Comportamento de cultivares precoces de arroz ( oryza sativa l.) submetidas a diferentes doses de sulfato de zinco

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


The lack of uirto-date infonnation on the demands ofhigh productive rice cultivars motivated the elaboration of a research aiming to evalu atethc effects of six doses ofzinc sulphate (O.O = control; 15.0; 30.0; 45.0; 60.0 and 75.0 kg/ha) on agronomic characteristics of short rice cu ltivars 'primavera' and <maravi­lha'. The treatments consisted of the combination of different cultivars and dosages of zinc sulphate, distributed in completely randomized blooks in three repetitions, making up 36 experimc:ntal units. The following aspects wcre evaluated: a) plants population up to 40 days after gennination (DAE) and ai lhe end of lhe cycle; b) plantheight; e) gnúns yield; d) weight ofl 00 gnúns. Until further experiments are carried out in order to confiem our results, the present technical recommendation should be kept in use.



Arroz, Cultivares, Sulfato de zinco, Rice, Cultivar, Zinc sulphate


PASQUALETTO, Antônio; NOGUEIRA, Marcos Humberto Tiago; BATISTA, Ronaldo Gardon. Comportamento de cultivares precoces de arroz ( oryza sativa l.) submetidas a diferentes doses de sulfato de zinco. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 29, n. 2, p. 135-139, jul./dez. 1999. Disponível em: <>.