Seletividade de cyanazine e linuron em cultivares de ervilha (pisum sativum l.) na região dos cerrados


The herbicides cyanazine and linuron nre tested on the pea cultivan Marina, Mikado and Triofin, at Goi4nia, State of Goiás, from May to August 1989. The number of pods/plant, grains/pod, weight of 100 grains and yield of grains were not affected by the herbicides used. There was no interaction effect of herbicides and cultivars. Only a slight tmic effect on the íoliage of young plants of ali cultivars was caused by linuron and on young plants of Mikado by cyanazine at 1,250 g a.i./ha. ln most treatments Marina and Mikado proved to be more productive than Ttiofin.




SILVA, Natan Fontoura da; CARNEIRO, Iraídes Fernandes; VIEIRA, Ronaldo Mesquita; MACHADO, Darticléia; BORGES, lácomo Divino; PERINO, Marcos Antônio. Seletividade de cyanazine e linuron em cultivares de ervilha (pisum sativum l.) na região dos cerrados. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 1, p. 25-29, jan./dez. 1990. Disponível em: <>.