Aspectos biológicos de cycloneda sanguínea (L.) (coleoptera, coccineillidae)


The objetive of this work was to study the biology of predator Cycloneda sanguínea (L., 1763), having as prey aphids of genus Dactynotus sp. Toe observations were realiz.ed in the Entomology Laboratory of Phytosanitary Departament - EA/UFG. Toe environmental conditions of temperature and rei ative humidity presented the study period an average of23'C and 79,4%, respectively. Toe coccinelideos were colleted in field and packed in breeding cages. Toe stydtes were initiated with larvae originated from these insects layings. Toe hatching period of eggs was of 3 days with a viability of 86% . The larvae were observed every day, checking the biologic parameters as: larva period of 9.43 days, having each instar an average duration of 2.43, 1.57. 1.86 and 3 .57 days, respectively for 1•. 2"'. 3" and4*instars. Toe period of pre-pupa and pupa were of0.86 and 4.14 days, respectively. Toe biologic cycle from larva to adult was of 14.43 days. As much larva as adult are predators. The larva consumption was an average of 14.6 aphids/day and ali larva period was of 137.76 aphids. It was observed an increase in quantity of consumed aphids from the 1 • to the 4!!! stages.



Cíclaneda sanguínea, Joaninha, Controle biológico, Lady beatle, Biological control


VELOSO, Valquíria da Rocha Santos; NAVES , Ronaldo Veloso; NASCIMENTO, Jorge Luiz do; FERNANDES, Paulo Marçal; GARCIA, Antônio Henrique. Aspectos biológicos de cycloneda sanguínea (L.) (coleoptera, coccineillidae). Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 25, n. 2, p.123-127, jul./dez. 1995. Disponível em: <>.