Efeito de diferentes resíduos orgânicos no desenvolvimento e na produtividade da alface (lactuca sativa l)

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Wilson Ferreira de Oliveira


The present study was done to verify the effect of organic and chemical fertilizations either together or separated, on the productivity of Lettuce (lactuce saliva L) The influence of chicken and cattle manure on the lettuce productivity was also verified. The field apartment was conducted at the Escola de Agronomia, U.F.G, Goiania, Goias (Brazil), in dark red lateral (carol), using the cultivar 'Regina' (seeds from Vigoragro). The experimental desing was completely randomized, with seven treatmens, as follow: 1) testemony (without fertilization); 2) chemical fertilization + cattle manure; 3) chemical fertilization, without manure fertilization; 4) chicken manure (double of the recommended level), without chemical fertilization; 5) cattle manure (double of the recommended level), without chemical fertilization; 6) chemical fertilizantion + chicken manure; 7) chemical fertilization (double of the recommended level (All fertilizer leyels followed the CF.S. Recomendations for Goias State, 1988). The results show that treatments 2, 5, and 6 were quite similar and present higher performance in all analysed variables (weight, diameter and comercial value).




ALMEIDA NETO, José Xavier de; CARNEIRO, lraídes Fernandes; PEREIRA, Adriana Vargas. Efeito de diferentes resíduos orgânicos no desenvolvimento e na produtividade da alface (lactuca sativa l). Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 1, p. 45-51, jan./dez. 1990. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2589/2562>.