rice, soybeans and com, respectively.



Secagem, Ar ambiente, Arroz, Feijão, Milho, Soja, Sorgo, Teor de umidade de equilíbrio, Drying, Ambíent air, Rough rice, Edible beans, corn, Soybeans, Grain sorghum, Equilibrium moisture content


GONÇALVES, Vicente Antônio; FERREIRA, Widsney Alves. Potencial de secagem de grãos com ar natural em Botucatu (SP) comparação entre arroz, feijão, milho, soja e sorgo. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 1, p. 151-166, jan./dez. 1988. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2560/2532>.