Avaliação do uso de grãos de milheto (pennisetum americanum) e milho (zea mays) na alimentação de peixes na fase de recria, em sistema de policultivo


Tambaqui (75%) was reared in polyculture with common carp (25%) from 5,5g and 3,4g mean weigth respectively for a period of 505 days. Ponds of 40m' were stocked ata total density of 10000 ha·', and daily mannred with 150 kg.ha·', of swine fresh manure. Fish were supplemented fed with com or pearl millet grain, offered in submersed trays at a daily rate calculated as 3% of total biomass. Toe experiment polyculture had a mean net yield of 6,6; 5,2 and 2,1 tha·' .year·' of pearl millet, com and manure respectively. Toe result of this study indicate that rearing tambaqui in semi­intensive polyculture without supplementary feed had a low growth and lhe pearl millet fed fish showed a high performance.



Peixes, Recria, Policultivo, Milheto, Fishes, Polycultnre, Pearl millet


SILVA, Paulo César; FRANÇA, Aldi Fernandes de Souza; PÁDUA, Delma Machado Cantisani; CARVALHÊDO, Alexandre Sardinha; FERREIRA, Wesley Alves; MAIA, Joaquim Roberto; RIBEIRO, Luiz Humberto. Avaliação do uso de grãos de milheto (pennisetum americanum) e milho (zea mays) na alimentação de peixes na fase de recria, em sistema de policultivo. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 24, n. 1, p. 77-89, jan./dez. 1994. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2667/2703>.