O movimento social e a escola: da criação passada à inverção necessária

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This article aims to give a comprehension to the senses and the mean- ings of the necessities of the social movements for the school and its materiality in the current policies and educational legislation. It is intended to discuss ideas of democracy, citizenship and quality in the performance of managers, teachers, school employees, students and parents, as a way to understand the values and fundamental princi- ples of school practices, bringing subjects discussed today. As a result, it is important to emphasize that the practices of social movements of the 1980s were not well established in the school nowadays. What we see is that the management implanted still has not modified the school, but, in contrast, an induced and corporative participation, which sense of involvement of families, social organizations and en- terprises, is determined by the supply of “lacks” that decrease the responsibility of the State to public education.



Democracia, Democracy, Gestão escolar, Movimentos sociais, School management, Social movements


CRUZ, José Adelson da. O movimento social e a escola: da criação passada à inverção necessária. Eccos : revista Científica, São Paulo, v. 11, n. 1, p. 57-75, jan./jun. 2009.