Projeto piloto santa fé: organização rural e extensão universitária

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


The pilot project was begun in 1988 as a result of a request made by the conummity of Santa Fé to the Federal University of Goiás, in order to colaborate with coumunity development specially to assist the Association of Small Rural Producers, fuunded that year, as well ass The Women's Association in existence since 1979. The main objective of this extension project by the University, in paetnership with the community, is the improvement of the quality of life of the population of Santa Fé de Goiás. It is a region characterízed by a high concentration of land ownership, by the increase of large land holdings and by the gradual dissappearance of small land holdings. The university participals through the Department of Rural Economy -in varíous ways: making projects to raise money [CIMADE (A French ecumenical organm,tion) FUNDEC - Banco do Brasil, the Government of the State of Goiás and others]; organizing requested training courses; making tríps to other communities in Oider to share experienc doing market research; seeking alternatives for the buying of imput and selling of output; making budgets, rendering of accounts, writing letters, reports and evaluations etc. What stands out here is our concem to never dictate the way but to show altematives, discuss them wah the associates and always follow their decision. It is an action of educational dialogue and not imposition.



Desenvolvimento rural, Organização rural, Extensão universitària, Rural development, Rural organization, University extension


MELO, Dirce Regina Guimaraes de Azeredo; SILVA JÚNIOR, Renato Pinto da. Projeto piloto santa fé: organização rural e extensão universitária. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 24, n. 1, p. 128-136, jan./dez. 1994. Disponível em: <>.