Inseticidas aplicados via tratamento de sementes visando ao controle das moscas branca (bemisia tabaci, genn.) e minadora (liriomyza sp.) na cultura do feijoeiro


A trialto control the white fly Bemisia tabaci. GENN. and leafminer Liriomyza sp. was carried out in Goiânia, state of Goiás. The treatments and dosage of the insecticides pa l 00kg ofseed were: imidacloprid (140,210,280 and 350g a.i.}, carbofuran (525g a.i.), carbosulfan (375 and 500g ai.), plus an untreated check. The application ofthe treatments were made on the seeds. Toe results ofthe experiment showed that ali insecticides were efficient in controlling the leafminer at ali dosage tested and imidacloprid at the dosages of280 and 350g a.i. per 100kg seed was similar in controlling the white fly in bean crops.




SILVA, Antônio Lopes da; VELOSO, Valquíria Rocha Santos; SILVEIRA, Cláudio Aparecido da; SOUZA NETO, Francisco Teodoro; MENDONÇA, Roberto Carlos; PEREIRA, Helder Luiz Almeida. Inseticidas aplicados via tratamento de sementes visando ao controle das moscas branca (bemisia tabaci, genn.) e minadora (liriomyza sp.) na cultura do feijoeiro. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 23, n. 1, p. 47-53, jan./dez. 1993. Disponível em: <>.