Eficiência dos caldos de enriquecimento (leb1, e leb2,) e dos ágares seletivos (lpm e lsab-can) no isolamento de bactérias do gênero listeria em carne bovina e água residuária de la vagem de carcaça

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


This paper it was observed the efficiency of enrichment broths for Listeria (LEB, and LEB,), associated to the passage of the culture through a 0,25% potassiurn hidroxide solution, verifing that the secundary enrichment broth (LEB2 and LEB,KOH) was better than the prirna,y enrichment broth (LEB,KOH) for this purpose. On the other hand, lithiurn chloride-phenylethanol-moxalactam agar and the selective Listeria agar base, supplemen­ted with cicloheximide, acriflavine and nalidixic acid (LSAB-CAN) showed equivalency, at the statistic point ofview (p=0,1442), in relation to the nurnber ofpositive samples for Listeria spp., although the LSAB-CAN agar had given the greatest nurnber ofbacteria isolated from this genus.



Caldo de enriquecimento, Ágar seletivo, Listeria, Enrichment broth, Seletive agar


MESQUITA, Albenones José de; IARIA, Sebastião Timo; NUNES, Iolanda Aparecida. Eficiência dos caldos de enriquecimento (leb, e leb,) e dos ágares seletivos (lpm e lsab-can) no isolamento de bactérias do gênero listeria em carne bovina e água residuária de la vagem de carcaça. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 25, n. 2, p.27-35, jul./dez. 1995. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2897/2946>.