Efeito da lasalocida sódica na digestibilidade aparente do feno de capim brachiaria decumbens staph cv basilisk após a colheita mecânica das sementes

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


One experiment was conducted to determine the effect of 0,35 and 70 mg lusalocid/bead/day in the apparent digestibility of a low quality forage Nine adult lambs were kept in metabolical individual cages using a randonly design with three replication and three treataments as follows I -Brachiaria decumbens grass hay, processend after day seed harvest II- Hay plus 35 mg of lasalosid/head/day III- Hay plus 70 mg of lasalosid/head/day The Lualocid incrcaaed 7,4% the dígestibility of dry matter; 30,59 % the digestibility of crude protein and 5,57% a dígestibility ot crude fiber when compared with control treatment lncreased 6,35% the dígestibility of dry matter; 20,49% the dígestibility of crude protein and 2,44% the dígestibility of crude fiber when oompared with two treatmenL




ORSINE, Geisa Fleury; ROSA, Beneval; BERNARDES, Antônia Ferreira; BORGES, Antônio José Siqueira. Efeito da lasalocida sódica na digestibilidade aparente do feno de capim brachiaria decumbens staph cv basilisk após a colheita mecânica das sementes. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 1, p. 73-83, jan./dez. 1989. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2596/2578>.